Premier Dunkley’s Bermuda Day Message

May 25, 2014

Premier Michael DunkleyIt is my pleasure to extend best wishes to everyone on this Bermuda Day. This holiday is that one very special day of the year when we come together to celebrate our heritage and each other.

It’s also a day where we participate in the numerous Bermuda Day activities, such as supporting the runners, dancing with the Gombeys at the Bermuda Day parade, or even taking our first swim of the year.

It’s a day to enjoy family and friends and a day to just simply immerse ourselves in the sights and sounds of our culture.

Bermuda is an Island built upon a strong foundation of lasting traditions of which we can be proud, and this year’s theme, Bermuda’s Historical Treasures, is very fitting, as it gives us cause to celebrate the unique aspects of our culture.

I have come to realize over my lifetime that Bermudians are a tremendously resilient and strong people. Whatever challenges we’ve encountered during our history, whether it’s social, economic or political, as a people, history has demonstrated that we always find solutions to overcome our difficulties.

As we pause to celebrate Bermuda Day, it is my hope that we take some time to reflect on how unique and special this Country is. As we look ahead we must endeavor to uphold our traditions for future generations, teaching and instilling in our children the importance of sustaining our heritage.

So on this Bermuda Day, whether you are dancing in the streets, enjoying the beach, or spending the day with family and friends, I want to encourage you to truly appreciate the treasures of Bermuda and above all, appreciate one another as Bermudians.

On behalf of the Government and people of Bermuda, I want to take this opportunity to extend you best wishes and trust that you will have a safe and fun filled Bermuda Day.

- Premier Michael Dunkley

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Comments (35)

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  1. Are you kidding me.. says:

    Thank you Mr,Primier ,wishing you and yours the very best too..

    • frank says:

      he needs to do the right thing and make minister crockwell step down the new premier is off to a bad start trying to make Bermuda believe that crockwell has done no wrong if he does not clean up that jetgate mess he may be next to go

      • Kangoocar says:

        I will correct you Frank, Premier Dunkley needs to commence the investigations on the former governments suspected malfeasance and upon any proof of guilt, commence the process of holding them accountable!!!
        These are just a few of the many that he needs to start with, Uighergate, Atlanticcondogate, Heritagewarfgate, loisbrownevans building gate and Berkleyschoolgate and let’s not forget the Florida lottery gate along with rum swizzle burtgate !!!!!

        • right is right says:

          Whatever’s you say…MP Shawn Crookwell got to go, and he is going….

        • Fact says:

          Stop being a idiot. what makes you think the OBA have not started a investigation some 15 months ago. If that’s the case the oba clowns have found nothing! While their at it investigate the ubp. They can’t because it’s like investigating themselves. The oba was a poor opposition and the only reason they won is because a certain segment didn’t vote in December 2012. Don’t forget about all the surrogates they fronted before the election, where are they now. Look at who’s running things again. Not the former BDA party not the OBA, but the UBP.

          • Raymond Ray says:

            It’s not that no wrongs were done by the former Govt. it’s the use of “fire and shredders” that make it difficult for anyone to follow a / that trail.

          • LOL (Original TM*) says:

            So by your logic the UBP did nothing either then as the PLP in the last 14 years where unable to find misdoings and they did not bring any charges

            LOL good for the goose….

        • Navin Johnson says:

          That will happen now that there is a new premier. Guaranteed

      • Comebye Ahh says:

        @FRANK. Jetgate as you love to label it cost the people of Bermmuda $0. However, you believe that SO MUCH wrong was done. However, NOT one person in te PLP or any of its bloggers and supports ever answered the following? I trust that once again. Nobody will. The posts below are from a few days ago and from a few different Bernews readers and have been asked more than once. Not once has anyone ever denied any of it or answered any of it? Somehow the PLP standards commission can not look past the fact that a donation was made (even though they too have received donations) got a ride on a plane, and had a meeting, all of which cost the people of Bda $0. BUT they don’t have a problem with anyone resigning for the below:

        Who resigned over the millions lost at Grand Atlantic?
        Who resigned over the $800 million is unaccounted for dollars?
        Who resigned over the Bermuda Cement Co deal?
        Who resigned over the millions in screw ups at Berkeley?
        Who resigned over the TCD deal not going out to tender?
        Who resigned over the Bda Emissions deal?
        Who resigned over Tuckers Point SDO?
        Who resigned over Faith Based Tourism?
        Who resigned over Beyoncé Concert?
        Who resigned when the AG found person expenses paid for with the peoples money?
        Who resigned over Cedar Beams?
        Who resigned over Dame Lois Building?
        Who resigned over Coco Reef gift?
        Who resigned over SDO at Vesey Street
        Who resigned after the PLP minister forgot to sign the Cruise Ship contract?
        Who resigned over the cruise ship pier deal, overspending, gift contract and poor workmanship ?

        Anyone wish to add to this list?

        As a TAXI driver living in the East I add.

        Who resigned over GPS self serving deal?
        Who resigned over Club Med blow down the hotel and then nothing?
        Who resigned over closing down of St. Georges Golf Course?
        T-Street – Bda Housing Corporation Scandal – ZERO resignations.

        Dame Lois Bldg – zero resignations
        Illegal Lottery – nope nobody resigned there
        Online Swizzle Sales without license – nada – nyet , nope

        Who resigned over Quigars deal?
        Who resigned over “We had to deceive you”
        Who resigned over Fast Ferry Deal?

        Don’t forget the Global Hue contract or the hiring of the late Jullian Hall as a legal consultant at the same time he was consulting the BIU during the bond arbitration with government. Whites island, carte blanche granting of SDO’s while ignoring technical officers and let’s not forget that the high ranking members of the PLP government who we’re using the BHC to buy and sell personal properties at off market prices to their gain. Mr. Bean’s hands are far to stained for him the call on anybody else to resign, irregardless of his job as leader of the opposition, this is one of the reasons that it is plain the PLP have not changed their stripes and I could not trust them to enact any of this ideas they now profess to preach.
        What about the LED light mess up in Govt offices ?

        • right is right says:

          Where UA the evidence… Old news my friend.

          • Raw Onion says:

            @right is right…..are you daft? The events listed actually happened. There is no need for evidence! If someone spent millions of taxpayers money after being advised by their own technical officers (Grand Atlantic), then someone should have resigned!!! This is just one example. If a Minister in the OBA arranged for an Urgent care facility to be built in Somerset and its completion was a year late and 10 million over budget, you’d be calling for his or her head!!

            That so called ‘old news’ isn’t old because WE are still paying for it.

            • Raw Onion says:

              *after being advised not to do so by their own technical officers

          • Comebye Ahh says:

            Where is the evidence? Did you really ask that? I guess you think the Quigars never came here or the Grand Atlantic is just an optical illusion? I guess you don’t believe the Club Med site was destroyed and people are playing golf in St Georges right now? I guess you still think we have the old ferries and not the fast ferries that are not ideal for these conditions and burn so much fuel that they usually don’t fun at full throttle.

            Or maybe you think the Tuckers Point SDO or Vesey Street SDO never happened? Do you need proof that the $4 million Beyoncé concert took place. I can try and call the 10 tourists that came to see that money waster. Don’t believe there was a Faith Based Tourism scandal and Tourism staff were forced to pay out money after being bullied. Don’t ask me to prove it, just ask a man or woman of the cloth.

            Do you need links to each of the stories with facts? Something tells me you won’t believe it anyway.

        • justin says:

          Playboy Mansion?

          • Comebye Ahh says:

            Forgot about the Playboy Mansion “Charity” party deal?

            The list continues to grow!

            What is missing? Zero resignations and explanations.

        • Raymond Ray says:

          Ya de man “Comebye Ahh” Keep pouring it on everyday so others don’t forget the crap the Progressive Labour Party caused / continue causing “all we lot”

      • in the news says:

        Only after he too is given a job opportunity, or else birdies on the fence await the singing… doubt if he will say all was well, remember he had a pit stop westgate, so his been schooled and no fool.

      • God 1st says:

        By the time we finish cleaning we wouldn’t have an opposition or government my friend.

    • Premier Dunkley with all due respect and straying away from the political storms that are lurking about, Thank you for your words that you have given and may you and your family put aside the cares of the day for one day, and just enjoy being Bermudian.

      Happy Bermuda day to all.

  2. Terry says:

    Thank you Mike for not bringing up race in your comments.
    Mr. Bean did.
    But then again….never mind.

    Happy 24th/25th/26th May.

    Memorial Day also falls the same.

    Lest we forget.


  3. nuffin but the truth says:

    bean brings up the racecard everytime,but it’s a LOSER’s game which is the only game the plp know how to play..the LOSER’s Game.

    MB and others that try to play the racecard need to take a good look around and see how many MIXED relationships there are before they open their mouth to spew out their filth!

  4. Coffee says:

    Bring back Cannonier . We are not done with him as yet . The first thing Dunkley did as Premier was to protect Mr.Cannonier from further pressures to tell the people of Bermuda where and why he (Cannonier ) went rouge . It is now your absolute duty Micheal Dunkley to shield Bermuda from further damage from Shawn Crockwell and Micheal Fayhe . Failure to do so WILL TAINT YOUR SHORT TIME AS PREMIER OF BERMUDA !
    Micheal you do not want to be on the wrong side of history ! Get rid of these men ! Save the spirit of Bermuda Day ! Expunge the aforementioned rascals from the Cabinet immediately !

    • Anon says:

      Marc Bean needs to resign immediately

      • Coffee says:

        Why ?

        • Zen says:

          Gambling, Swizzle, ineffective.

          • Coffee says:

            Nothing substantative there . Give me a grown up reason , not childish digs .

            • Anon says:

              Has not done one positive thing or brought forward any usable ideas? Nothing more than a puppet with the good Dr. pulling the strings.

              • Coffee says:

                I think the same could be said about Dunkley and Dr Gibbons !

                • LOL (Original TM*) says:

                  Coffee you show every time you talk your know very little about the party you support pathetic really

                  LOL personal I do not think any should have resigned after all they did not break a law at all did they?

                  If you think they did site it

                  • Coffee says:

                    Coffee doesn’t support any particular party . However to support a party that is unapologetic in the use of and purposely pursues and engages surrogates is rather distasteful in my view . Be that as it may,if you have no problem with that then it’s not up to Coffee to reset your moral compass .

                    • LOL (Original TM*) says:

                      My moral compass is finely pointed in the right dirrection thank you very much. Also what does morality have to do with the fact that they broke no law as it is apparent that you could not site the one or laws they broke and now you want to fall on morallity to support your hateraide. Please you are pathetic. Dare I sink to your level. I actually have a moral compass I think you might have lost yours.

                      LOL I mean common your refering to yourself in the third person in the above post who does that…


  5. Coffee says:

    @LOL… I know it’s difficult for you to stay with the story …

    They broke no criminal laws but , they misled the House , meaning that the ministerial codes of conduct were violated and trampled on by those intimately involved with Jetgate.

    It is fine with me that you calling someone pathetic somehow raises your intellectual and emotional well being . Go for it , mental health is a precious commodity .

    Oh , by the way do you support the idea of using political surrogates ? Just asking !