Bermuda Tourism Arrivals Decline By 1.4%

August 24, 2012

Earlier today [Aug 24] the Minister of Business Development and Tourism Wayne Furbert provided an update on the latest tourism figures, which show that total visitor arrivals to Bermuda in the second quarter of 2012 declined by 1.4%.

The report said: “Total visitor arrivals to Bermuda in the second quarter of 2012 declined marginally during the period by a little over 1%. This decline is a direct result of the decrease in air visitors to the island during this period with cruise visitation remaining constant and yacht arrivals soaring. The quarter ended with a total of 240,538 visitors to the island, down from 243,858 visitors in the second quarter of 2011.

“Persons choosing to travel to the island by air declined in the second quarter by 6.6% with 75,186 visitors flying to Bermuda during this time. The decrease is mostly a result in the decline in convention business which saw a dip of almost 62%, as large incentive groups received in 2011 were not recouped in 2012.

“Business travelers and visitors to the island for the purpose of visiting friends and family also declined by 12% and 13% respectively. On the other hand visitors to the island for unidentified or other reasons increased by 22% and leisure vacation travelers remained constant.”

The full report is below [PDF here], and a PDF of a second report is here.

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  1. Not surprised says:


  2. Visitor says:

    I agree with not surprised!! Boring as well as not safe even though s…t happens all around the world,they figure for 21 square miles they can’t even solve ample murders why should anyone would want to visit.

    Also don’t forget the cost of food, transportation, etc,

    It is just so sad to see how we are just falling down the charts and don’t forget social media Facebook, bernews , posting everything that happens in this Island. Would you like to visit? When there are other places with amusement parks, arcades, so much more to aprreciate, why would want someone want to visit.

    • Dave says:

      Amusement parks and arcades. You should go on a beach holiday to the UK – sounds right up your street

      • Moonbeam says:

        I agree Dave.

        NOT having amusement parks and arcades is one reason a lot of tourists WANT to come to Bermuda – to get away from a Honky Tonk vacation !

  3. it only hurts when I breath says:

    Tourism figures down??? now……… thats a surprise!
    Could it be the efficient way we run our ferries and our bus service minus tyres and maintenance issues not to say scheduleing problems on a busy day in Dockyard; or the sloopy look of our prize tourist exhibit the Lighthouse or the way we make our tourist friends feel so welcome by our awful attitudes and unfriendly manner; or……….. I got it! The way we rob them as they walk our streets, our beaches, our highways and byways and, in an extreme recent awful case, are unsuspectingly hit in an alleged DUI accident with TRAGIC results?? Or is it the way our Government has made IB workers and their visiting friends and family (who tell other friends and family) so very welcome??? or ??? Or ?? I could go on but I think you get the point. The list is endless and this government remains clueless. Time for a change? We reached that mark a long time ago………its actually OVERDUE for a change.

  4. Triangle Drifter says:

    Lets see the figures that really count. What were the bed/night numbers?

    • HeyBye says:

      They should break down the figures and seperate intl biz travel from visitors.
      I am sure the figures will show tourism is non existent.
      The recent expenditure on the new tourism campaign is precious millions down the toilet.

  5. Bermudian says:

    I love my home, but it’s boring! Not only boring, but everywhere u look there’s someone sleeping on the street/benches. Over the years Hamilton has become dirty and smelly. Not to mention useless public transportation, both on sea and land. This Island needs a fresh start with new ideas to bring this Island back on top. The only way that’s going to happen is with change, because what we have now isn’t working.

  6. argosy says:

    More failing grades for the PLP.

    Remember their first Tourism Minister (in 1998)promising to “fix” Tourism in his first 100 days!

    Like all their other “promises”. Down the toilet!!

    Time to pull the chain on these jokers….

  7. Moonbeam says:

    The Honourable ‘WANNA-BE”