Video: Three Students Receive Govt Bursaries

July 28, 2024 | 0 Comments

Chenice Berkeley, Kaeli Weeks-Ible and Francis Mussenden received bursary awards from the government.

A Government spokesperson said, “Last week, the Government of Bermuda presented its annual Bursary Awards to three deserving young people with a combined $60,000 in funding for their studies.

“This year’s awardees are:

  • Chenice Berkeley – Studying Public Health [$20,000]
  • Kaeli Weeks-Ible – Studying Forensic Science [$20,000]; and
  • Francis Mussenden – Studying Architecture [$20,000]

“Making the presentation was the Minister of the Cabinet Office, Vance Campbell, JP, MP. He was joined by the Head of the Public Service, Cherie Whitter.”

Minister Campbell said, “It is a privilege to celebrate the achievements of our outstanding bursary recipients. The Public Service Commission is steadfast in its commitment to cultivating and advancing Bermudian talent within our public sector. Our annual bursary programme is a cornerstone of this commitment, providing deserving individuals with the opportunity to pursue higher education that aligns with the evolving needs of our workforce. Our public service is undergoing a transformative period, as outlined in our Careers in the Public Service campaign. This initiative is designed to inspire young Bermudians to explore the rewarding opportunities within our public sector.

“Through our newly launched Career Guide, we aim to equip job seekers with the information they need to find their ideal career path and become valuable contributors to our community. The public service is the backbone of our society, delivering essential services that enhance the lives of all Bermudians. We are pleased to recognize Chenice, Kaeli and Francis as they seek to make their mark in their respective careers of study. We look forward to welcoming them back to Bermuda and into the Public Service where I know they will make a significant contribution to the Government.”

The Government spokesperson said, “To qualify for a Public Service Bursary, candidates must be Bermudian, enrolled in an accredited graduate or postgraduate program and have completed at least five years of education in Bermuda. These awards offer substantial support, covering up to $20,000 in tuition and related educational expenses annually for a maximum of five years.

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