Speaker: Be Statesmanlike & Declare Interests
Speaker of the House Dennis Lister reminded Members of Parliament to be “statesmanlike as possible” and to ensure they “declare their interest.”
At the start of the session on Friday [Feb 17], Mr Lister said, “I would like to read a brief statement this morning. I will read as follows….I wish to remind Honourable Members to exercise restraint when speaking during debate and to be as statesmanlike as possible.
“While we do get very passionate and worked up at times, I wish to remind all Honourable Members of the Standing Orders 1911, in particular using offensive and insulting language, which can bring the House into disrepute.
“I would also like to remind Members that although the matter relating to conflict of interest is not specifically addressed in our Standing Orders, Standing Order 50 speaks to rules in cases not provided for.”
The Speaker added that one section states a Member is required to declare a relevant interest or benefit of “whatever nature, whether direct or indirect, that he may have, may intend to have, or may be expecting to have.”
“Declare your interest please members,” the Speaker concluded.
Did they declare their interests where they are directly or indirectly financially benefitting? I think not
Do you mean like Zane DeSilva?
Thank you, Mr. Lister, for calling for a higher standard in the conduct in the House. Like in the media, the discourse there has been steadily deteriorating too and we should expect more from those in leadership roles in the community.