Hashtag: #CannothRoberts

57 Yr Old Charged With Grievous Bodily Harm

57 Yr Old Charged With Grievous Bodily Harm

Arthur Douglas was remanded into custody after being charged with causing grievous bodily harm to Cannoth Roberts on 8th November 2014. Prosecutor Loxly Rickett told Senior Magistrate Juan Wolffe that the 57-year-old had allegedly beaten Mr Roberts, who subsequently required treatment in the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital. As the charges must... Read more of this article

Man Remanded For Trespassing

Man Remanded For Trespassing

Appearing in Magistrates Court this morning [Dec.29] was 35-year-old Cannoth Roberts who was charged with trespassing at the Somerset Marketplace. The Court heard that Mr Roberts, who is of no fixed abode, had previously received a legal letter warning him to stay off the property. Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner remanded him into custody until... Read more of this article

Court: Man Defies MarketPlace Ban

Court: Man Defies MarketPlace Ban

A 35-year-old homeless man walked free from Magistrates Court yesterday [Dec.21] after pleading guilty to entering the MarketPlace grounds in Somerset after receiving a written notice to stay off the property. He had spent over two months in custody prior to his Court appearance. After first being charged on 5th October 2011 and having been kept on... Read more of this article