SDG Disrupter Summit Set For June 8th

June 6, 2023

The Bermuda Innovation & Technology Association [BITA] is partnering with Bermuda Asset Management [BAM] and BridgingTheGap Ventures for an “inspired blue economy experience” at the upcoming SDG Disrupter Summit, with 50 free spots for young people between the ages of 17 and 35.

World Ocean Day 2023 - BridgingTheGap® Ventures - Google Chrome 06062023 102457 am

A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Innovation & Technology Association is proud to partner with Bermuda Asset Management and BridgingTheGap Ventures to unite thought leaders, oceanographers, sustainability experts, youth activists, creators and impact investors from around the world for an inspired blue economy experience at the upcoming SDG Disrupter Summit: World Ocean Day Edition.

“Fifty free spots for young people between the ages of 17 and 35 are invited to attend the summit, taking place on June 8th at the Athene Career Development Center at the Bermuda College. Attendees will participate alongside other stakeholders in action-oriented programming exploring important SDG 14-focused topics including ocean biodiversity, renewable energy, coastal resilience and sustainable practices.”

Kevin Richards, Managing Director of BAM and Founder/Chairperson of BITA, said, “We are excited to host the second installment of the SDG Disrupter Summit after our launch event in October 2022 during Bermuda Tech Week. Historically, Bermuda has been a leader in ocean conservation since passing the world’s first ocean conservation act in 1620, and we continue to show leadership through the Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme [BOPP] and our stated goal to protect 20% of our Economic Exclusive Zone [EEZ].

“We are excited to continue this tradition of leadership by convening local and international thought leaders that span multiple generations, to discuss this important topic and continue to drive thought leadership and action to improve the lives of island people and our ecosystems at home and abroad.”

Kelly Lovell, CEO of BridgingTheGap Ventures, said, “Climate action requires a collective effort—one that inspires solutionists across sectors, nations and generations.

“Creating inclusive spaces means that young people are recognized as more than just a voice to add to the climate movement—their ideas, talents and initiative are an integral part of the solution.”

The spokesperson said, “Joining Bermuda Asset Management Group and BridgingTheGap Ventures on June 8th as speakers and facilitators are the Hon. Walter Roban, JP, MP, Bodhi Patil, Co-Creator of Ocean Uprise, Dr. Carika Weldon, Founder/CEO of CariGenetics, Weldon Wade, Marketing & Communications Consultant at BAM, Kelsey Ball Fomengia, PhD, licensed clinical psychologist and certified yoga instructor, Noelle Young, Aquaculture & Fisheries Consultant at BAM, Dr. Michelle St. Jane, Co-Founder of Our World Too and Director of the Bermuda College Foundation, and Dr. Rosemarie McMahon, Consulting Director of the Youth Climate Summit, Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute.

“Those interested in participating are encouraged to register:”

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  1. Jenna Talia says:

    New airport…old dilapidated causeway to get tuit….new one should have two way impellers for hydro electric power for what ever…lighting?