Photos, Video & Results: Comet Sailing Race

July 30, 2020

[Updated] The 2020 Edward Cross Long Distance Race got underway in bright and sunny skies in the St. George’s Harbour. First out of the town cut channel was Gladwin Lambert and his crew Stefan Maybury, followed by Rudy Bailey, with Stephen Dickinson right behind.

The trio remained in the positions as the made their way around Fort St. Catherine heading for the oil docks.

At the oil docks, things changed a bit with Bailey taking the lead with Dickinson in second and Lambert had fallen a distance back in third.

As the fleet approached Flatt’s, Bailey had taken full control of the race, with Maxwell Curtis in second, Lambert in third and Dickinson in fourth.

Curtis was able to sail past Bailey just off Devonshire and open up a four-boat length lead, while Dickinson made a tack to try and line himself up for one straight run to the finish line.

Curtis and Bailey had to make another tack to come back to Dickinson and Lambert, Bailey decoded a short tack which costed him, while Curtis went across to where Dickinson was and rolled on top of him and from there it was a sprint to the line with Curtis needing one more tack to just edge Dickinson by two seconds.

Update: The full results are below

  • 2:29.28 Maxwell Curtis/Stefan Furbert – Pole Position
  • 2:29.30 Stephen Dickinson/Anderica Gilbert – Kitty Hawk
  • 2:30.38 Rudy Bailey/Carey Bean – My Mary
  • 2:31.12 Gladwin Lambert/Stefan Maybury – Melody
  • 2:31.33 Dale Brangman/Tajahari Rodgers –
  • 2:35.05 Scott Fox/Joanna Santiago – Get the Cat
  • 2:40.15 Anthony Smith/Shawn Bremar – Rebel
  • 2:40.39 Lorenzo Lambert/Gregory Wade – Sea Hawk
  • 2:41.46 Quinton Simons/Gregory Proctor – Stir de Pot
  • 2:45.39 Zaniko Henderick/Zanikae Hendrickson – Radical
  • 2:48.03 George Hayward/Mickai Brangman – Mai Lucy
  • 3:00.29 Antoine Wingood/Fred Bulford – Swizzle
  • 3:07.18 Jakal Washington/Jason Sukdeo – Lady Commodore

Update: Photos added below

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July 30 2020 Bermuda comet sailing race ocean (15)

July 30 2020 Bermuda comet sailing race ocean (13)

July 30 2020 Bermuda comet sailing race ocean (12)

July 30 2020 Bermuda comet sailing race ocean (11)

July 30 2020 Bermuda comet sailing race ocean (10)

July 30 2020 Bermuda comet sailing race ocean (9)

July 30 2020 Bermuda comet sailing race ocean (8)

July 30 2020 Bermuda comet sailing race ocean (7)

July 30 2020 Bermuda comet sailing race ocean (6)

July 30 2020 Bermuda comet sailing race ocean (1)

July 30 2020 Bermuda comet sailing race ocean (2)

July 30 2020 Bermuda comet sailing race ocean (3)

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July 30 2020 Bermuda comet sailing race ocean (5)

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