Skyport To Invest $4.5M In Air Cargo Terminal

June 2, 2023

Skyport said they are “set to invest approximately $4.5 million in the comprehensive renovation of the Air Cargo Terminal at the airport” and have  ”issued a Request for Expressions of Interest [EOI] to operate and maintain a newly renovated Air Cargo Terminal at the airport.”

A spokesperson said, “Bermuda Skyport Corporation Limited [Skyport], the operator of L.F. Wade International Airport, is set to invest approximately $4.5 million in the comprehensive renovation of the Air Cargo Terminal at the airport.

“This significant development follows Skyport’s thirty-year concession agreement with the Government of Bermuda in March 2017, solidifying its commitment to enhancing Bermuda’s air cargo operations. Skyport has issued a Request for Expressions of Interest [EOI] to operate and maintain a newly renovated Air Cargo Terminal at the airport.

“The renovated Cargo Terminal, measuring 18,000 square feet, will house various facilities, including administrative offices, cargo processing and storage spaces, customs facilities, and specialized areas for various cargo types, with an average air cargo throughput of four million pounds per year, predominantly import cargo, the revamped terminal promises significant operational capacity.

“Skyport will oversee a comprehensive renovation of the terminal, with works already underway to be completed by Fall 2023. The renovation, estimated at approximately $4.5 million, includes refurbishing the roof, refitting Customs’ operational spaces, constructing primary demising walls, and more.”

Aaron Adderley, President of Skyport, stated, “The cargo terminal refurbishment is an integral part of our comprehensive airport redevelopment plan. It represents Skyport’s dedication to facilitating a vastly improved cargo operation that serves Bermuda’s needs far more effectively than the current obsolescent facility, which dates back many decades.

He added, “Having already invested over $400 million in delivering Bermuda’s new award-winning passenger terminal and surrounding infrastructure, this latest capital improvement represents Skyport’s commitment to continuously invest in the island’s airport campus throughout the life of our concession.”

The spokesperson said, “Entities interested in responding to the EOI must demonstrate their capacity to successfully develop, operate, and maintain the renovated terminal. Teams may consist of one or more firms, including joint ventures or other legal entities capable of conducting business in Bermuda.

“Key requirements for EOI submissions include an expression of interest in the project, details of the responding entity and its past experiences, a demonstration of familiarity with airport requirements and air cargo logistics, and an affirmation of sufficient financial capacity for future development opportunities.

“Following the EOI, Skyport may host Request for Proposal [RFP] meetings with prequalified Proponents. The EOI and RFP process timeline runs from June 1 to September 1, 2023, with the EOI submission deadline set for June 14, 2023.

“Interested parties should contact Ken Hassard, Director, Commercial, at to confirm their interest and qualifications by the deadline of 5 pm, 14 June 2023. to participate in the forthcoming RFP process:

  • Bermuda Skyport Corporation Ltd.
  • L. F. Wade International Airport 2 Kindley Field Road,
  • St. Georges, DD 03 Bermuda Attn: Ken Hassard,
  • Director, Commercial

“Deadline: Proponents must register their interest by 5 pm, 14 June 2023.”

The full Request for Expressions of Interest follows below [PDF here]:

click here banner airport 2

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  1. watching says:

    They need to perform an operational review of the departure terminal and ensure there are suitable food options for passengers.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      Which side? The American side or the “International” side?

      And what do you call “suitable food options”?

  2. Toodle-oo says:

    **and British Airways accounting for 85% of total air cargo movements**

    Wow ! Have times ever changed. Back in the day at my time at the airport BA accounted for about 15% of the total incoming freight.
    We must be becoming more reliant on Euro exports.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “and British Airways accounting for 85% of total air cargo movements”

      I could not find that in the article or the RFP, and what is that “Cargojet” with the Maple Leaf on its tail bringing in every day?

    • Toodle-oo says:

      oops , that’s CargoJet AND BA accounting for the 85% figure .