“Troubled Waters” Lecture To Be Held Tonight

November 10, 2014

At 7.30pm this evening [Nov 10] the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute [BUEI] and the Bermuda Audubon Society will present a lecture by artist Bruce Pearson titled “Troubled Waters: Trailing the Albatross and Cahow, an Artist’s Journey.”

Mr. Pearson first voyaged to the Southern Ocean over 35 years ago to study albatrosses and other seabirds. He recently returned again and is working in a creative partnership with BirdLife International.

The aim of the Troubled Waters partnership has been to link art and conservation to document a tragedy that has unfolded over decades out of sight on the open ocean where many hundreds of thousands of seabirds, especially albatrosses, have been snared accidentally by long-line fishing vessels.

troubled waters - an artists journey

The project offered insights into our understanding of the seabirds’ lives and the ocean environment, and inspire new engagement and identification with an extraordinarily urgent conservation crisis.

Mr Pearson’s visit to Bermuda to engage with the Cahow and its conservation story is an exciting opportunity to develop new aspects of the Troubled Waters project. Since arriving in Bermuda, he has already been out at sea sketching the Cahow and learning about the challenges it faces.

The talk takes place today [Nov 10] at 7.30pm in BUEI’s Tradewinds Auditorium in partnership with the Bermuda Audubon Society. Tickets, $20 for members and $25 for non-members, are available by calling 294-020 or at the door is there are seats left.


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