Cyclist Mayho Faces “Hardest & Fastest Race Ever”

September 3, 2012

Bermuda’s Dominique Mahyo is presently in France where he is spending two months training with Philippe Mauduit and racing with the club UCC Vivonne.

Commenting on his training Mayho said, “I’ve been living in France for a month now and I’m still loving every moment of it.

“This week I didn’t get out much because I was either racing or trying to recover in time for the next race. I competed in two road races and a time trial this week.

“I’m not used to racing three really hard races in one week.

“The first race was on Wednesday in the Elite National Category. That was the hardest and fastest race I’ve ever been in.

“The course had two fairly short climbs both around five hundred meters and a long rolling road between two farms. I started the race right up at the front so I could get a good position in the pack.

“The hills were ok but when we got on the flatter part there were strong cross winds and the guys on the front drove the pace to try to drop people. The second time around I just couldn’t hold the speed they were riding at.

“The time trial was on Saturday. A twenty two kilometer course. I was pleased with my time since I didn’t have a time trial bike and the rest of the aerodynamic kit. My time was 32:14.

“Sunday was the last race of the week. The course was really hard with a three kilometer climb on a seven kilometer circuit and we had to do it thirteen times. I got in the breakaway on the first lap.

“Their were six of us. After the third time round someone would get dropped on the climb every lap. With six laps to go it was just my friend Michel and I. I started to really struggle after the eighth lap and on the ninth lap going up the climb I cracked.

“I didn’t get the results I wanted this week, but I know that I’m getting stronger and learning how to pick the right moves to follow.”

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  1. M.P.Mountbatten JP says:

    Hang in there , the best is yet to come .

  2. CS says:

    Keep it up man. Go get em!

  3. Angry Tax Payer says:

    Big things are coming your way mate. Keep up the good work!

  4. Guess Who says:

    You are our Hero. You have what it takes.