Miss Bermuda Does It Again, Makes Model Cut

July 23, 2012

[Updated] Miss Bermuda Rochelle Minors continues to make a strong impact in the Miss World contest, having made the semi-finals of another portion — this time selected to go through to the semi-finals of the Top Model contest.

No stranger to the catwalk, Miss Minors is a well known model on the local scene having modeled in numerous fashion shows across the island since the age of 14.

She has walked the catwalk during London Fashion Week, served as a hair model for the renowned salon Vidal Sassoon and participated in Salon International.

In describing the Top Model portion, the Miss World organizers said: “As the music stated pumping, each contestant walked the length of the room towards the waiting judges, paused and struck a pose, and then held their number up so they could easily be identified.

“With every single contestant being so unique and fabulous in her own way, you could see how tough it was going to be to pick the models.”

Miss Minors has already made the semi-finals of the talent portion, and is set to compete for the Miss World title in Inner Mongolia, China on August 18th.

Bermuda stands as one of only 11 countries [out of 121] to have our representative make the semi-finals of both preliminary contests held so far.

Update 12.58pm: Miss World has today eliminated 10 more contestants from the model portion – however Miss Bermuda was not one of them – and is still in and will appear in the Top Model Catwalk Show.

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Category: All, Entertainment, News, Style & Beauty

Comments (34)

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  1. Truth is killin' me... says:

    Destiny girl!!!

  2. Honestly says:

    Congratulations! Continue to shine!

  3. Just One says:

    Represent, represent! Well done Rochelle and Bermuda!

  4. Evie says:

    Wonderful!! Congratulations, Roe! Continue to represent. You are doing Bermuda proud!

  5. GoGurl says:

    She is a “Winner”! Good job.

  6. Shar says:

    So proud of you missy! Continue to do you!

  7. g-gurl says:

    Congrats Ms. MINORS ! PROUD OF YOU !

  8. SummerBreeze says:

    Horray! For our beautiful Miss. Bermuda!

    Come on bloggers and Bermuda, let’s cheer for our Island’s Ambassador, congrats Miss. Bermuda! We’re proud of you!

  9. betty Rech says:

    Congratulations Ms Minors you could very well be the next Miss World!!

  10. Kathy says:

    You GO girl!

  11. Just Me says:

    Goooooo Celeb!!

  12. Imagine That? says:

    Rochelle you have what it takes to be Miss World. Hold your head up push your shoulders back and walk proudly as you are there for all of us.

  13. Islander says:

    Go Baby Girl…..we are all rooting for you. ♥♥

  14. 32n64w says:

    Great job Ms. Minors. Good luck!

  15. holllllaarr!!! says:

    HIp HIP HOORAY!!!!We are so happy for you Miss Bermuda soon to be Miss World..You represent us well!!!

  16. LOLA says:

    Go Roe!!! This is very good and it’ll take you to your dreams even faster, keep pushing girl!!

  17. lol!! says:

    Congrats Miss Bda!!!
    I am happy to see you enter and also make it in Talent!! Keep headin to the top!!

  18. Nick says:

    Congratulations Rochelle!! Go all the way and take the crown :) We are supporting you, you are doing Bermuda proud!!

  19. The Truth (Most Imitated) says:

    Keep going Miss Bermuda Don’t stop until you reach the top!!

  20. Congrats! says:

    Its amazing how bad news is seemingly more popular, even amongst our own.. This blog should be jam packed full of congratulatory and encouraging comments from the readers… oh well.

    Anyway, Congrats Rochelle! You are a winner no matter what happens!! Though we really do want Miss World crown in Bermuda again…! Best wishes to you!!!

  21. Sun says:

    Big Congrats Rochelle!! So excited for you and proud of you … tracking your success all the way to the end!

  22. “She’s Bad!” In my best Michael Jackson voice!

  23. Nonsense says:

    So proud!! Keep up the good work Rochelle!

  24. Jim Bean says:

    Go PLP!!!

  25. PPamplin says:

    This is really exciting news for Bermuda. Well done, Ms. Minors.

    I had the privilege to attend the Bda pageant and I was impressed with all of the ladies. Ms. Minors was an overwhelming choice and I am confident that we are well represented.

  26. Proud Bermudian says:

    Great for Miss Minors my family and I are rooting for you to bring home the crown girl. :)

  27. citi zen says:

    Bernews, thanks for keeping us informed on how Miss Bda is doing. We never know how our representatives are doing; so, thank you.

    Bermuda is excited to know.

  28. Beauty says:

    Rochelle I wish you the best and good luck…..Hope you win.

  29. CHOCOLATE CHIP says:

    This is so exciting. On Aug 18th, we need a BIG MISS WORLD to do in a big room with big screen tvz!!! Congrats Miss Minors!!! We are so proud of your accomplishments.

  30. Gayneté says:

    Good job Roch!
    Keep up the good work!

  31. Rose says:

    OMG You are beautiful in every way, you will do Bermuda very well, Good Luck!!!!

  32. LMD says:

    Continue to reach for the stars! You are doing Bermuda proud:-).. All the best!

  33. Elizabeth Davis says:

    Well done you can go all the way we are proud of you.

  34. What a day....baffled says:

    All the way ! !