Hashtag: #CervioCox

“Attitude Determines Where You Will Go In Life”
[Written by Don Burgess] His past does not determine his future. Cervio Cox has been to prison — multiple times — but rather than letting that label define him, Mr. Cox made a decision to use his experiences as building blocks. Now a personal trainer at Seaview Ultimate Fitness Club, he lives by the M.A.D.E. Movement brand motto — Mental Attitude... Read more of this article

Attorney-General: Landmark Cases Of 2014/15
While delivering the Ministry of Legal Affairs Budget Brief, Attorney-General Trevor Moniz provided an overview of what he said were “landmark cases” of 2014/2015, saying they “were of great public interest in that they involved high profile defendants and/or were complex both legally and factually.” The text below was extracted... Read more of this article

Lawyer Charged: Perverting Course Of Justice
[Updated] In Magistrates Court this morning [Dec 8], three men – lawyer Kamal Worrell, Devon Hewey, and Dujon Reid-Anderson – were charged with perverting the course of justice in a Supreme Court attempted murder case involving Mr. Hewey and Cervio Cox. Mr. Worrell, 34, and Mr. Reid-Anderson had bail set at $10,000 each, while Mr. Hewey... Read more of this article

Two Men Cleared Of Attempted Murder Charge
The two men accused of attempted murder following a March 2012 shooting in Hamilton have been found not guilty following a Supreme Court trial. The men, Devon Hewey and Cervio Cox, were charged with attempting to murder Levon Thomas following the incident, which occurred at around 3.45am on Reid Street Extension in the City of Hamilton. File photo of... Read more of this article

Cox & Hewey Trial Concludes With Split Verdict
The Supreme Court trial of Cervio Cox and Devon Hewey came to an end this evening, with the jury unable to reach a verdict on an attempted murder charge related to a 2012 shooting in Hamilton. The jury went started deliberating at about noon today [Mar 20], and initially returned having found the two men not guilty of the attempted murder of one man. They... Read more of this article
Attempted Murder: Cervio Cox Pleads Not Guilty
Cervio Cox, 28, appeared in the Supreme Court Arraignments session this morning [Aug 1] and pleaded not guilty to the attempted murder of Lavon Thomas and Darren Thompson in March of this year. He also pleaded not guilty to two charges that he used a firearm to commit an indictable offence against two people. Mr Cox was remanded and will re-appear in... Read more of this article
Cervio Cox Charged With Attempted Murder
28-year-old Cervio Cox appeared in Magistrates Court this morning [June 11] charged with the attempted murder of Lavon Thomas and Darren Thomas in March 2012. Mr Cox also faces firearm charges in connection with the incident. The shooting occurred around 3:45am on Saturday, March 24th on Reid Street Extension in the City of Hamilton and resulted in... Read more of this article
Police: Cervio Cox Verdict = Pursue All Avenues
The Bermuda Police Service said they are “pleased to note the verdict” in the Cervio Cox trial recently concluded in the Supreme Court. Cervio Cox, 26, was given 7 years in prison on May 7, 2010, after being found guilty of wounding three men with intent to do them grievous bodily harm, during a shooting incident on Court Street on May 23,... Read more of this article
Cervio Cox Sentenced To 7 Years In Prison
After being found guilty of charges stemming from a broad daylight triple shooting on Court Street in 2009, Cervio Cox was sentenced to 7 years in prison this afternoon [May 27], although it was not alleged he was the actual shooter. He was found guilty yesterday in Supreme Court of wounding three men with intent to do them grievous bodily harm on May... Read more of this article
Court Street Shooting: Cervio Cox Found Guilty
26 year old Cervio Cox was this afternoon [May 26] found guilty in Supreme Court of wounding three men with intent to do them grievous bodily harm. The charges stemmed from a shooting on May 23, 2009, in which three people were shot in broad-daylight on Court Street. During the trial prosecutors alleged that the shooting was connected to a gang war... Read more of this article
Witness: Calming Kids After Court Street Shooting
Various eyewitness testimony was heard today in the Supreme Court trial of Cervio Cox in relation to the May 23, 2009 shooting in which three people were shot in broad-daylight on Court Street. One eyewitness statement read out described the mother calming her children down after the incident, and fielding their questions as to why people were shooting. The... Read more of this article