PLP Respond To OBA’s Leah Scott

February 23, 2012

The PLP released a statement this afternoon [Feb.23] saying comments made by newly announced OBA candidate Leah Scott were “allegations that have no basis in fact” and that Ms. Scott chose to “sully Bermuda with defamatory insinuations and accusations against the government.”

The statement also said that “Ms. Scott and the OBA should be reminded that no charges have ever been filed against any member of the government for any wrongdoing.”

Yesterday the One Bermuda Alliance announced that lawyer Leah Scott will represent them in Constituency #30, Southampton East Central.

During the press conference she said, “You cannot lay down with cronyism, cover-ups and corruption and expect to wake up with righteousness, transparency and honesty.

“We must end, once and for all, a culture that has failed to deal with scandal and misconduct by our politicians. What we continue to put up with, is what you will have. We do not have any more time to waste.”

The relevant portion of the press conference is below:

The statement issued by the PLP said, “The Progressive Labour Party notes the announcement of Leah Scott as the OBA Candidate for Southampton East Central, however, we are disappointed that in what should have been an uplifting moment for Ms. Scott, she chose to sully Bermuda with defamatory insinuations and accusations against the government.

“Ms. Scott and the OBA should be reminded that no charges have ever been filed against any member of the government for any wrongdoing. Going forward, we would encourage Ms. Scott to stick to the issues that are important to the future of Bermuda, rather than making allegations that have no basis in fact.”

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  1. Big Dog says:

    Go Leah, don’t be cowed by the PLP “shut them up” machine.

    Speak up!

    We need clean politicians and a Bermuda run by Bermudians who actually put Bermuda above their party; unlike the PLP. The only thing the PLP care about, is the PLP!

    This shows they are scared of you. Pity Mr. Todd wasn’t with the OBA. I wonder if he regrets his decision to join the PLP?

    Must have been Favern LurBert who wrote their press release.

    • PEPPER says:

      Lavern, Will be the down fall of the P.L.P. everyone is saying that she needs to have her meds refilled !!!! or maybe douuble the dosage !!!!!!!!!!! I womder why she was a senator for such a short period ? as a journalist she needs not to use umum so much, the only thing I give Our premier credit for is getting rid of Lavern and Cromwell…….

      • Sherlene says:

        You keep it up Laverne , keep being the THORN IN THEIR SIDE .
        Got your back
        PLP PLP PLP
        From most of the Black Adderley Family
        You go all the way PLP

        • The nitty gritty says:

          ..and from the remainder of the family, you go all the way PLP…to the bank!

    • so-n-so says:

      favern LurBert! fat you just gave me a good laugh

  2. Chart says:

    Methinks the PLP doth protest too much.

  3. Chardonnay says:

    Tell it like it is Leah Scott and OBA. We need integrity, transparency, and good governance if we, meaning all Bermudians, are going to dig ourselves out of this PLP-driven hole. The truth hurts, and now the PLP is getting hit every day with the truth so they are biting back like cornered dogs. Be strong and know that the more they protest, the more right you are!!!

  4. Just sayin says:

    Methinks the Poor Little Party need a few rolls of duct tape, you know the old saying, if you don’t have anything good to say keep your mouth shut.

  5. Truth (Original) says:

    Just because our laws are insufficient to lay down charges of criminality doesn’t mean that there wasn’t any wrong doing. What we are calling “unethical” is ILLEGAL in other places.

    Mrs. Scott is merely speaking the truth. To hide behind the fact that “no charges have been laid” speaks to the inadequacy of our laws and not the truthfulness of her statement.

    What sullies Bermuda is not her comments but the “unethical” actions of Government Officials.

  6. Shaking the Head says:

    The allegations do indeed have a basis. The Auditor General has mentioned them as has the Ombudsman. At least Leah is allowed to speak unlike the last candidate rolled out by the PLP who was not allowed to answer on advice of her counsel, sorry, The Premier.

  7. Clinton J. A. Paynter OBA Affiliated says:

    Read Kevin Comeaus’ Opinion piece in the daily “Prosecuting Corruption”… Pretty much says it all. “So we are left with the reality that although our laws provide a mechanism to flush out the concrete evidence needed to prosecute political corruption, that mechanism is mired in a political web of self-protection and conflict of interest.”

    • st. geo resident says:

      CJ when are they going to roll u out as a canadiate. I know your got a lot to say and will be good as a representative in St. Georges
      Please stop waiting and come on and run against Dame Jennifer.
      You will get my vote as well as other peoples vote in St. Georges..
      Vote CJ for Const. 1

  8. Family Man says:

    If the Pee el Pee feel so strongly about what was said, maybe they should sue Ms. Scott for defamation.

  9. SamD says:

    A lot of PLP supporters are getting tired of lowering the standards of good governance to a level which one should feel good about wrongdoing as long as it is not unlawful. Whether prosecuted of not, cronyism is bad. Corruption is bad. Cover ups are bad. The auditor General has revealed many such issues which ARE FACTS. And these are not one-off happenings. There is a trend, especially over the past 5 or 6 years. I think the PLP will actually win some sympathy if they tone down their denial. People have empathy once wrongdoing is admitted.

  10. your joking says:

    The statement also said that “Ms. Scott and the OBA should be reminded that no charges have ever been filed against any member of the government for any wrongdoing.”

    They didn’t say “no member of government has ever done anything illegal”

    • Alsys says:

      Funny that. Wasn’t Mr Burrows (current case in the courts) a member of government? Oh wait, you fired him before charging him so it doesn’t count?? Puh lease…

      • Itsaboutallofus says:

        Oh please Alsys. You dont even know what you are talking about, yet you think you do. The response from the PLP was obviously talking about a member of the Government Team, ie. legislature, not a civil servant.

        • The nitty gritty says:

          The rot goes from the bottom to the top. You’re watching the slow motion economic collapse of our little world and the best you can do is manipulate the most minor mitigations and petty details? There are none so blind as those who will not see.
          Anyone notice the lovely waste of money in the form of anew roof over the hole at the north end of Blackwatch Pass? or tarmac on the north shore land just past Ducking Stool?
          or the constant widening of sidewalks around Parliament? Oh that is to allow more Protestors to fit when things start getting really dire.Anyone hear the bank figures for home repossession yet? Sully Bermuda’s name? That job’s been completed by the last 12 years of ..flip flopping chaos.

          • JCS says:

            The “hole” as you call it at the end of Blackwatch Pass is the reason for the name, Blackwatch Pass. Blackwatch Well is a little piece of Bermuda’s history and should be protected.

  11. Voice of Reason says:


    I wonder how this Leah Scott will do on the doorstep?

  12. On the Dock says:

    Make sure when you have the facts dear. Because if ever you get in Government i would exspect you to do your homework.

  13. Trident says:

    * note the qwik barrage of anti plp venom.
    I hope that the non cyber bullies here realize that the barrage of anti govt hared that is spewed here all day every day is not organic, it is a mostly conscious effort by the same mostly ex pat angry hateful group who post on another site. They have an agreement with each other to troll bermuda’s blogs and post as many hateful things as they can.

    Many of them don’t live here and cant vote and have a problem with this govt. mostly based on old racist ideals. It is why they can easily shift their anger from jennifer smith, to alex scot, to brown to cox. no matter who or how well the govt. is doing they will attack. for every one pro govt. post, you will see 10 angry responses.

    It is very coordinated and destructive. One common retort that speaks volumes is that “bda has been horrible since 1998″ meaning that even before the PLP had a chance to put any policies into place they were seething, you see it has nothing to do with governance. If you remember, going back to jennifer there have been accusations of corruption but nothing proven legally.

    When it comes to financial and govt.corruption even someone as powerful as the US president will be found out (see clinton, nixon) the reason why nothing is ever proven here is that there is nothing. Political power cannot be won by old bermuda anymore so they will cry corruption and smear, that is all they can do. It is something that actually predates party politics. Remember how cathartic it was when the UBP was voted out, if the OBA gets voted in it will be the UBP all over again.

    • Shaking the Head says:

      Your arguments fall down because the Premier has herself said that she is putting in place legislation to stop all these unethical but not illegal acts occurring again. She is admitting they took place but that the laws were inadequate. Or are you saying she is wrong and nothing untoward went on and the law changes are not required?

    • WillSee says:

      @Trident- nothing new from you! you spout the same defensive dribble in every post you have written on Bernews.

    • OvEr says:

      So funny and ironic that Trident says things like “Many of them don’t live here and cant vote and have a problem with this govt. mostly based on old racist ideals”, and “it is a mostly conscious effort by the same mostly ex pat angry hateful group” under an article about the PLP accusing Ms. Scott of not backing up her statements. There are very desperate attempts by the PLP trolls right now. They’re scared and should be. Candidates like Ms. Scott bring a lot to the table. For the record, I am a Bermudian voter, who will be casting a vote for the OBA.

    • YES MATE! says:

      How many gallons of kool-aid did you guzzle down to come up with that sh!t?

    • Clinton J. A. Paynter OBA Affiliated says:

      LMFAO! at your comments “Trident”… So by your definition I’m an angry ex pat that can’t vote because I speak out against the PLP Gov?! Typical procedure to paint all dissenters with the “combined opposition” brush. Smh… Go lay down.

    • Barracuda says:

      The PLP have had their turn, they took what they wanted, there is nothing left, time to move on.

    • Rick Rock says:

      Well I live here and I’m Bermudian so there goes your theory.

    • Pastor Syl says:

      @ Trident: Do you think that repeating something ad nauseum makes it truth? Please stop cutting and pasting this tired post. This must be the 6th or 7th time I have seen it, and since I am one of the anti-PLP bloggers you refer to and am Bermudian, black and an erstwhile PLP voter since I was old enough to vote (though I won’t be voting PLP this election – I am too disgusted with the current state of affairs, despite the heroic efforts at spinning the facts), your post misses the point. In fact, it proves my point that PLP supporters and parliamentarians alike prefer to shoot the messengers rather than address the message.

  14. is B..Leaving says:

    The Male emasculating Hatwreck and LV.Trainwreck have their claws out for this strong female .

  15. media says:

    You know that when the PLP actual take the time to issue a press statement about a just announced candidate they must consider them a real threat. By doing this they have told me that they consider Leah Scott as a strong OBA candidate and when the election campaign ignites will be one of the candidates they will be focusing a lot of energy on. Good choice Craig!

    • Itsaboutallofus says:

      Not necessarily. I thought the same thing when i heard Ms Scott speech. She made some strong accusations that are unfounded.

    • PEPPER says:

      Lea , is a gutsy women and we need more like her .

    • observer says:

      great choice Craig!!!!

  16. media says:

    @itsaboutallofus – On the other hand the Premier bends over backwards at every opportunity to say that everything possible is being done to raise Government standards when it comes to Good Governance. Don’t fool your, everybody is painfully aware of the swirl of alleged wrongdoing that surrounds the PLP including the Premier. Leah Scott just pushed the right buttons and the PLP chimed in. They are very sensitive to that kind of comment. The Premier is trying very hard to turn it around but they can’t shake it at this point.

  17. Trident says:

    my point is proved. I don’t know this woman but if she has bought into the oba nonsense i believe her flaw will be revealed soon.

  18. And I quote, “Ms. Scott chose to “sully Bermuda with defamatory insinuations and accusations against the government.”

    Check it out…..The “new” PLP tactic is obviously this: Speaking ill of the PLP will be equated to speaking ill of BERMUDA.

    The PLP tried to use the same tactic with Bob “Tell it Like it Tis” Richards. The PLP basically called Bob Richards a TRAITOR and not a PATRIOT because he called the PLP out on their mismanagement of our precious economy.

    The race baiting and trying to paint the OBA as the new BP is not gaining traction, so they have been advised by their handlers to start throwing around the Patriotism lable. Criticize the PLP government and you are a traitor, unpatriotic and should be lined up against a wall and shot!

    They are despearate, tired and out of ideas. This is going to get ugly folks cause the PLP realize that their support is turned off, many are unemployed, disilluisoned, tired of the scandaland many will stay home in droves on election day.

    Leah, you are a strong, committed BLACK woman who has taken the very brave first step forward. May God guide and Bless you as you begin your time of service to Bermuda.


    PS. The PLP have NOTHING left. The quality of the OBA candidates is clearly outshining the PLP candidates.

  19. Cancer says:

    @Vott – The PLP have NOTHING left. The quality of the OBA candidates is clearly outshining the PLP candidates.

    Need I say more? Thanks Vott – Cancer…..

  20. Argosy says:

    Recall that the DPP (Mr. Ratnasser)and the Commissioner of Police, after the investigation into the BHC shenanigans, made a statement that their (two Government Ministers) actions were “unethical but not illegal” based on Bermuda’s laws at the time – which have yet to be revised.

    Recall who the Commissioner was??

  21. Trident says:

    um, cancer, ur doing premature cartwheels bcuz the oba paid 2 black women to run for them? 1, that speaks volumes about whats up, 2 where’s albertha waite, gina spence, gwyn rawlins, nothing new. but cancer, king of the bernews posters, go on and celebrate the imaginary “election” the oba has won in your head. be my guest, :-)

  22. observer says:

    Yup! You can tell she’s a lawyer… She’s picking her boogers and flinging them.

  23. jennell gibbons says:

    you had my vote OBA but not now.

    • LongBayTradingCo. says:

      Why? because she had the nerve to SPEAK the truth, based on hard evidence? This Administration and their die hard following are INCAPABLE of seeing reality when it is in their face, owning up to reality when there is clear DOCUMENTED evidence and example upon example upon example, their continuing to harbour and hide behind walls of silence and misdirection AND LIES. As a certain Hollywood film star said “TRUTH? YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!!!!”

      Truth, truth, truth. Think upon the POWER of that simple word, what it means and WHAT IT STANDS FOR.

      • observer says:

        Can anyone fly a kite against the wind? Does the UBA see anything the present government has done right? The truth is that the UBA is brainstorming its people by committing treason…

  24. jennell gibbons says:

    it’s all politricks anyway

    • sticky says:

      Thanks Rick Rock, what a great observation, the Plp and all their supporters are so stupid, they just don’t understand tghe problem, but u and all the bloggers do, cronyism, unecthical behaviour did just not start in 1998.

  25. Rick Rock says:

    The problem is that the PLP doesn’t even understand the problem.

    When accused of cronyism and unethical behavior, their response is that ‘no criminal charges’ have been filed. The answer doesn’t even relate to the question.

    The PLP always falls back to the “Burgess Standard”. Which is that, in their view, they can do anything they like as long as they aren’t convicted of a crime. So any cronyism, anything unethical, anything immoral, anything actually criminal but capable of ‘being explained’, is ok with the PLP.

    The problem is that the PLP doesn’t have any morals or ethics. It doesn’t think they apply.

  26. sandgrownan says:

    Clearly, the patriotism card is the new race card. Disagree with the PLP and you disagree with BERMUDA. Although, it’s fair to say, the PLP consider themselves the only true Bermudians, so at least they’re consistent.

  27. Cancer says:

    @trident – you almost had me giving you return props until you came up (or somebody) with the line that the OBA is paying for quality black women candidates. Do you SERIOUSLY believe that is true. That is the most rediculous thing ive heard. I can assure you firstly that the OBA is entirely a different Party from the UBP. Now I’m not saying UBP ever paid anyone cuz I don’t know that. I do know there are people out there that refuse to accept that the OBA is a brand new party. The whole thought and working processor the party is entirely different and that’s only one reason why so many quality black people are being attracted to the party. The leader CC may have his critics. But Craig has been able to bring a good qualiy team together which has become attractive to many. From where I sit The OBA is change, putting Bermuda first, putting people first. We stand for Opportunity, Responsibilty, Integrity, Transparency and fairness. I do believe they will be the better choice for Bermuda because the PLP has failed the people of Bermuda!

  28. Pastor Syl says:

    Somebody please explain to me how criticising the PLP is treasonous? PLP and Bermuda are not synonymous.