Opinion: Famous On Bermuda & America’s Cup

December 9, 2014

[Opinion column written by Chris Famous]

On Tuesday, December 2, what was perhaps the worst kept secret of 2014 was announced. Bermuda had won the right to host the 2017 America’s Cup [ AC35]. For many in the sailing community, this was akin to the second coming of Moby Dick. They had finally landed the great elusive one.

For most of us ordinary Bermudians, we had no idea what the big fuss was about since the America’s Cup was, up to that point, something that most had never heard of. There was one lady interviewed who thought the America’s Cup was related to golf.

The fact that the majority of the island has no idea about this event speaks volumes to our societal divides. Hey, not everyone grew up hanging around RBYC or RHADC.

For many, the optics of the cup presentation solidified that this was indeed an elitist event that excludes 99% of the world participating.

On the flip side, Bermudians have three years to now learn about this Billionaire Boys Club [BBC] sport, its history and the tactics involved in speed racing.

Pieces of the Pie

More importantly, Bermudians have an opportunity to partake in the economic opportunities that will become available.

Undoubtedly the first ones to benefit from this influx of capitalists and their capital will be the service providers such as:

  • Hotels
  • Grocery stores
  • Insurance companies
  • Cell phone providers
  • Internet providers
  • Restaurants

There is a high possibility of a large jump in construction activity that will allow our Bermudian tradespersons the opportunity to become fully employed. I suspect the National Training Board will be heavily enforcing their trades certification policies.

Many who had built houses during the boom years of IB may have houses currently sitting vacant. Depending on their location, those units may become occupied.

Up, ye Mighty People

One of the tenets that we have been preaching for the last two years is that ‘Bermudians must co-operate and compete.’

What do we mean by that?

Simply put, as Bermudians, we must rise up and look to become our own bosses. Constantly depending on others to do for us has become a national pastime. So much so ,that we habitually bring in non-Bermudians to tell us how to fix our problems that we knew how to fix already.

We need to end this cultural mindset.

Realistically speaking, not every person can own their own business. However, if no one attempts to create their own enterprise, none of us will ever own our own businesses, and we will be left reliant and begging for jobs from those who took a risk and put in the hard work to become entrepreneurs.

My grandfather instilled in his family the mantra of “nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Simply put, if you don’t go for anything, you will surely end up without anything.

Rise up Bermuda.

Snakes and ladders

In as much as the 2017 America’s Cup [or AC35] will present opportunities for some, there are many others who will be excluded because of these facts:

  • A highly competitive business environment
  • Nepotism by the powers that be
  • Recent immigration policy proposals.

Rest assured, we will ensure that working and middle class Bermudians are not excluded from making progress from the 2017 America’s Cup.

- Chris Famous can be contacted via email at Carib_pro@yahoo.com or Twitter at @ryderz777

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Comments (59)

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  1. Unbelievable says:

    Do actually believe what you are saying or do you just make stuff up just for the sake of scoring political points?

    • A Better Place for ALl says:

      He knows that the fact that the economy is clearly picking up, that all the new hotel developments, the promise of more tourists, the increase in the number of investors setting up shop on the island are all bad for the PLP. Not only that but the upcoming debate on Port Royal and Marc Bean’s continued misogyny all spell big trouble. If they ever want to get reelected, they need to deflect, deflect, deflect, from the fact that their bad policies killed our economy, left us in $2B debt they need to stir inequality because they certainly will never be reelected based on merit or integrity. Even they know this.

    • BetttyTrump says:

      Well written piece Chris! What is so sad is the mere fact that some folks will be driven by their political affilation rather than examination of the key points you outline. Folks are often not willing to put aside their political bias and take it for what it really is, thus the comments will reflect such!

      Some key points made in your commentary that are worth our careful consideration! Keep it coming!

  2. SMH says:

    Christopher the term is TENET not TENANT. Tenant is what needed to fill our empty apartments after the PLP drove away over 5000 expats with their bad policies. Now you’re saying that getting the biggest event Bermuda will ever get is somehow not a good thing for the island. I guess you would prefer if the economy was still in hole that it was in 2012 rather than see all this new investment? I guess you would rather keep increase the $2B in debt we were left with rather than pay some of that off with more taxes resulting from increase economic activity. I guess you’d rather your brethren were still left unemployed but voting PLP. So much for looking out for the people.

    • abracadabra says:

      Clearly you may spell well but you can’t read. He never said that this was bad for the island. That is simply your racist lenses that you look through. Geesh!

    • Robin Dixon says:

      Sorry to be such a stickler SMH but I think that you may want to examine your own use of English before correcting that of Mr. Famous.

  3. Long Bay Trading Co. says:

    it is mind boggling to me that when you consider this is the very first time that Bermuda has ever been appointed to host AC35, that CF knows so much about its outcome?! Boy, he is sure knowledgeable and certainly highly opinionated on something that we have never ever done before and that is THREE YEARS into the future…!!! I never knew such crystal balls existed that one could read them three years ahead with such certainty and arrogant confidence.

  4. agatha christie says:

    Please offer solutions and ideas…… your post also only goes to solidify the divide and does nothing to promote unity……

    • A Better Place says:

      Division is the only thing that keeps the PLP alive and relevant. No division, no PLP. Christopher wants back at the trough, he needs to have the PLP in back in power to get there so that’s why it’s all about division: white vs. black, rich vs. poor, women vs. men. In the end it’s not about doing what’s right for his brethren only doing what’s right for Christopher’s pocket book!

  5. sebring says:

    The end is coming !I never believed that i could even consider anything this guy says ! but here it everyone !I agree with what he says not everyone can own a business or has the know how Bermuda is full of afisionados ! how ever i agree again
    ( In as much as the 2017 America’s Cup [or AC35] will present opportunities for some, there are many others who will be excluded because of these facts:
    1.A highly competitive business environment

    2.Nepotism by the powers that be started under the previous administration! unfortunately many of those fools are still in the positions of hiring!

    And the one i disagree with !!!!!
    below !
    Recent immigration policy proposals.It is not unbelieveable that this man could consider this a problem because of the recent immigration proposal we have a chance of pulling off one of the most memorable events in Bermuda’s history without this we do not have the labour force to get this done in time !

    and yes ! i agree! it will be obvious that big brother can not watch everyone following fair employment practices i for one try to support bussinesses that employ bermudians but at the same time avoid suporting business that belong to people who openly discriminate against people ! who are different !and tremple on human rights !

  6. Toodle-oo says:

    Chris , for someone who often writes about our historical ties to the islands to the south you really ought to brush up on your local history a bit.
    (And yes , some of those articles do contain some accuracies and are interesting , or they ought to be, to the less well informed.)

    However , black Bermudians have a long and rich history in Bermuda’s seafaring past.
    As far back as the slave days Black Bermudians were well and highly respected crew members on Bermuda made sloops plying the oceans of the world.
    Most even set up their own businesses through their entrepreneurial skills when they returned home and traded within their own communities.
    The history of Black Bermudians who became pilots in the old days is well known too.
    Their participation in the construction of Bermuda sloops and boat building in general is also well known .

    Even with the advent of the steam ship black Bermudians were still sailing to all parts of the island as commonly as we drive our cars today as it was still the main method of transport. And fishermen ? Yes , check that too .

    It wasn’t until after the 2nd World War and the introduction of the motor car that our reliance on ‘sailing for everyone’ tapered off .

    Yes, more whites retained it as a recreational past time , but if you think that this is another ‘elitist event’ or one that shows some sort of societal divide then you really need to get out there on the next Queen’s birthday holiday and have a closer look at the participants and spectator’s fleet in the End to End Comet Race.

    • abracadabra says:

      Being a slave sailor doeth not an American Cup sailor make….dont get it twisted. I hate when racist try to see some bright light in the plight of slavery. There was nothing noble about being a slave…Nothing…Sailor or no sailor. We were trying to get free.

      • Toodle-oo says:

        *Sailor or no sailor. We were trying to get free.*

        I didn’t realize that we had posters on this forum that were 200+ years old.

  7. Cow Polly says:

    All our black Bermudian sailors must be shaking their heads at such ignorance

  8. careful says:

    hang on – as far as CF colums go this is certainly dialed back and it correct in a few things.

    Calling it a billionaires boys club is a bit odd given the passion Bermudians have for premiership football and its players which is way way way agead in terms of billionaires etc.

    This will not be an exclusive event – it literally cant be as it takes place on the sea for goodness sake where everyone can watch. yes the people who own the teams are rich – but no different to any other sport.

    Ultimately this transends polictics and gives us a chance to truly shine on the world stage, lets not mess it up.


  9. Cafe Au Lait says:

    Quote: “Rest assured, we will ensure that working and middle class Bermudians are not excluded from making progress from the 2017 America’s Cup”.

    This sounds like a veiled threat to me.

    • Creamy says:

      He’s a PLP mouthpiece, and the PLP absolutely hate the idea that Bermudians will get jobs, that the island will be successful, and that this government has done something they could never have done. They absolutely hate it.

  10. Chris Famous says:

    “More importantly, Bermudians have an opportunity to partake in the economic opportunities that will become available.”

    “Bermudians must look to co operate and compete”

    “Bermudians must rise up and look to become our own bosses”

    That is called being pro-active and being engaged in what needs to be done to participate in the financial aspect of AC35

    Thanks for reading and your taking time to share your comments.

    • Seen says:

      Chris I’m a little puzzled that you’ve chosen insurance, internet providers, and cell providers as three of the top six industries to benefit from this event.

      Hotels, grocery stores, restaurants, sure, but the other three I don’t get. Surely construction would be up there, taxis are going to make a killing, tour boat operators will do very well. I would think the smaller guest houses (if there are any left) would also do well, but I suppose you could lump them in with hotels.

      • Chris Famous says:


        I never listed in any order of importance.

        If 1000 persons are moving here to assist the teams they will be using

        Cell providers
        Internet providers

        Insurance will be needed to cover any number of incidentals such as:-

        New buildings
        New Vehicles
        AC Village liabilities

  11. Chris Famous says:

    There are recent policy proposals that have been put forth that will disadvantage Bermudians in regards to this event.

    Prime examples:-

    Allowing guest workers to have vendors licences.
    Disadvantages put on Bermudian Musicians and entertainers.

    Not cool

    • Micro says:

      And the PLP didn’t do those things?

      These recent policies are no different than PLP actions, were you against those actions as well?

      Don’t say they didn’t, we all know.

  12. Yahoo says:

    As usual, no facts from Famousss, just gibberish to work up the sheep.

  13. Just the facts.... says:

    It is amazing that Mr. Famous can spout such amazing rhetoric out of both sides of his face…. at the same time!

    What is particularly vexing to me is that he actually had a nugget of wisdom buried in his political waxing. His quote..”Simply put, as Bermudians, we must rise up and look to become our own bosses. Constantly depending on others to do for us has become a national pastime.” is completely true!! His next sentence then completely trashes this peice of wisdom. We do not bring in non-Bermudians to tell us how to fix our problems, we bring them in to help support the economic driver that right now is keeping us from falling over the abyss!

    This opportunity to host a World Class event, not once, but twice and hopefully a third time in the next three years will provide wonderfull opportunities to entrepenuerial individuals. I myself am a SME who is hoping to jump on the train! But I have to hope that the Government of the day and the Bermuda organizers makes this process as open and transparent as possible so that the opportunities are given in a manner befitting the status of the America’s Cup. Only then can we say that this will be of a benefit to all in Bermuda, and not to the ‘Billionire Boys Club’ Mr. Famous aludes to.

    One can only hope that hindsight truly is 20/20 in this case.

  14. Shari-Lynn Pringle says:

    A good opinion piece Christopher and I agree with you. Don’t mind the trolls who are so privileged that they don’t even have to think about planning today for a few crumbs off the table in 3 years time.

    • A Better Place says:

      Privileged trolls? You sure weren’t referring to me because I’m the farthest thing from it. Everything I have I earned through studying and hard work and making sure I gave 100%. I could have sat back and been entitled and said the “capitalists” coming to Bermuda for this event owe me something just because I live here but I didn’t and won’t. The nerve of some people.

      • Shari-Lynn Pringle says:

        If the shoe doesn’t fit, don’t wear it Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms A Better Place.

        “Everything I have I earned through studying and hard work and making sure I gave 100%” That’s wonderful. Hopefully you aren’t blind to so many that have also done that and been continuously and systematically ignored. Surely your education didn’t blind you?

        • A Better Bermuda for All says:

          No i wasn’t blind but i didn’t have a chip on my shoulder to carry around and get in the way.

      • Toodle-oo says:

        You left out the one thing S-L P and the others don’t want to discuss because it’s the easiest thing to rectify but they don’t want to .

        ‘Attitude’ , or lack of it , if you know what I mean .

    • A Better Place says:

      Trust me…I’m planning for how to make sure I’m part of the action happening in three years from now and not just sitting back moaning and calling into talk shows about how unfair it is that I only got “crumbs off the table”. SMH

  15. Sandgrownan says:

    He blew it. Despite some historic innaccuracies, there was the ghost of a point, but he couldn’t resist the same old tired rhetoric at the end.

  16. JUNK YARD DOG says:

    The man is a looser, ignore his trivia.

  17. Chris Famous says:

    May someone,anyone explain how allowing guest workers to have vendor licenses will help Bermudians?

    • Creamy says:

      Because Chris, if the AC is here, unemployed Bermudians get work. Jobs.

      Or I guess the unemployed Bermudians can carry on sitting on walls for the next 3 years and pat themselves on the back that they at least didn’t let a guest worker have a vendor licence.

    • Strike fund says:

      Scared of healthy competition?

      It should help them raise their game and, if these are temporary licenses, it might inspire future ideas that the expats cannot execute long term.

      Easier to blame and rear foreigners though isn’t it?

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      That really depends on what they are selling. If they are selling genuine AC stuff on behalf of the organizers & have done so at every AC event over the years, no matter where it was held, then no problem. Selling food, drinks, anything else? Then that would be a problem.

    • Edmund Spenser says:

      I’ve been looking around at the work permit proposals and the AC proposed legislation and see no mention of granting vendor licenses to guest workers. Can you please provide a reference so we can see context?

      • Chris Famous says:

        It was in the OBA Throne Speech November 2014

        • Edmund Spenser says:

          Went to the 2014 Throne Speach pdf and did a search on “vend” so I could catch vender and vendor. The search returned 0 results. Care to refine, so I know what section to look at.

          • Edmund Spenser says:

            Found it, problem with searching for text in a pdf image.

            Few things to note, from published stats for 2013:
            There are 143 Peddlers licenses (current legislation calls them peddlers licenses) at $90 per. Current legislation only requires residence, not status. Based on the date of the original legislation “Status” probably did not exist, at least in what we understand status to currently mean.

            Also, the paragraph in the Throne Speech is IMHO not well written. It could be interpreted as granting peddler licenses to work permit holders (Based on current legislation, as work permit holders are resident this is not a new right)

            Or, could be interpreted as: “Improve oversight of pedlar license permit holders and work permit holders receiving pedlar licenses.” (So not granting a new right, but improving oversight of a right that already exists in legislation)

            I would say to wait and see what the legislation, as introduced, actually changes before we all go screaming the sky is falling.

  18. Keepin' it Real!...4Real! says:

    Well i’m wondering …why would you suddenly snap out of your trance and want to prosper from an event that 1: you didn’t even know existed 2:have absolutely no knowledge or interest in 3: couldn’t give two sheets about a sailboat…reminds me of a sleeping hyena catching a scent of a fresh kill…lazily rising up and demanding the fruits of someone else’s labor.

    ps. the use of the word “you”is not meant for You but the general populace…understand me na, don’t get me wrong.

  19. steve says:

    I have never sailed. the only time I have entered a yacht club was to have a beer or attend a reception. I do know what the Americas cup is.
    Some Bermudians couldn’t wait for the formal Cup host announcement so they could call a talk show and surrender immediately. Others spend time trying to form ideas and look into small or large ways to maximize the advantage of hosting.
    Hard work spotlights a persons character,some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses and some don’t turn up at all.-Sam Ewing

  20. Keepin' it Real!...4Real! says:

    oh n 1 other thing…wen u all call these people “Elitists” or “BBC”(Billionaire Boys Club of course)you’re playing right into their hand…they love the acknowledgement…go ahead act up , so they can slap MORE restrictions on our a**es.

  21. Ari Outerbridge says:

    Chris Famous does represent blacks with an open mind. A sad day when he tries to ruin our future

  22. Thunder Man says:

    i remember watching the americas cup in the 80′s when I was about 15, with Dennis Connor the american as the main player. Saying this, I must be real rich Mr Famous. Where is all the money I should have. The notion that I should work for my living is complete and utter nonsense. I agree with you. The AC 35 should be forced to write cheques to all us Bermudians, after all, they will be using OUR oceans and breathing OUR air. I will sit back and wait for my handout, and please dont listen to all the naysayers who suggest that we should get off our backsides

  23. By the Sea says:

    I would suggest that CF has a point. The true nature on Black involvement in sailing has never been taught in local schools until the Sloop arrived. If one goes back to the 18th century one would discover that the vast majority of sailors who went to sea aboard Bermuda Ships (some 200 ships by 1750) were in fact black.

    A 1712 law prevented more than 5-6 whites from manning any single ship (Dr. Virginia Bernhard). In many cases, the captain was the only white aboard a Bermuda ship (Michael Jarvis, The Eye of all Trade). Black slaves earned one third of a seaman’s salary and were successful at personal trading.

    The story of black involvement needed to be told by non-Bermudian writers. No local historian really covered this in depth.

    When CF says black Bermudians cannot relate to sailing, that statement is true for the most part. If you are over 16 you are likely never to have heard this before.

    That being said Chris, I would suggest that this is an excellent time to reconnect the black population with the real role that they played in our maritime history.

    There are a few black sailors who could take on this task so that everyone will appreciate the significance of Bermuda’s role in maritime skills within the British Americas during. The amazing contribution of black Sailors during the age of sail needs to be told and cold be done now.

    CF I am sure you could find people to assist here.

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      The Eye of all Trade. An excellent book. One that all Bermudians should read.

    • Chris Famous says:

      Great Points

    • Chris Famous says:

      “On the flip side, Bermudians have three years to now learn about this Billionaire Boys Club [BBC] sport, its history and the tactics involved in speed racing.”

  24. Alvin Williams says:

    Former PLP premier Dr. Ewart Browne took a lot of flack when under his premiership and tourism minister in one of Bermuda’s music festivals it was said that in order to bring in the singer and entertainer Beyonce to preform; it cost One million dollars.
    In the wake of all the hubbub surrounding the fact that Bermuda is hosting the 2017 Americas- cup; one can not help but think that Bermuda hosting the 2017 Americas-cup is the OBA government’s Beyonce.

    • Unbelievable says:

      The BDA music festival was one isolated event that spanned a couple of days. It did not have anywhere the organisation that the AC will require and it did not even remotely create and sustain the number of jobs that the Ac will do.

      You don’t get it do you? Let your anger towards the OBA go in this case. Just let it go for now, man.

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      Not by a long shot Alvin. Beyonce came in, strutted her stuff for an hour or so in front of DrEB, family & friends plus a few hundred, collected $1M, got back on her plane & was gone, smiling from ear to ear.

      The benefit for Bermudians from the AC started the day after it was announced with the people who got paid setting up, taking down & entertaining on Front Street. None of them would have had a job that day were it not for the AC.

      Already rooms are being reserved, houses are being rented & people are considering options on providing services needed for the AC syndicactes which will be here far longer than one hour, far longer than a few weeks of formal racing. They will be here for months preparing for those few weeks.

    • Cafe Au Lait says:

      Alvin you have completely lost it.

      Beyonce shook her butt for a while and took a photo with DREB.

      The America’s Cup will be seen by the world for years to come.

      Even you and some of your PLP members should be able to see the difference.

      Perhaps not. There’s none so blind and all that…

    • aceboy says:

      First of all it’s *flak*…as in the black puffy stuff bombers encountered over German held territory. It came from the name of the guns that fired the projectiles that created the black stuff (filled with shrapnel)called “flugzeugabwehrkanone”.

      Secondly….what was the ROI of Beyoncé? ZERO. ZILCH. NADA. It simply boosted Dr. Brown’s ego and a few Bermudians got to watch her and dance around for a couple of hours.

      You are going to compare that to the America’s Cup, which will bring jobs and boost our entire economy?


  25. Tolerate says:

    I’m not getting the negativity at such an event? It’s a major coup to host this event, why must it be about WHO watches or WHO participates in the sport?
    When people say most Bermudians have never heard of this event; is this grounds for not pursuing hosting?
    When people say most Bermudians will not be of the elite to associate with this event; is this grounds for not pursuing hosting?
    I seriously think we have a case of sour grapes here. This is a major event that can help Bermuda, ALL Bermuda; why are we discussing ALL the negativity.
    I don’t play golf nor watch it but I didn’t raise ALL hell when the PLP pursued it.
    Bermuda is at a low point and we have an opportunity on reversing the tide by coming together and hosting a great event. But already the sticky finger are out complaining what they can get from it; and if they cannot get DIRECT benefits because they are not a part of the event, they prefer to talk it down. Ohhh, I don’t sail, ohhh its a rich mans sport; and my favorite (you know the racial one)what will it do to improve the black community? Are you people serious? We as a country are host to an event that could help kick start or economy; an economy we ALL share.
    Every day I read this BS I become more and more ashamed at what Bermuda has become.
    Never went to Music Concerts nor PGA Golf event, but saw them as affords to improve Bermuda and show her on the world stage.
    Why are people having such an issue about this event. Hell, we have to try all we can to reverse things; but I guess at the end of the day it boils down to whose idea it was I guess.

  26. Unbelievable says:

    Has the PLP even made a statement about the AC? And a positive one at that?

  27. Mr.Ed says:

    I’m glad were getting all the negetive rhetoric and aggravated political opinions out early because we certinly don’t need it when the AC35 gets closer. — infect all Bermudians must get on board so we can share the benifits of this huge event.
    The people who don’t like Sailing or Water Sports must also realise that this event when done right could lead to other big
    events. – which means somthing they like – but the main thing is a boost for our economy.
    I’m praying that the opposition understands what is going to take place and gets on board so that every Bermudian can
    be a part of this as it will affect every part and houshold of Bermuda.
    Else for Mr.Famous – he just needs to look at the whole picture and come out of the 1960′s.