Premier Provides Commission Of Inquiry Update

January 27, 2016

Premier-Michael-Dunkley sqPremier Michael Dunkley provided an update regarding the Commission of Inquiry to investigate the findings of the Auditor General’s Report on the Consolidated Fund for the Financial Years 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Premier Dunkley said it was “critical to ensure that all elements were in place” prior to formally naming the Commission.

The Premier said, “The Commission of Inquiry continues to be a priority for the Government, and at this stage we are focusing our efforts on equipping and supporting the Commission so that it can perform its duties and complete the assignment.

“The attention is currently on the composition of what will be a four-person Commission with legal, financial and governance skills and experience, as well as providing them with support staff and a location for their work. It should also be stressed that we are closely and carefully assessing a budget allocation that supports its operations.”

Premier Dunkley continued, “It’s likely the Commission chairman will be from overseas who will be working with three well qualified local commissioners. Our objective is to ensure an independent, bias-free perspective is brought to bear and maintained throughout the Commission’s hearings and deliberations.”

The Premier also pointed out that in addition to finalising the Commission’s membership, the Commission’s Terms of Reference are being refined.

The Premier noted that this is to ensure that the specified guidelines are suitable for the assignment so that the Commission’s work is done in a “comprehensive, timely and efficient manner”.

Premier Dunkley concluded, “As the public can appreciate this is a very significant undertaking and we want to take the appropriate time to dedicate the right resources to this initiative. We are also committed to being transparent and open regarding our progress.

“That said, an announcement on the Commission appointments will be made as soon as final preparations are complete and I look forward to updating the public in due course.”

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  1. Jus' Askin' says:

    Interesting ;-)

    The Road to Election 2017 :-D

    *Spoiler Alert – This Back Fires on the OBA :-(

    • Betty Boop says:

      Shut up!

      • Jus' Askin' says:

        Hate to disappoint You but NO :-D

        This comes across as a Witch Hunt and that will NEVER go over Well for the OBA. As They Will Have To Answer for Their Dealings in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 ….. and whatever else They Will Do ;-)

        This is NOT what Bermuda needs right now :-(

        • just wondering says:

          This accusation of a “witch hunt” is rather strange – this presumes you know which witch (pun intended!!) they are pursuing – it also presumes that this poor “witch” has done nothing wrong – thus you are prejudging this before its even happened – which is ironically exactly what you are accusing “them” of doing (by the way we don’t even know who “them” are yet!!!)

          • Jus' Askin' says:

            Are You serious?

            If the years are 2010, 2011 and 2012 it is Very Obvious ;-)

            • just wondering says:

              please tell me who you are referring to? I don’t know who was responsible for these dreadful overspending events back then – that I think is what the Commission is all about – if you already know who was at fault why don’t you tell the rest of us – sorry I am not trying to be rude but I think its unfair to “lambaste” a commission as biased etc when it appears you know something the rest of us don’t

        • Kangoocar says:

          @jus askin, are you serious when you say this is NOT what Bermuda needs right now?? Get real, this is EXACTLY what Bermuda needs right now!!! Just because you would prefer to keep your head buried in the sand and don’t want to hear the truth, there happens to be a VAST MAJORITY of sensible Bermudians that want to know the TRUTH, and if there is proven malfeasants ( which I am sure there is ) WE the sensible majority want those guilty held ACCOUNTABLE!!!!
          And when it comes to the OBA time in government, why do you think they need to worry??? So far EVERY audit by the AG has been CLEAN AS A WHISTLE!!! And that has been the first time that has happened since about 2005??? People as stupid as you, should not be allowed to vote, for the good of our Island!!!!!

        • jt says:

          Not sure how acting on that AG report could ever be considered a witch hunt.
          Still, the OBA will be subject to the same financial scrutiny (more so with new legislation). If the same crap happens then you’re likely right. Nothing yet, but keep the dream alive.

        • A few queries says:

          So after the AG reports on the consolidated fund (2010-2012) BLDC, TCD, BHC, and Port Royal you still think this is a witch hunt?

          Do you think that these reports were fabricated or embellished?

          Your rationale for not holding people to account for their actions is warped and is just partisan nonsense.

          Party politics truly does a number on voters.

          And so what if the OBA is caught up in any wrongdoing in the future? They should be held accountable as any other when it comes to corruption or unethical behaviour. For the record the AG has issued unqualified audits (1st time after 6 consecutive qualified audits) for this government since they took power.

          This Party before country allegiance is pretty sad.

        • bluwater says:

          You can float that around the neighbourhood, but this is exactly was Bermuda needs right now. The OBA and the PLP are in support. It’s just the old dogs, who have buried their bones who are against this. No one is fooled.

          BTW, the OBA government audits for were clean.

        • Zevon says:

          Sounds like you know who the guilty people are.

          Yeah, we all pretty much have a good idea.

          If a couple end up is prison it wouldn’t break many hearts.

    • jt says:

      If they lose it won’t be because of this.
      If they win it might be because of what stems from this and that other, pesky investigation.

    • LPL says:

      $800 million missing and hundreds of millions more spent with massive questions marks relating to who , when , where and on what the money was spent on and you think this will backfire? They may not be able to prove anything other than incompetence, but for anyone think that something about the way the PLP dealt with this countries finances isn’t wrong, must have a screw lose. Then there was Proactive deal. A contract given to a group with no previous experience that went $60million over budget.

      Then there were other deals done that are questionable and are reason for concern like Faith Based Tourism, TCD Building, Port Royal, Dockyard Pier, Grand Atlantic… and the list goes on.

    • Onion Juice says:

      Can’t wait for the Jet Gate inquiry.

      • aceboy says:

        I suggest you hold your breath.

        This Inquiry stems from the Auditor General’s report on public funds. Jetgate involved no public funds, ergo there cannot be a COI on that matter.

  2. fact says:

    We need more jobs.

  3. bluwater says:

    Ok. We’re waiting.

  4. Betty Boop says:

    Can’t wait to hear the out come of this disaster Mr. Premier. Please let us know how much time in prison they will get, if guilty. Thanks.

  5. Navin Pooty Tang Johnson says:

    Long long overdue……follow the money…… are being created everyday if people are willing to go look

  6. Unbelievable says:

    Some of you are a bunch of gribble people. Isn’t this what we wanted? Someone to look under the hood?

    Go ahead, Mr. Premier. Proceed and appoint your Commission please.

  7. jahstice says:

    What you go in do when they come for you? Bad boys, bad boys and girls, what you gonna do?

  8. mixitup says:

    I’m all for it….. along with that commission if inquiry relating to that land grab in tuckers town…. Oh rite, that’s not happening for some odd reason.

    • Toodle-oo says:

      You must be talking about the ‘land grab’ SDO under the PLP’s watch ? No ?

      The only thing before that , that a lot of people seem confused about , was a compulsory purchase order where people were actually paid (above market rate) for their property.

    • Widget says:

      Grow up.

    • Common Sense says:

      Would the “land grab” in Tuckers Town be akin to the “land grab” in Pembroke Parish prior to 1797 when the Government of the day decided to ‘grab’ the land owned by farmers and property owners where the City of Hamilton now stands. Is it just possible that the compulsory purchase of that land in Pembroke to create a town in the Central Parishes was in the long term interest of Bermuda, and the same for the compulsory purchase of land in Tuckers Town which was a major driving force in creating our tourism industry.

      If we need a commission of inquiry to look into the acquisition of land in Tuckers Town then we surely need the same for the City of Hamilton land, and didn’t the Government of the day also acquire land in Devonshire for the British Army at Prospect? If we need a Commission of Inquiry for Tuckers Town we should include all so-called “land grabs” in order to put them into historical perspective.

      • Toodle-oo says:

        Also don’t forget Watford and Boaz Islands , Tucker and Morgan’s islands and the surrounding land (now known as Morgan’s Point) and St David’s .

        Funny how it seems that the only area that ever gets talked about is Tucker’s Town but we all know the reason for it .

  9. Moonshine says:

    How much is this commission costing the Tax Payer??? And will it pay for itself upon completion?..

    • Kangoocar says:

      @moonshine, in my opinion, those that are found to be guilty, should be made to pay back the $800 MILLION, so this miniscule cost, should be no problem, don’t you agree??????

    • Faulk says:

      If we get our money back, an incredible return…

    • Zevon says:

      Probably much less than it cost to returf a golf course.

  10. Widget says:

    For all of you that don’t want an commission of inquiry, tell me why and what are you hiding from?

  11. Coffee says:

    It will be a tall order for the Premier to find clean hands amongst his peers who are equipped with the required tools to fulfill the mandate .

  12. Double Trouble says:

    What is the purpose of the Commission. It is to look and see what the PLP may have done or is it to identify systematic issues which may have lead to overspending. If the commission is limited to the years mentioned than it is easy to assume this is a witch hunt. If it is expanded to include more recent concerns under this “transparent” OBA Government there would be less room for criticism.

    • Zevon says:

      It’s limited to those years because those are the years specified in the auditor general’s report.
      Try to keep up. It’s not that hard to follow.

    • Unbelievable says:

      Haven’t ups been paying attention? It’s to investigate the findings from the Auditor General’s most reports.

  13. Faulk says:

    What the Premier is not saying is that so far every qualified person they have asked to join the commission has declined. That is the climate of fear and intimidation that still pervades from the last Government.

  14. Coffee says:

    It’ll be a tall order for Dunkeley to find anyone in Bermuda with the qualifications that’s required who didn’t benefit from government contracts during the years under investigation . I dare say that members in his own cabinet may be investigated .

  15. Coffee says:

    In all fairness , The Hon.Craig Cannonier should be elected chairman heading up the commission of inquiry . Agreed ? Agreed !

    That way every bodiy will be comfortable with the overall trajection of the excercise .

    • smh says:

      I don’t usually agree with you but we do agree on Cannonier having a questionable reputation. There is definitely a stench of “unethical if not illegal” about him that will never go away.

  16. steve says:

    Lets start putting criminal politicians in jail…its seems to be the only way to keep we Bermudians from voting for them!

  17. rhonda says:

    Fadda, red meat for the oba base, no one else believes this is a serious inquiry..

    The oba has their base believing 800 million is missing, where is the commission on that….

  18. JUNK YARD DOG says:

    It is about “The whole truth and nothing but the truth.”