Hashtag: #LarryBurchallColumns

Burchall Family Thanks Regiment & Community
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all those that assisted and attended my father’s funeral on Friday, as well as all those that have extended support over this past week. My Dad was laid to rest with full military honours, and having the Regiment escort him on his final journey was an honour he would be deeply pleased to have, and... Read more of this article

Larry Burchall Memorial Service On Friday
A service honouring the life of Captain Dennis Joseph Laurion Burchall — better known as Larry Burchall — will be held at 11.00am on Friday, June 30th at Wesley Methodist Church in Hamilton. After a life well lived, he passed away peacefully at the age of 75. He will forever be remembered by my mother Paddy, his wife and best friend of... Read more of this article

Goodbye To Our Husband & Dad: Larry Burchall
[Updated] It is with great regret that Bernews confirms the death of Larry Burchall, our columnist, reporter, biggest supporter, and the best husband and dad we could have asked for. He passed away peacefully last night at the age of 75. We are a family business, so expect to be operating well below standard over the coming days as we deal with the... Read more of this article

Column: Suggesting ’27 Words’ Before Election
[Opinion column written by Larry Burchall] Theresa May’s snap decision to call a General Election in June in the UK, got me thinking about Bermuda. With the OBA down to 17 guaranteed votes in a House of Assembly where 19 votes constitutes a Parliamentary majority; with six economic ‘fundamentals’ still not lining up to pull Bermuda out of its... Read more of this article

Column: Going Back In Time During Visit To Cuba
[Opinion column written by Larry Burchall] Visiting Cuba was like stepping back to a time when Bermuda was a major player and innovator in tourism. There were striking differences, but there were also strong similarities. Staying at an ‘all inclusive resort’ near Holguin and getting out and about into the nearby Cuban countryside enabled... Read more of this article

Column: It Will Never Lose Its Value?
[Opinion column written by Larry Burchall] Samuel Clemens – better known as Mark Twain and one of Bermuda’s early tourists – once said: “Buy land, they’re not making it anymore.” For Bermudians, that statement and investor sentiment was Bermudian-ized to “Buy a piece of the rock, it’ll never lose its value.” Until 2008, in Bermuda... Read more of this article

Column: Pre-Budget Analysis Of Our Economy
[Opinion column written by Larry Burchall] With the national hysteria over the bad deal at the Airport now died down, it’s wise to re-focus on the real enemy of Debt and Bermuda’s weak economy. Laid out for laypersons, not professors or high-level business executives, what follows is a clear and honest analysis of Bermuda’s economy as it was... Read more of this article

Column: “Thank You For Saving My Life’
[Written by Larry Burchall] On, Monday 23rd January 2017, around 2:30pm, Rick Meens was on Court Street riding past the bank branch. He saw a small crowd gathering around a man who was on the ground. He noted that someone was applying a cloth to the man’s bloodied head. Rick stopped and went to the man. He knelt and immediately felt the man’s... Read more of this article

Column: What Happened Between 2006 – 2016?
[Opinion column written by Larry Burchall] To get the maximum value from your next few minutes of reading, do not – I stress – do not mentally insert or allow the entry into your mind of any of these acronyms or words: OBA, PLP, BDA, UBP, NLP, black, white. Keep all those words and acronyms out of your mind. If you can do that, you will be able... Read more of this article

Column: Bermuda Is Unique, Not A Tax Haven
[Opinion column written by Larry Burchall] Like a broken clock that tells the correct time twice a day, the giants in the world climb down their beanstalks and go hunting for John because they believe that John, not Jack, stole their hen that lays golden eggs. Happening again now. Global giant Oxfam is accusing Bermuda of being nothing but a tax haven,... Read more of this article

Column: ‘Airport Is A Bad Deal For Bermuda’
[Opinion column written by Larry Burchall] The Airport Project, as proposed, is a bad deal for Bermuda. First, look at all the facts set out in the Financial Comparison Report and in the most recent hand outs to Parliamentarians on the airport re-development scheme. Then start reading this comment by studying and understanding this chart. Actions... Read more of this article

Remembrance Day: Grunshi & Thomas Survive
[Written by Larry Burchall] In May 1916, about halfway through the First World War [1914 – 1918], an augmented company of what was subsequently re-designated the Bermuda Contingent Royal Garrison Artillery [BCRGA], left Bermuda to serve on what was then being called the Western Front. This contingent followed the First Contingent of the Bermuda Volunteer... Read more of this article