March 17: ‘Women In The Boardroom’ Discussion

March 13, 2022

The Institute of Directors [IoD] Bermuda and Deloitte Bermuda will celebrate International Women’s Day by hosting Women in the Boardroom, a panel discussion on Thursday, March 17 from 9.00am to 10.30am, with the virtual presentation to be facilitated by Deloitte.

“While Bermuda has seen an increase in board gender diversity, the process has been slower than many would like,” says Danielle Riviere, IoD Executive Director.

“In recognition of International Women’s Day, #BreakTheBias, the panel will discuss what steps women can consider to be eligible to join boards, perspectives from a non-executive director, the value of male allies and challenges of increasing boardroom diversity.”

Rachelle Frisby, Partner, Financial Advisory at Deloitte Bermuda, will moderate Women in the Boardroom and be joined by panelists: Claudia Philipsz-Jones, Managing Director, Cayman and Group, Head of Business Development, Expertise Group; Pauline Richards, Chief Operating Officer of Trebuchet Group Holdings Limited and; Lloyd Holder, Chief Information Security Officer at SiriusPoint and the Institute of Directors Bermuda Diversity & Inclusion Board Ambassador and moderator.

“Across the world we have seen an increase in women holding top executive and board positions, but there is a long way to go before we see true gender diversity at these levels,” says Ms Riviere. “We must continue to promote gender equality and encourage ongoing discussions and learning opportunities focused on diversity and inclusion.”

A spokesperson added, “This session will provide an opportunity for participants to learn more about how they can be a part of increasing the number of women in the boardroom.

“The underrepresentation of women on boards remains a key area of focus for organisations globally, but overall progress remains slow, and for women in leadership positions, even slower.

“The Deloitte report titled Women in the boardroom: A global perspective reviews 10,493 companies in 51 countries; and highlights that just under 20% of board seats are held by women, an increase of just 2.8 percentage points in two years. If this rate of change were to continue every two years, we could expect to reach something near parity in 2045. In Bermuda we fall under the average. In addition, only 2.6% of board chairs and 5% of CEOs in Bermuda are female,” said Rachelle Frisby, Partner, Deloitte.

“The most diverse boards still tend to be found at women-led companies at the executive or board levels. We will likely see the debate about diversity in the boardroom continue to rage for some time to come.”

A spokesperson added, “To register or learn more about the Women in the Boardroom please visit or email Visitors can also learn more about other upcoming events including a presentation of PwC’s 2021 Annual Corporate Directors Survey [US] on March 29th from 9:30am – 10:30am.”

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