C.A.R.E. Graduation Ceremony On Thursday

November 15, 2023

C.A.R.E. Learning Centre revealed plans for their annual graduation ceremony on Thursday, November 16, 2023.

A spokesperson said, “In celebration of 40 years in of Educating the Community, C.A.R.E. Learning Centre will be holding their annual graduation ceremony on Thursday, 16th November, 2023.

“This graduation ceremony is in honour of their Programme Director the late Kirkland Butterfield who was tragically killed in a recent road accident.

“Ten students who were successful in receiving their high school diplomas will be recognized for their outstanding educational achievements.

“C.A.R.E. salutes the accomplishments of their GED students, in addition to the Professional Development programme students recognizing the completion of one of their online programmes Computer Essentials, Work Essentials and Money Essentials.

“This year’s celebration the graduates have written tributes in honour of their teacher Mr. Butterfield expressing in their own words his teaching skills, his kindness, his mentorship, love and care towards their academic development and achievements.

“The ceremony will highlight the success of 16–17-year-old students who passed their G.E.D. Test before the school leaving age of 18 and will be mentioned during the programme for their outstanding commitment to attending classes on a regular basis, additional studying, extra tutoring and a commitment to applying their academic skills and joining the G.E.D. virtual classes.

“The graduates will also be recognized for their outstanding achievements in Mathematics, Social Studies, Science and Language Skills passing with honours and college ready credits.

“The Community Involvement Award this year will be presented to Bermuda Communications Group – Mr Jamel Hardtman for the outstanding work that his company is doing, enlightening the community through education, community awareness, local and foreign news, in addition to his support in sharing his knowledge with the students and encouraging then to upgrade their skills especially in technology and money management because they can one day be Bermudian entrepreneurs.

“C.A.R.E. is very thankful for the support in the community and continues to assist Bermuda’s young people. Donations to this alternative education programme can be made payable to C.A.R.E. Computer Services- Bank of Butterfield account number 20006060220230100 or contacting the learning centre at 292-0915. You can also visit their website for more information at www.care.bm.”

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