Videos: Girl Guides Thinking Day

February 21, 2012

Each year in February, Girl Guides and Girl Scouts all over the world celebrate World Thinking Day. It’s a day when Girl Guides and Girl Scouts think of each other and give thanks and appreciation for the international friendship they find in our Movement. The theme for World Thinking Day 2012 is “we can save our planet”.

Presentation Of Colours

Held this past Sunday afternoon [Feb.19], Bermuda’s Girl Guides, Brownies, and Rainbows attended a service at the Anglican Cathedral in Hamilton.

Normally, the groups would form up in the City Hall car park and march from there to the Cathedral. But the inclement weather meant that the parade part was cancelled and, instead, the groups assembled inside the Cathedral.

Lady Gozney:

Thinking Day is a celebration of global Girl-Guiding. The day is chosen because it is the shared birthday of both Lord Robert Baden-Powell who was the founder of the Scout movement, and his wife, Lady Olave Baden-Powell.

The Girl Guide movement was started by Lord Baden-Powell’s sister, Agnes. It began in the UK in 1910 and followed the same lines as the Boy Scout movement that had started in 1907. Lady Olave always supported the boy’s movement and, for a short time, was a Scoutmaster. She later gave her full attention to Girl Guides and was acclaimed as Chief Guide in 1918.

The congregation singing:

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