Police Commissioner Tests Positive For Covid-19

November 13, 2020

[Updated] Following a short period of overseas leave, Police Commissioner Stephen Corbishley has tested positive for Covid-19 so he is now isolated at home, in regular contact via electronic means with his management team, and is “in good spirits and looks forward to returning to work.”

Commissioner of Police Stephen Corbishley Bermuda Dec 9 2019

A statement sent by the police said, “The Bermuda Police Service can report that Mr. Stephen Corbishley, the Commissioner of Police, has tested positive for Covid-19 earlier this week, following a short period of overseas leave.

“Please be aware that the Commissioner undertook a pre-travel Covid-19 test, within the Government’s stipulated 7 day period before departure, the results of which were negative.

“The Commissioner is now isolated at home for the next 14 days.

“The Department of Health is aware and Commissioner Corbishley is in regular contact, electronically, with his management team.

“Mr. Corbishley remains in good spirits and looks forward to returning to work.”

Update 4.38pm: A police spokesperson said, “Following the covid arrival test at LF Wade the Police Commissioner returned home into quarantined isolation to await his test result as per regulations and had no contact with members of the public as well as any member of the BPS.

“The positive Covid test was received by the commissioner the next day contrary to the negative pre-travel test he received from overseas.”

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  1. Pure Madness!!!! says:

    I trust that the Commissioner will make a full recovery….
    What baffles me is that you are required to take a Covid test however many days before travel. Cool got it. However if the traveler is not taking precautions as well as isolating themselves from the time they leave that appointment and the time of travel, they could be in contact with multiple people. Which in my mind makes no sense what so ever.
    And trust me I am not saying that is/was the case with the Commissioner but I just don’t get it…
    I believe something else needs to be done, I just don’t know what it could be…..

    • trufth says:

      Agree. I have been saying since day 1: you can literally contract covid on your way out the door of the testing facility. Fast forward 7 days before your flight and your chances are massive. The only semi-solution would be to shorten the number of days the test is required before the flight. Most places require testing to be done within 72 hours of your flight.

      Essential travel only, people!! The majority of us are doing what we are supposed to so perhaps these people that feel the need to travel should be required to share in that effort and quarantine longer and get pre tested closer to their flights. Share in the inconvenience if you must travel. That’s the cost of travel during a pandemic. Seems fair?

  2. Well Wisher says:

    Wishing you a speedy recovery Sir

  3. Why? says:

    I do hope he makes a speedy recovery, I think that he is an excellent police commissioner.

    But why was he away, it sounds like it was vacation?

    Why are so many residents going on vacation?

    Is Warwick academy really closing an extra week at Christmas to allow families to isolate after they travel?! Why are they traveling? Are we Bermudians so entitled that we feel the need to travel during a pandemic?

    Essential travel only, please. Do we really want another lockdown?

    • Paul Rivere says:

      What is essential for others may NOT be essential for you by definition.
      There are lots of families who ONLY get to see relatives during the holidays.
      Maybe it’s a parent who been living alone and isolated since.
      Maybe it’s a wedding.
      Everyone can’t expected to just stay here on this rock, life goes on.
      Maybe you should read about the Spanish Flu of 1918.
      If the opportunity becomes available for me and my family, we too shall go away, and that’s NOT selfish or entitled thinking.

      • Acegurl says:

        Oh yes it is. It’s not only about YOU, it’s about people you are in contact with. A little consideration of others could help you in decision making.

    • Paul Rivere says:

      What is essential for others may NOT be essential for you by definition.
      There are lots of families who ONLY get to see relatives during the holidays.
      Maybe it’s a parent who been living alone and isolated since.
      Maybe it’s a wedding.
      Everyone can’t expected to just stay here on this rock, life goes on.
      Maybe you should read about the Spanish Flu of 1918.
      If the opportunity becomes available for me and my family, we too shall go away, and that’s NOT selfish or entitled thinking.
      Not like we can drive to another state or county.
      Don’t think going to St David’s counts anymore as going to a far away place.

  4. Ronnie Chameau says:

    Commissioner hoping for a speedy recovery. we’ll miss you.

  5. Sick and tired says:

    How is it you can make his name public, but all the other positive cases, no one knows who they are. What if I came in contact with these other people, and not know they were positive. How many other other public officials were positive and not made public. I smell a rat here. If you name and shame one you shame and name all.

    • Bernews1 says:


      To clarify, we understand it may look unusual, as media don’t often name people in medical situations, but clearly in this case Commissioner Corbishley approved it, as the police sent the statement. And also it’s not to ‘shame’ him, the Commissioner has Covid, and as noted above is doing the correct thing, as he waited at home for his results and is now isolating at home. We wish him a speedy recovery :-)


  6. Ronica. Hite says:

    I trust you get better soon may God Bless you pray you get will get back on your feet