Official Govt & Legal Notices For May 13 2022
The official Government and Legal notices for today [May 13] include acting appointments, exemption to Royal Jet Bermuda, liquor licence, notice of intention to construct a controlled plant, and air navigation order.
Assistant Justice
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Acting Appointments
- Notice ID: GN0516/2022
- Public Authorities / Department: The Judiciary
- Publication date: 13 May 2022
Government Notice No.
Acting Appointment
Judicial Department
The Governor, after consultation with the
Chief Justice, has approved the appointment of Ms. Alexandra Domingues, Registrar to act as Assistant Justice for the period 16th -20th May 2022 and Mrs. Cratonia Thompson, Assistant Registrar to act as Registrar for the period 16th – 20th May 2022.
Dated this day of 2022
Deputy Governor
Thomas Oppenheim
Exemption To Royal Jet Bermuda
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Public Notification
- Notice ID: GN0515/2022
- Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
- Publication date: 13 May 2022
Specification Of Flights
Which Do Not Require An Air Transport Licence
Note: Section 8 [1] of the Civil Aviation [Air Transport Licensing] Act 2007 [“the Act”] provides that no aircraft shall be used for the carriage for reward of passengers or cargo on a flight unless the operator holds an air transport licence and complies with the terms of the licence. This provision applies to any flight in any part of the world by an aircraft registered in Bermuda and any flight, which begins or ends in Bermuda, by an aircraft not registered in Bermuda. Section 8 [3] [c] of the Act provides that this prohibition does not apply to any particular flight, or series of flights, specified in an instrument made by the Minister and published in the Gazette. This instrument does not affect the requirement for the operator to hold an appropriate air operator certificate.
The Minster, in pursuance of his powers under Section 8 [3] [c] of the Act hereby specifies for the purposes of the said paragraph [c] the following flights:
All sole-use charter flights operated by Royal Jet Bermuda Limited.
For the purposes of this instrument “sole-use charter flight” means a flight solely for the carriage of passengers with or without their baggage in consequence of a person’s exclusive right to use the carrying capacity of the aircraft, being passengers none of whom is carried for a separate fare; and for the purposes of this provision:
any reward wholly or partly in respect of or in connection with the carriage of a passenger [other than remuneration passing from the operator of the aircraft to a member of the crew thereof] shall be deemed to be a fare, irrespective of the person by whom or to whom it has been given: provided that reward for the exclusive right to use the passenger capacity of the aircraft shall not be a fare; and
a fare shall be deemed to be separate although it is for several journeys, or for a group of passengers who are fewer in number than the number of seats occupied on the flight.
This instrument shall take effect on the date given below, shall be published in the Gazette in accordance with Section 8 [5] of the Act, and shall remain in effect until further notice.
Minister of Transport
6 May 2022
Notices Of Hearing: Annual Session 2022 – Alfresco Licence
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Liquor Licence
- Notice ID: GN0514/2022
- Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
- Publication date: 13 May 2022
Liquor Licence Act 1974
Notices Of Hearing
Liquor Licencing Authority
Annual Session 2022 – Alfresco Licence
The Chairman of the Liquor Licensing Authority, in compliance with the requirement of Section 7 of the Liquor Licence Act 1974 gives the following notice:
A Special Session of The Liquor Licensing Authority for the year 2022 / 2023 will be held at the 30th day of May, 2022 via video link, at 12:30 p.m. to hear the applications for the grant/ transfer of the following licenses for the year 2022/2023.
Applicant | Org/Business Name | Address | Parish |
Mazahim Mohamed Shabdeen | Anchor Restaurant Bar and Lounge | 1,Freeport Road,Ireland Island ,Dockyard | Sandys |
Livio Ferigo | Bella Vista Bar and Grill | 5 Port Royal Drive | Southampton |
Richard Olson | Bermuda Bistro At The Beach | 103 Front Street | City of Hamilton |
Livio Ferigo | Bone Fish Bar and Grill | 2 Dockyard Terrace | Sandys |
Philip Barnett | Brew Alfresco | 53 Front Street | City of Hamilton |
Livio Ferigo | Cafe Amici | 5 Freeport Road | Sandys |
Joseph Fernandes | Chatterbox Cafe | 7 Reid Street, Washington Mall, Hamilton | City of Hamilton |
Jennie Lamerton | Devils Isle Cafe & Bar | 19 Burnaby Street | City of Hamilton |
Debra Whited | Divots Bar & Grille | 25 Belmont Hills Drive | Warwick |
Debra Whited | Flanagans Irish Pub | 69, Front Street, | City of Hamilton |
Philip Barnett | Frog and Onion Pub AlFresco | 6 Maritime Lane | Sandys |
Gulfstream Restaurant | Gulfstream Restaurant Ltd | 117 South Road | Southampton |
William Cox | Harry’s at The Waterfront – Miles Restaurants Ltd. | 96 Pitts Bay Road | Pembroke |
Philip Barnett | Hog Penny AlFresco Deck | 24 Burnaby Street | City of Hamilton |
Delton Ebbin | Horseshoe Bay Live | 94 South Road | Southampton |
La Trattoria | La Trattoria | 23 Washington Lane | City of Hamilton |
Little Venice Restaurant & Wine Bar | Little Venice Restaurant & Wine Bar | 32 Bermudiana Road | City of Hamilton |
Jessica James | Oak | Belvedere Building Unit 3, 69 Pitts Bay Road | Pembroke |
Philip Barnett | Pickled Onion Restaurant Alfresco | 53 Front Street | City of Hamilton |
Yellowfin Ltd. – Port O Call | Port O Call | 87 Front Street | City of Hamilton |
Rustico Ltd | Rustico Restaurant & Pizzeria | 38 North Shore Road | Hamilton Parish |
The Dining Room Ltd | Tamarind Indian Restaurant | 68 St Anne’s Road | Southampton |
Julie Hoerrmann | Temptations Two | 18 Wellington Street | St. George’s Parish |
Zorba Ltd. – The Astwood Arms | The Astwood Arms | 85 Front Street | City of Hamilton |
William Cox | The Cloud – Miles Restaurants Ltd. | 90 Pitts bay Road – 3rd Floor – Wellesley House | Pembroke |
Manika Smith | The New Woodys Drive Inn | 1 Woodys Drive Boaz Island | Sandys |
Shannon Simons | Thyme Resturant | 1 Cataract Hill | Paget |
RWTP Hotel Limited | Tucker’s Point Beach Club | 60 Tucker’s Point Drive | Hamilton Parish |
Wahoos Bistro Ltd. | Wahoos Bistro Ltd. | 36 Water Street | Town of St. George’s |
Any person ordinarily resident in the Parish or any owner or occupier of any property lying within three hundred yards of the premises in respect of which this application is made may object to the grant of the license provided written notice containing, in general terms, the grounds of the objection is served on The Chairman of The Liquor Licensing Authority, The Commissioner of Police and The Applicant not less than three days before the hearing. Finally, if you are called to a hearing the Clerk will contact you.
Marc G Daniels
Bermuda Land Development Company
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Notice of Intention to Construct a Controlled Plant
- Notice ID: GN0513/2022
- Public Authorities / Department: Environment and Natural Resources
- Publication date: 13 May 2022
Government Notice No.
Clean Air Act
Notice Of Intention To
Construct a Controlled Plant
Pursuant to Part II of the Clean Air Rules 1993,
application has been made to the Environmental Authority for a permit to construct a controlled plant as follows:
Name Of Applicant
Bermuda Land Development Company
Address Of The Proposed
Controlled Plant
BLDC Southside, 8 Southside Road,
St David’s DD03
Description Of Proposed
Controlled Plant
One 60 kW diesel-fire generator with silencer to provide interim electrical supply during power outages.
This application is available for inspection at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources during normal working hours. Any person wishing to object to the proposed plant may, within 14 days of the date of this publication, lodge their objection with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 169 South Road, Paget DV 04. Letters of objection must state the name and address of the objector; the grounds of the objection; whether the objector has an interest in land near to that which the application relates; and be signed by the objector.
Date: 13 May 2022
Bermuda Land Development Company
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Notice of Intention to Construct a Controlled Plant
- Notice ID: GN0512/2022
- Public Authorities / Department: Environment and Natural Resources
- Publication date: 13 May 2022
Government Notice No.
Clean Air Act
Notice Of Intention To
Construct a Controlled Plant
Pursuant to Part II of the Clean Air Rules 1993,
application has been made to the Environmental Authority for a permit to construct a controlled plant as follows:
Name Of Applicant
Bermuda Land Development Company
Address Of The Proposed
Controlled Plant
BLDC Southside, Tommy Fox and Southside Road junction, St David’s
Description Of Proposed
Controlled Plant
One 100 kW diesel-fire generator with silencer to provide interim electrical supply during power outages.
This application is available for inspection at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources during normal working hours. Any person wishing to object to the proposed plant may, within 14 days of the date of this publication, lodge their objection with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 169 South Road, Paget DV 04. Letters of objection must state the name and address of the objector; the grounds of the objection; whether the objector has an interest in land near to that which the application relates; and be signed by the objector.
Date: 13 May 2022
Clean Air Act TSG Trust
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Notice of Intention to Construct a Controlled Plant
- Notice ID: GN0511/2022
- Public Authorities / Department: Environment and Natural Resources
- Publication date: 13 May 2022
Government Notice No.
Clean Air Act
Notice Of Intention To
Construct a Controlled Plant
Pursuant to Part II of the Clean Air Rules 1993,
application has been made to the Environmental Authority for a permit to construct a controlled plant as follows:
Name Of Applicant
TSG Trust
Address Of The Proposed
Controlled Plant
Lot 3-2B Hexham Drive, Mangrove Hill,
Hamilton Parish HS02
Description Of Proposed
Controlled Plant
One 20 kW LPG-fired generator with silencer to provide interim electrical supply during power outages.
This application is available for inspection at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources during normal working hours. Any person wishing to object to the proposed plant may, within 14 days of the date of this publication, lodge their objection with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 169 South Road, Paget DV 04. Letters of objection must state the name and address of the objector; the grounds of the objection; whether the objector has an interest in land near to that which the application relates; and be signed by the objector.
Date: 13 May 2022
Director Of Public Prosecutions
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Acting Appointments
- Notice ID: GN0510/2022
- Public Authorities / Department: Department of Public Prosecutions
- Publication date: 13 May 2022
Government Notice No.
Acting Appointment
Director Of Public Prosecutions
Her Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Mr. Carrington Mahoney, Deputy Director – Administration, to act as the Director of Public Prosecutions from the 27th to 31st May 2022 or until her return.
Deputy Governor
Restricted Flying Sail GP Event 2022
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Air Navigation Order
- Notice ID: GN0509/2022
- Public Authorities / Department: Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority [BCAA]
- Publication date: 13 May 2022
21st April 2022
Direction under Article 68 of the Air Navigation [Overseas Territories] Order 2013 Restricted Flying [SailGP 2022]
1 Introduction
1.1 This Direction is issued under Article 68 of the Air Navigation [Overseas Territories] Order 2013 [S. I. 2013/2870] [UK] by the Director General of the Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority, as designated by the Governor under Article 6 of that Order.
2 Citation and purpose
2.1 This Direction may be cited as the Air Navigation [Overseas Territories] Restricted Flying [SailGP 2022] Direction 2022.
2.2 This Direction is made in the public interest for the purposes of safety and security of permitted aircraft in the area above the SailGP 2022 event in Bermuda from 11th of May until 15th of May 2022, inclusive. This Direction restricts the flying of non-participating aircraft, unmanned aircraft [drones], microlights, gliders, airships and balloons.
3 Interpretation
3.1 In this Direction—
“the Order” means the Air Navigation [Overseas Territories] Order 2013 [S. I. 2013/2870] [UK] as amended;
“unmanned aircraft [drones]” means any unmanned aircraft or any other remotely piloted aircraft
“microlight” means an aeroplane designed to carry not more than two persons which has—
[a] a maximum take-off mass not exceeding—
[i] 300 kg for a single seat landplane: or
[ii] 450 kg for a two seat landplane: or
[iii] 330 kg for a single seat amphibian or floatplane; or
[iv] 495 kg for a two-seat amphibian or floatplane; or
[continued next page]
[v] 315kg for a single seat landplane equipped with an airframe mounted total recovery parachute system; or
[vi] 472.5kg for a two-seat landplane equipped with an airframe mounted total recovery parachute system; and
[b] a stalling speed, or minimum steady flight speed, at the maximum take-off mass not exceeding 35 knots calibrated airspeed.
4 Restriction
4.1 Unless identified as an Excepted Operation in Paragraph 5, no person shall fly or operate or cause or permit an aircraft, unmanned aircraft [drone], microlight, glider, airship or balloon to fly or operate within the airspace defined below at the times and dates specified below, without the written approval of the Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority and the permission of the SailGP organizers —
Designation: TX[R] – 010
Co-ordinates: A circle encompassing 2 [two] nautical miles radius centered at position 32°17’30” N / 64°50’50 W [graphic on]
Altitude: Surface to 1,500 ft above mean sea level
Hours: 1200 – 2000 UTC [0900 – 1700 lcl]
Dates: 11th of May until 15th of May 2022, inclusive
5 Exceptions
5.1 Scheduled International Commercial Air Transport, Non-scheduled International Commercial Air Transport [including Medevac], International General Aviation, State Aircraft and Search and Rescue aircraft.
6 Contravention and failure to comply
6.1 Any person who contravenes, permits the contravention of, or fails to comply with, this Direction commits an offence under Article 68[4] of the Order, and is punishable on summary conviction by a fine not exceeding $4,000.
Signed: _________________________
Thomas Dunstan
Director of Bermuda Civil Aviation
The official notices above have been republished from the relevant section on the official Government website. If you wish to view ‘hard copies’, the Department of Libraries & Archives prints them and you can visit the main library on Queen Street or the Government Archives in the Government Administration Building on Parliament Street to view them.
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