Column: Robinson On PLP, OBA Record & More

January 28, 2024 | 26 Comments

Dwayne Robinson Bermuda generic 2023[Opinion column written by OBA Senator Dwayne Robinson]

The public have been treated to propaganda op-eds from the PLP recently; it feels like the party is sweating under growing public dissatisfaction and recent poll results. Like a one-trick pony, the PLP clearly is attempting to shift the public displeasure on to the OBA, because, of course, the OBA is to blame for everything that is going wrong in Bermuda.

There have been several claims and distortions of the truth spewed by the PLP, but distortions don’t change the facts. Allow me to highlight some accomplishments the PLP frequently leaves out of the OBA’s record in office.

In the OBA’s four years we:

  • Secured the building of St. Regis and several hotel renovations. The PLP failed to keep our largest hotel open and continues to struggle to re-open it
  • Hosted the America’s Cup which injected $300 million into the economy. The PLP has never held anything which has given Bermuda an economic boost of this magnitude
  • Came within striking distance of a balanced budget, without suspending the Sinking Fund contributions. The PLP offered the people of Bermuda a balanced budget after 20 years, by suspending Sinking Fund contributions and additional borrowing
  • Attempted real immigration reform which would have placed us in a stronger and more competitive economic position. The PLP continues to deliver slow and piecemeal reform as our working population remains unsustainable and Bermudians continue to emigrate
  • Placed tourism in the hands of experts by forming the BTA. PLP interfered with the BTA, now we are struggling to attain pre-pandemic air arrivals
  • Started the path towards a Casino Gaming industry. PLP once again interfered, and gaming has completely stalled

The OBA did not get everything right and Bermudians have shown us what they expect from us. We are doing the work to rebuild and reconnect with Bermuda’s communities. The repeated attacks from the PLP legitimize our efforts. If we are not growing to become a force to be reckoned with, the PLP wouldn’t be bothered. It also shows the PLP is refusing to adapt and is sticking to the same playbook.

Now, let’s discuss the present. The PLP claims to stand for the working-class Bermudians yet have found itself at odds with fishermen, farmers, environmentalists, parents, and teachers.

The PLP claims the OBA speaks out of both sides of our mouth, yet we find it releasing pamphlets worth thousands of dollars to potential investors in the Middle East, touting Bermuda’s world-renowned airport—the very one the PLP tells Bermudians it opposes

A number of mistruths were spun in the newspaper by a PLP Cabinet Minister and MP, that I would like to correct:

  • The OBA has not obstructed or voted against any housing policy the PLP has brought forward
  • The OBA caucus and Parliamentarians have never voted against any legislation improving workers’ rights
  • The OBA supported improving workers’ wages; we did not vote against the minimum hourly wage. We made sure the PLP considered our local entrepreneurs
  • The OBA has only ever advocated for a gradual reduction of the Civil Service through early retirement. We have never advocated for a slash and burn approach to the Civil Service
  • The OBA has always advocated for immigration reform and a clear route to Bermudian status. To grow our working population, spread the tax burden, and stimulate job growth for Bermudians to return from overseas. We have always explicitly stated that we are looking to create a system that prioritizes Bermudians and does not displace them.

The PLP has revealed it intends to use its old reliable political strategy which is distraction, division, and dishonesty. The PLP has decided it would rather spin a narrative than accept the reality Bermudians feel every day—the reality that most Bermudians are struggling to remain in their own island and are looking overseas for a better standard of living.

If the PLP is unable to accept the reality of what Bermudians are facing, how can it possibly govern effectively.

The One Bermuda Alliance is standing on the truth, whether it’s popular or not. To turn our island around, we must reduce Government expenditure, put forward a clear route to achieve Bermudian status, and pay down our debt. We will not be swayed by dishonest and lazy hit pieces which rewrite history.

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  1. watching says:

    No mention of when the OBA tried to give kids of guest workers the right to work – knowing that within certain industries that would basically decimate the opportunities for local kids.

    No mention of the lack of any attention to infrastructure, of which we are seeing a knock on effect even to this day.

    No mention of any affordable housing projects under the OBA. DO they really care?

    No mention of school reform or the fact they had a zillion education ministers in their 5 years.

    No mention of Jetgate.

    It is so easy for them now to say anything they want to say. But they always fall in the trap of trying to be all things to all people, and they simply cannot.

    PLP ain’t perfect and everyone knows that, but do we even ever know what the OBA will do or where they stand on a given issue?

    • CB2 says:

      Calm down Jason,

      Let’s take a step back here. True, the OBA had their ups and downs in those 4 years, but hey, they were trying to make things better. And about the PLP, they’ve been in charge for 20 years, right? What big wins have they brought us in that time? I mean, politics is tough, and no one’s perfect – not the OBA, not the PLP.

      Please stop cherry picking and take a good long look into the mirror.

    • Question says:

      By “affordable housing project”, do you mean like the $100m+ wasted on Grand Atlantic that no one has ever lived in?

      • Joe Bloggs says:

        “do you mean like the $100m+ wasted on Grand Atlantic that no one has ever lived in?”

        Actually, one unit was occupied once.

    • Amazed says:

      Get outta here. What Mr. Robinson writes if the Oba was allowed to continue their plans, we would all be better off. They are not perfect but they got a LOT more right in 4 years then the PLP has gotten right in 20 and that’s pretty much nothing.

    • sandgrownan says:

      Jetgate? Really? You still whining about that when we all know that the real “Jetgate” scandal was DSREB giving taxpayer’s money to his old college chum.

      Kids of guest workers getting Summer jobs? Oh the horror! I know ex-pat families who have left, taking their income and their roles out of Bermuda, because it’s untenable for a family to live here. That’s fewer cars bought, fewer groceries, less rent, less restaurant visits., less charitable donations, less tax revenue, fewer support roles… figured this out yet?

      The PLP have almost a quarter of a century to fix everything. 25 years. And they still blame a political party that hasn’t existed for 13 years.


      • XX OBA Vote says:

        The $350k was given to the oba as a donation from a rich Hotelier for their election campaign. Nothing wrong there.

        Now if you remember Jet Gate never informed the oba party about the donation and kept it. All this was in the Jetgate report that was written.

        Jet Gate was sacked as Premier and you numpties still have him in a safe seat as an MP. The party is beyond desperate for even allowing him to remain after a stunt like that LMFAO. Part of the reason why it was 30-6 last election.

        • Eyes wide open says:

          OBA chairman Thad Hollis quit only days after releasing a hard hitting JETGATE report into a $350,000 donation. Deputy party co-chairman Karen Magnum also quite the party. Look at all the people that have quite from the OBA over the years. What are they all traitors?

          • sandgrownan says:

            I know things are desperate, when all you can do is point fingers at a political party that had, what, 4 years in government.

            The real scandal is that after a quarter of a century of PLP failure, incompetence, greed, xenophobia, myopic thinking, we are $7bn in debt, with a declining tax base, and increasing cost of living.


            • Bingo! says:

              Yes things are desperate when you have to change a party name from UBP to oba. Yes things are desperate when you have to continue fronting surrogates. Yes things are desperate when you’ve lost even before walking and knocking on doors LMAO. Yes things are desperate when the uBpoBa can’t even find quality candidates to run.

              30-6 is pass desperate.

              • Joe Bloggs says:

                Yes things are desperate when one has to perpetuate a lie to advance one’s political views.

                Yes things are desperate when one cannot accept that the UBP was dissolved in 2011.

              • Truth says:

                “pass desperate”?

                You reveal more than you think ;)

        • sandgrownan says:

          I’m not a member of the OBA, for the record.

    • sandgrownan says:

      let me pick a couple of examples…

      Berkley School building – $60+ million over budget
      Port Royal renovation – $20 Million over budget
      LBE Building – $20 + million over budget
      Hospital over budget to build and $10-$15 MILLION ANNUALLY over budget

      Greed, corruption or just plain incompetence?

  2. Nicky says:

    Well said!

  3. Oh well says:

    Oh Mr. Robinson so tells us what keeps you from helping your own BLM? Do you feel more love and harmony helping a party that actually has you there as a surrogate? Let’s not pretend everyone knows about the UBP aka OBA.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “Let’s not pretend everyone knows about the UBP aka OBA.”

      Ok, let me educate you. The UBP, or the “United Bermuda Party, was a political party established in the 1960s to counter Bermuda’s first political party, the Progressive Labour Party (or “PLP”).

      The UBP lost power in 1998 and was dissolved on 30 June 2011.

      Anyone who claims that the UBP still exists is either lying or knows nothing about Bermuda.

      • LOL says:

        Don’t let the truth hit you in the face next election after the ubpOBAA party loses the next election. Better get ready to flip over the name again in 8 years.

        • Joe Bloggs says:

          I see you refuse to accept the truth. I am willing to bet you vote for Donald Trump too.

    • Ja says:

      He has no clue he’s being played.

      • LOL - the real one says:

        The plp has been playing Bermudians for a quarter of a century….and it shows. Bermuda looks like the third world, cost of living is 3 to 4 times what it is in first world countries.

        Stop voting for skin colour, and you won’t have to rely on foreign charity for a free tv.

        • You keep believing that says:

          Don’t act like the OBA doesn’t have Jarion as leader because of his skin colour bud. It’s a white established party.

          • LOL - the real one says:

            The OBA is diverse.
            You party, the black established party, isn’t.

            Dunning and Kruger.

    • tucker says:

      You’re nothing but a simple racist.

      Run along, the world is leaving bigots like you behind.

  4. Can you believe says:

    Yes, the OBA might seem to resemble the UBP. THAT IS ONLY BECAUSE THE WHITE POPULATION does not agree with or accept the policies and strategies of the PLP. Further, whites joining the PLP will have to toe the line if they counter the stand of the racist party incompetents. Yes! Blacks can be racists too.

  5. Can You Believe says:

    Under both the UBP and the OBA Bermuda thrived and there was food on every table. There is little that can be determined that benefitted the electorate under a PLP Government. While not perfect, there was hope under the OBA.
    ALSO, I question the mindset and smarts of PLP supporters. How could they be so clueless about the airport contract. How could they rate the conclusions of Burt, Hayward, Furbert and Tweed over and above above those of KPMG, BRITAIN, THE BLUE RIBBON GROUP, AND ONE OF THE TOP-world renounced local accounting firms, and 2 other internationally recognized, experienced and qualified firms. What qualifies these 4. They are like jokers in the pack. Further, when the PLP got into power they paid out over $180,000 to have a firm in California to evaluate the contract. It like all the others engaged by the OBA returned an opinion of “Good value for money”.

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