Admitted Stalker Remanded In Custody

July 16, 2012

40-year-old Corey Medeiros is settled into Westgate Correctional Facility after being remanded in custody on Friday morning [July 13] having plead guilty to unlawfully assaulting a woman and stalking the same woman.

Mr Medeiros pleaded not guilty to a third charge of uttering threatening words, but that charge was not proceeded with and will lie on file.

DPP Prosecutor Nicole Smith read the facts to Senior Magistrate Archie Warner. They were that the complainant had been Mr Medeiros’s girlfriend, and that she had broken off the relationship in September 2011.

In July 2012, Mr Medeiros had gone to see her at her place of employment on Front Street. There he had spoken to her, questioning her about her new boyfriend. Later, when she’d finished work and was walking home, Mr Medeiros had offered her a lift in his car and she had accepted.

Once in the car, Mr Medeiros did not drive her to her Pembroke home but drove, instead, to Fort Hamilton. At Fort Hamilton, she tried to escape but he restrained her and drove off, ending up on Vesey Street in Devonshire. There he stopped the car so that she could not open the passenger side door and pulled out a machete.

Mr Medeiros punched her and told her that he’d chop her up into little bits and throw her parts into the marsh so that nobody would find anything. She pleaded with him and he finally took her to her Pembroke home.

On 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th he called her several times; again came onto her job; and once chased her in his car causing her to drive to the Police Station in order to shake him off. On 11th July he jumped into her car as she was leaving work.

After a formal complaint was lodged with Police, Mr Medeiros was arrested on 12th July. Questioned by Police, he admitted stalking his ex-girlfriend, admitted taking her in his car, and admitted punching her. DPP Prosecutor Ms Smith said that the woman showed bruising.

Unrepresented, speaking for himself, Mr Medeiros denied using a machete and said: “I’m sorry for my emotions. We went to Barr’s Park. She’s been at my house every night. She’s playing with me.”

The Senior Magistrate asked why he should believe him. Mr Medeiros replied: “Because I don’t want to go to jail.”

The Senior Magistrate adjourned the matter for sentencing next month, ordered a Social Inquiry Report and a Psychological Report, and remanded Mr Medeiros into custody until that date.

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  1. Convicted Stalker Given Suspended Sentence | | August 24, 2012
  1. Average Bermudian Male says:

    Dang family, just let it go.

  2. 2 Braceletz says:

    The thirst of Bermudian males is at an all time high. Women outnumber men, move on and get a new girl.

  3. girlie says:

    Get you act together. You hurt your mom.


    You tell the whole story but leave out the most IMPORTANT PART! HIS FACE! EXPOSE this guy! By EXPOSING this guy you could probably be saving a life or saved another woman from this “MONSTER”!

    • Bernews says:

      Sorry about that but barring breaking the law, whipping out a camera inside Court and probably getting ourselves arrested – we really have no way to obtain a photo.

      Please recall the new Magistrates Court building means no more ‘perp walks’, the defendants are taken away inside the building…notice we never really post photos from Magistrates Court anymore..

      The Supreme Court is where we can still get photos, as the defendants are still brought outside…

  5. WayToGo says:

    I feel sorry for the men….he just needs a good wife to love him. Hugs and kisses to you boo hope you find someone in Westgate

  6. wooooow... says:

    come on! did dis guy actually think he wud get d girl affa all dat? can sumbody say TRIPPIN?!!!