Hashtag: #CannabisLicenceAct

UK Parliament: Q&A On Cannabis Laws
“The UK is committed to working in partnership with Bermuda and we remain available to discuss new proposals on this legislation,” the British Parliamentary Under-Secretary said when asked about decriminalisation of possession of cannabis in Bermuda. During a recent session in the British Parliament, Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell... Read more of this article

UK Parliament: Q&A On Cannabis Licensing Bill
The decision by Britain to block Bermuda’s Cannabis Licensing Bill 2022 was the topic of recent discussion in UK Parliament. In September 2023, Bermuda’s UK appointed Governor declined to provide assent to the Cannabis Licensing Bill, which in effect, blocked Bermuda’s ability to implement the legislation which passed in the House of Assembly. During... Read more of this article

UK’s Action Called “Colonial-Style Intervention”
Charles Kuhn and Gabriella Bligh — writing in the British Times newspaper – called the UK’s prevention of the “creation of a legal recreational cannabis market in Bermuda” a “colonial-style intervention.” Their report on the Times website said, “A range of missteps have been blamed on Liz Truss, but one of... Read more of this article

WaPo: ‘British Block Cannabis Bill, Straining Ties’
In an article entitled “British crown blocks Bermuda’s cannabis bill, straining ties,” the Washington Post has highlighted the UK’s refusal to provide assent to the Cannabis Licensing Bill 2022. The article said, “The idea was to bring Bermuda’s drug laws into the 21st century. The cannabis laws in Britain’s oldest overseas... Read more of this article

Questions In UK Parliament On Cannabis Bill
“The Foreign Secretary carefully considered the Bermuda Cannabis Licensing Bill 2022 and concluded that it is contrary to the UK’s and Bermuda’s obligations under the UN Conventions, which prohibit the legalisation of cannabis for recreational use,” British Minister of State Jesse Norman said. This follows after Bermuda’s UK... Read more of this article

Governor Will Not Give Assent To Cannabis Bill
[Updated] “I have now received an instruction, issued to me on Her Majesty’s behalf, not to Assent to the Bill as drafted,” Governor Rena Lalgie said today in reference to the Cannabis Bill. Background In May this year, the Governor confirmed that she will “reserve Assent” of the Cannabis Licensing Bill 2022, adding that she will... Read more of this article

Govt Will ‘Await Position’ Of UK On Cannabis Bill
Following the news that Governor Rena Lalgie will “reserve Assent” of the Cannabis Licensing Bill 2022, the Government issued a short statement that said they will “await the position of the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs regarding this matter.” A Government spokesperson said: “We have received... Read more of this article

Governor Will ‘Reserve Assent’ Of Cannabis Bill
[Updated] The Governor has confirmed that she will “reserve Assent” of the Cannabis Licensing Bill 2022. adding that she will “notify the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs.” For Bills to become law in Bermuda, they must first pass in Parliament and then be granted Assent by the UK-appointed... Read more of this article

OBA: Seems A ‘Smoke Screen’ For Independence
[Updated] The Cannabis legislation “appears to be a smoke screen for the PLP Government’s real agenda, which is to build a case for independence,” Opposition Leader Cole Simons said, with Mr Simons asking if the PLP Government is “intentionally orchestrating a real case for their own political endgame for Independence.” Mr... Read more of this article

Govt House & Govt On Cannabis Bill Assent
[Updated] When the Cannabis Licensing Bill is “presented to the Governor for assent, the Governor will act in accordance with the Constitution,” Government House said. Before any new legislation becomes law it must pass the House and Senate and — as Bermuda is a British Overseas Territory — it must also receive assent from... Read more of this article

Column: Dwayne Robinson On Cannabis Bill
[Opinion column written by OBA’s Dwayne Robinson] Recently, the Cannabis Licensing and Regulation Act has passed through the House of Assembly. It does not have to be approved by the Senate again and instead will head straight to the Governor for the Royal Assent. In my humble opinion, despite being touted as a highly supported bill, I have observed... Read more of this article

MPs Pass Cannabis Licensing Act Legislation
The Cannabis Licensing Act 2022 — which will allow for the regulated growth and sale of cannabis — has passed in the House of Assembly and after going to the Senate it is expected to be sent to the Governor. The Act was originally passed in the House of Assembly back in February 2021, however failed to pass on the Senate in March 2021 which... Read more of this article