Black Pearl Leading Antigua Bermuda Race

May 11, 2023

Stefan Jentzsch’s Botin Black Pearl has pulled ahead in the Antigua Bermuda Race as of Thursday morning [May 11].

A spokesperson said, “After trailing the Tod Slyngstad’s HH 66 catamaran Nemo by approximately 50 miles on Wednesday, Stefan Jentzsch’s Botin 56 Black Pearl has pulled ahead by 3 miles as of 0600 Thursday morning. Both are just past the halfway point in the race. While Nemo is sailing almost 2 knots faster, they are battling upwind and the monohull can fetch a course 20 degrees closer to the wind and the rhum line home to Bermuda.

Antigua Bermuda Race Black Pearl May 2023

“Black Pearl leads the CSA fleet on corrected time ahead of Peter Blunden’s Life of Rilley by approximately 1 3/4 hours. Following ½ hour behind is the sister entry from the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron, Ray Rhinelander’s Bella J.

“The fourth edition of the Antigua Bermuda Race started from Antigua May 9th. The 935nm oceanic race is managed by the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club in association with Antigua Sailing Week, and supported by the Bermuda Tourism Authority and Goslings Rum. The race is designed to suit a wide range of yachts and crew, with memorable parties both in Antigua and Bermuda.”

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