Video: Shelly Bay Structure Being Demolished
[Updated with photos] The developer of the Shelly Bay Beach House was unable to complete the redevelopment, and the remaining structure was deemed unsafe, and is being demolished this week, with a crew working on site today [Aug 22].
The Ministry previously said, “The Ministry of Public Works is advising that the developer of the Shelly Bay Beach House was unable to complete the redevelopment of the property.
Time lapse showing some of the demolition taking place today:
“The Ministry has advised that the remaining structure is now deemed unsafe, and in the interests of public safety is expected to be demolished in the upcoming week.
“In that regard, area residents, Shelly Bay Beach/park patrons and the motoring public are being advised that in preparation for the demolition there will be increased construction activity near the Beach House. There will also be the likelihood of traffic delays to accommodate the demolition works.
“As a public safety note, motorists and pedestrians are encouraged to use care and caution when travelling through the Shelly Bay area.
“As a final note, the Ministry advised that conceptual plans for a replacement facility are being designed for presentation and consultation with area parliamentary representatives and members of the public.”
Click to enlarge photos:
Who’s doing the demolition? Was it tendered?
Now you’re just being silly. We don’t need any tenders. The new government has already pledged to be totally transparent so you can be assured everything done is for the best.
couldn’t say that before could you.
If the oba/UBP had planned accordingly instead of rushing to tender the building out. All for the sake of trying to look productive to the voters, they would have seen that the structure was a disaster from the start.
Similar to the disaster when they merged UBP with BDA to construct 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,……………………wait for it…………oba/UBP 12 seat party LMAO vs PLP 24 seat party.
Has anyone seen Fahy, Baron or Dunkley? I need to hire a Circus act.
You post is what is called deflection.
People deflect because they don’t like the answer of a question.
So instead of addressing the question they go off on a tangent about something different altogether.
But carry on…
To be fair, the OBA were dragging this country around after years of waste and “less than prudent financial decisions” under the PLP. What you have now is a party voted in on the basis of certain things, and not because of sound financial policies.
Hopefully you’re happy with wrecking your kids future.
“I need to hire a Circus act.”
OJs right here, she doesn’t work and is a clown.
It’s a circus act running the show now.
Was de Airport tendered?
There’s nothing FUZZY here.
those are plantation questions.
Who is behind the “conceptual plans”?
Who was behind the ” conceptual plans” for America’s Cup and Airport deal.
“Who was behind the ” conceptual plans” for America’s Cup and Airport deal.”
The plp and biu…that’s why it failed so badly
What will be the associated damages payable by the developer as a result of his failure to perform? And your kidding right; no new building is going up on that site.
Damages to whom, and why? Who else has lost money, other than the developer?
what a waste – lost of fresh cement block . Was there an initial bidding phase prior to the contract being awarded? I know companies move on to their next project once they receive the decline notice but its a shame that those in the running couldn’t pick up the project.
Will beachgoers have to walk over to the field to use bathrooms, its been a long time since I used the beach or playground?
So this is how things will operate under the PLP? “..the Ministry advised that conceptual plans for a replacement facility are being designed for presentation and consultation with area parliamentary representatives and members of the public.”
Area PRs – What about a transparent RFP? What about the Bermuda Govt. Contractor General?
Shelly Bay used to be such a great family park. Unfortunately, as with many of our parks, the lack of upkeep has tarnished them. The derelict state of that building for almost 20 years is the reason it is being demolished now. Hopefully our parks can return to their former glory and new structures are developed with sustainable (and eco friendly) plans for decades of use and upkeep.
What a shame.
Jobs have been lost because of this turn of events.
at least now minister will be happy , and wayne may even do a celebratory karaoke song on Facebook
In-house by W&E
I never seen works and engineering work so fast Burch must be kicking some a##
All of a sudden OBA political supporters are concern about the Shelly bay beach demolition was tendered? yet not a peep about the failure to tender the airport development. Not an opinion about 17 million for the America’s cup while Bermuda’s developments needs schools; transportation ; the general needs of the people went to pot. Double standards depending what government is in power.
All of a sudden PLP supporters don’t care about tendering. Two can play that game.
And the Airport had more oversight from various external and independent 3rd parties than any other project in Bermuda’s history and more than likely any in the future.
Let’s talk about Port Royal shall we?
And given your comments on another site about this project you complaining about double standards is quite hilarious.
Sadly, your last sentence applies to the majority of the island (on both political sides).
Hopefully, things can improve under the current government. Baron has offered support in terms of gang troubles. I think that the PLP have a big enough majority to work with the others and potentially increase their voter base.
There was PLENTY of explanation about the airport development. If you’d listened instead of holding violent demos you would have heard more.
Now. Will you lot STOP WASTING MONEY.
Alvin you chose to ignore all the information provided to you in public documents as to why it was not tendered. You chose to ignore the two independent reviews of the process. You chose to ignore the quality assurance documentation.
Why – because it suits your purpose, your angst against the imaginary oppressor that still is out to get you.
Well I have learned that flat earth people refuse to accept the earth is round so I do the same with those who chose to ignore facts because they are inconvenient.
I would ask you this question – given the BHB contract was tendered but we never saw the ownership side of the deal would that cause you any concerns or is all ok because it was tendered so it must be a good deal. And don’t forget the tendering of Berkley or the docks or TCD never covered the overruns and delays and poor quality so keep wearing your filters and be happy.
Five star glowstick awward
Demolition work is being carried out by works and engineering , there is no need for a tendered contract.
Shhh, I was finding it very entertaining to see people run on about if it was put out to tender when the answer was right there in front of them…. LOL
Col. Burch is in charge now.
Ah yes collateral damage Burch who caused hundreds of Bermudians to lose their jobs.
Already there is a disconnect regarding Shelly Bay. W & E say after the demolition a new building will be constructed. They don’t say by who but it sounds like the Bermuda taxpayer. Is it being built to the requirements of the chosen operator? On the other hand is Wayne Furbert MP saying he looks forward to the area being green and with palm trees.
What is going on? Of course with a new Government they know their voters will not complain or lock down Parliament so they can do what they want, with who they want. Back to 1998 -2012 all over again.
As I sit and read articles to encourage my kids to read so that they are up to date with the current happenings in their country and stay abreast with their “Social Studies”, it sickens me that i have to defer them from some of these naïve, negative and absolutely absurd comments from our adult population. My teenage daughter actually asked “mum why are people like that”, i had to sheepishly say they are adults who have nothing positive going on in their lives and find fault of any and everything that they can. I went on to warn her that those are the kinds of people that you stay away from in life. SO SAD, that one little demolition article, led to such negativity. Come on adults, lets be positive in life, and maybe we all will get ahead together.