Sluggo Returns To National Cricket Squad
The Bermuda Cricket Board has announced their training Squad for ICC I-Shield versus United Arab Emirates to be played from July – 5th- 8th. The list of names is notable in the fact that it features 2007 World Cup star Dwayne “Sluggo” Leverock, who had previously announced his retirement from international cricket. The full list of those selected for the training squad is below:
1. Stephen Outerbridge
2. Christian Burgess
3. Fiqre Crockwell
4. Deunte Darrell
5. Jordan DeSilva
6. Stephen Dill
7. Jekon Edness
8. Chris Foggo
9. Kevon Fubler
10. Terryn Fray
11. Joshua Gilbert
12. Stefan Kelly
13. Dwayne Leverock
14. Kamau Leverock
15. David Lovell
16. OJ Pitcher
17. Shannon Rayner
18. Irving Romaine
19. Ryan Steede
20. Rodney Trott
21. Janeiro Tucker
22. Kevin Tucker
23. Tamauri Tucker
24. Jim West
25. David Hemp
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