Premier Honoured At New York Gala

April 1, 2012

On Saturday evening, March 31st, 2012 at the 16th Annual Women of Great Esteem Emerald Awards Ceremony in New York, Premier Paula Cox was the recipient of the elite 2012 WGE “Emerald Award of Excellence.

The Premier is the third Bermudian recipient of the  WGE Award of Excellence, joining the late Dame Lois Brown Evans and former Premier Dame Jennifer Smith. Almost a dozen Bermuda woman have been recipients of the WGE Emerald award with only three achieving its highest honour.

The Woman of Great Esteem “Emerald Award of Excellence” is presented each year to an extraordinary woman whose exemplary life achievements have brought her prominence amongst her peers, honour from her community and positive notoriety in her country and the world.

The awards recognises the recipients recognition in Politics, Religion, Education, Health,Economics, the Arts, Law and Leadership. To date, the WGE Emerald Awards of Excellence has been awarded to recipients from Bermuda, Jamaica, Barbados, the United States of America, the Bahamas and South Africa.

The WGE Ceremony saw Premier Cox deliver the keynote address and the Alix Boyd Knight, Speaker of the House of Assembly in Dominican, Jamaican Consul General, Dr. Geneive Brown Metzer, local lawyers Mrs Gail A. Adams and Mrs Shari Lee Sugarman, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Dr. Karlene ChinQuee, MD, FACOG and activist Mrs. Cynthia Byer (Posthumous) inducted into the Women of Great Esteem’s International Hall of Fame.

The Woman of Great Esteem “Emerald Award” is presented each year to women who develop and advance their communities without regard for race, ethnicity, religiosity, gender, age or national origin; labour in an atmosphere that fosters trust and teamwork and challenge their communities to appreciate diversity and treat each other with dignity and respect.

The award recognises the recipients for their extraordinary contributions to the advancement of women and world peace and their distinction in. The areas of Politics, Religion, Education, Health, Economics, the Arts, Law and Leadership. Previous Bermudian inductees into the WGE Hall of Fame are former Cabinet Minister Neletha Butterfield and  lawyer Victoria Pearman.

On receipt of the award, the Premier paid tribute to all the recipients of the WGE Emerald Awards and said, ” It is humbling and an honour to be in the company of my sisters. The Award of Excellence was awesome.

“I reflect on the words of the French poet: ‘Come to the edge. We can’t We are afraid. Come to the edge. We can’t . We are afraid. And they came. And he pushed. And they flew. Come let us fly together. Thank you very much.”

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Comments (48)

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  1. Shaking the Head says:

    This s a great honor. How much will it reduce Bermuda’s debt?

  2. Cancer says:

    This must be some sort of joke – she’s the second worse premier we’ve had! The people of Bermuda clearly can’t understand this one…

    • Family Man says:

      That’s why the Emerald Award is not quite as prestigious as the Platinum Award.

    • Maddog says:

      White supremacy is the belief, and promotion of the belief, that white people are superior to people of other racial backgrounds. The term is sometimes used specifically to describe a political ideology that advocates the social, political, historical and/or industrial dominance by whites.[1] White supremacy, as with racial supremacism in general, is rooted in ethnocentrism and a desire for hegemony and power, [2] and has frequently resulted in violence against non-whites. Different forms of white supremacy have different conceptions of who is considered white, and not all white supremacist organizations agree on who is their greatest enemy.

      • Hmmmm says:

        And the award for the most irrelevant and offtopic post of the 21st century goes to maddog. Your prize a rotten and bitter tasting self loathing.

      • star man says:

        What about black supremacy, Vance? How’s that working out for ya?

      • Tommy Chong says:

        Take it easy Stokely! Lower your fist & remove your beret for a minute to let your brain get some oxygen. Now think real hard on what you are about to read next. PLP only cares about one colour & thats the colour of money. Last I checked NOBODY ever born on this earth was the born the colour of money. The only reason plp got into a race debate was not because they cared but because they knew it would get them elected so they’re hands on government founds. You & all who think like you have been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok!

    • all Clogged up says:

      The Debt ain’t goin nowhere, especially with Madam Premier sitting in first class, yup I saw it with my on eyes on AA last friday ….. so much with doing more with less….BUT thumbs up to Phil Butterfield who was sitting in coach with the common folk on the same flight….geeze Phil like me, I know you could use the extra leg room…..Phil B for Premier!

    • pepper says:

      Cancer, most Bermudians do understand that the cog is the second worse premier we have ever had……there are a few that will defend her no matter what !!!
      Paula Cox is not a leader…and she needs to get out of politics…

    • Come correct says:

      The term black supremacy is a blanket term for various racist ideologies which hold that black people are superior to people of other races.

      In the 1930s the Nation of Islam emerged, coming to prominence during the 1960s, when charismatic minister Malcolm X became a spokesman for the movement. The group’s founders, “Master Fard” Muhammad and Elijah Muhammad, preached the Doctrine of Yakub, which held that the Original Man was an “Asiatic black man”. White people, it contended, were “grafted” from black people 6,000 years ago by an ancient black scientist named Yakub.

      The belief in sacrificial killing and ritualistic murder was part of the early Nation of Islam doctrine. Fard thought explicitly that it was the duty for every Muslim to offer as sacrifice four “Caucasian devils”. A portion of Fard’s lesson reads as follows:

      Why does Fard Mohammad and any Moslem murder the devil? What is the duty of each Moslem in regard to four devils? What reward does a Moslem receive by presenting the four devils at one time? — Because he is one hundred percent wicked and will not keep and obey the laws of Islam. His ways and actions are like a snake of the grafted type. So Mohammad learned that he could not reform the devils, so they had to be murdered. All Moslems will murder the devil because they know he is a snake and also if he be allowed to live, he would sting someone else. Each Moslem is required to bring four devils, and by bringing and presenting four at one time his reward is a button to wear on the laple of his coat, also a free transportation to the Holy City of Mecca.

      …Ok and its 2012 Maddog, im pretty sure we’ve moved past all this crap, honestly it was last century, the race thing is old now…

      • Tommy Chong says:

        Not all Islamic followers believe in the scientist Yakub theory & many don’t feel they must kill infidels. It’s mainly Islamics that are African American that believe this & even in these case many don’t. I don’t have that big of an issue with the Quran except maybe the book of the cow that makes prejudice judgement against the Jews but most of it is peaceful & intelligent. Also I can’t really judge because even the Torah & the Bible make prejudice judgements also. I have more of a problem with the other islamic book the Hadith that promotes violence but most islamics will not follow it but follow the Quran only except for terrorist extremist. The majority of the islamics in the world are not African descended & consider their homeland Arabia not Africa.

        The above being stated I believe that the majority of Black Supremacy does not come from Malcolm X who before being assassinated denounced his earlier views to his followers & pushed more peaceful practices. I believe that the majority of Black Supremacy comes from the Stokely Carmichael & his Black nationalism view which is defined as advocating a racial definition (or redefinition) of indigenous national identity, as opposed to multiculturalism. There are different indigenous nationalist philosophies but the principles of all African nationalist ideologies are unity, and self-determination or independence from European society. If you know about Ewart Browns speech in Cayman you would see the parallel between what he says about Britain & the Black nationalism view. I do realize the Black Panthers who practiced Black nationalism did a huge amount of good things for African descended people but at the same time skewed their mindset around their ideology & made all who believed it feel hindered in a multicultural society. This can be still seen today in many Adult Bermudians who followed Stokely Carmichael’s teachings the sad thing is when they teach them to the young. These people must educate themselves in the fact that America set up Liberia in order for anyone who wanted to repatriate to do so & they are welcome to so they must either stop complaining about being connected to Europeans or repatriate back to the motherland as there is a place for them there.

        • LOL (original TM*) says:

          Nation of Islam is the American version it is not the true Muslim Faith but a made up version that share some doctrines.


          • Tommy Chong says:

            Yes you’re correct & I realize this that’s why I typed it’s mainly Islamics that are African American that believe this. I just didn’t want the part of poster Come correct’s comment, “All Moslems will murder the devil because they know he is a snake and also if he be allowed to live, he would sting someone else. Each Moslem is required to bring four devils, and by bringing and presenting four at one time his reward is a button to wear on the laple of his coat, also a free transportation to the Holy City of Mecca.” to be misconstrued as to be literally taken as all muslims. It’s bad enough that some believe Bush’s war on terrorism was fully justified when they don’t know the real unjustified reason for it.

  3. Triangle Drifter says:

    Google Great Esteem Emerald Awards.

    Much adoo about really very little at all. A piece of wall bling.

  4. Just sayin says:

    April fools joke ….right.

    • no entiendo says:

      LOL That is so funny. I super like this comment lol

  5. Cancer says:

    Ahhhh – I knew this must have been a joke – but I forgot it was April fools day… Come on Bernews stop playing with the April fools jokes. It’s too late in the day now!

  6. pebblebeach says:

    This is absolute Cogwash…

  7. smh says:

    its amazing the hate that runs through these peoples veins with the negative comments. And it should be clear by reading the comments on other articles that these are predominantly OBA supporters who are so clouded by political hatred that they can’t even let the woman be honored by whoever chooses to honor her. It is ridiculous.

    • Tommy Chong says:

      I don’t support oba but I don’t support anyone who signed off on government funds while Eward was premier either.

  8. Mad Dawg says:

    Hoe exactly has she “advanced world peace”? In as much as she is exceptionally loquacious, she actually is a person who ends peace more often than she creates it.

  9. Scared of Our Own Shadow says:

    option 1 – call election please so OBA can run Bermuda

    option 2 – call election and after PLP victory please have a internal shuffle and give Bermuda a Leader, PLP supporters please consider the following to led you and Bermuda, Kim Wilson, Jonathan Smith, Vince Ingham, Terry Lister or recruit one of your supporters who have credibility in IB community.

    this chapter will go down as one of failure by a weak indecisive student.

  10. Create some Spin says:

    Awards overseas from friends to create the impression at home that you are doing something, great PR strategy

  11. Bad News Bear says:

    Wasn’t there something similar on an episode of the Simpsons?,_Can_You_Spare_Two_Dimes%3F

  12. Triangle Drifter says:

    Another pay to play type of scheme. In 2009 the Bermuda Department of Tourism is listed as one of the main sponsors of this little self serving party. If this organisation has a website, it is not easy to find. Anyone surprised?

  13. Tommy Chong says:

    OK! OK! OK! Maybe there is a negative effect of decriminalization in New York but the judges shouldn’t be sampling the NYC Diesel before casting their vote. Come on judges! It could of waited till you were chilling at home now see what you’ve done. You must of thought you were voting on a Caroline’s on Broadway Show. LMAO

  14. Noel Ashford says:

    Someone PLEASE tell me why we are honoring the most incompetent public individual right now second to her predecessor?!? How much debt do we have again? clearly she is NOT good at her job!

  15. Funny says:

    Think this is more realistic as the Cog’s final quote in her speach:

    ‘Come to the edge. We can’t We are afraid. Come to the edge. We can’t . We are afraid. And they came. Splat!!!’

    • Hot air balloon says:

      lmbao ! !

      Then they were told the ‘splat’ was good for them and it was an investment in their future !

  16. smh says:

    Some of u lot are severely mental!

    • Tommy Chong says:

      Maybe but it isn’t our fault. Brain damage does occur form lack of oxygen due to overdevelopment & inhalation of carbon monoxide from massive construction vehicles. Let’s not forget about the methane fumes we’ve been breathing form all the decomposing bull manuer coming from our current & previous premiers speeches. Would someone please hand me a gas mask before I go completely insane in the membrane.

    • Pastor Syl says:

      Some of us are just laughing to keep from crying.

  17. Pastor Syl says:

    “The Woman of Great Esteem “Emerald Award of Excellence” is presented each year to an extraordinary woman whose exemplary life achievements have brought her…honour from her community and positive notoriety in her country”

    Well, maybe a portion of her community, but I’d hesitate to put a percentage point on it!

    “The Woman of Great Esteem “Emerald Award” is presented each year to women who develop and advance their communities without regard for race, ethnicity, religiosity, gender, age or national origin; labour in an atmosphere that fosters trust and teamwork and challenge their communities to appreciate diversity and treat each other with dignity and respect.”

    Now THIS quote is a bit more difficult to swallow. There is little teamwork, less trust, and for those who disagree, even in the House of Parliament, which should set the example for us all, dignity and respect are just about non-existent, but I have yet to hear of Madame Premier chastising her colleagues for their behaviour.

    There is a lot of chastisement from her followers towards those who disagree with her style of governance on these blogs, but those same followers appear to excuse the snide, sarcastic, sometimes rude and downright nasty comments from their own. No example of dignity or respect there!

  18. We care says:

    We should have a mandatory draft to secure our brightest and best to lead the country especially during these times. There are some very bright, charismatic Bermudians in international business with proven leadership and integrity that should be persuaded to come forward!

    Darren Johnston PWC, Gil Tucker E&Y, Patrick Tannock XL, Ronald Simmons, Shawn Morris to name a few!

    These men are all extremely accomplished in their fields, respected internationaly, care deeply about Bermuda and still have deep connections to their communities and have the gravitas, intellect to provide the leadership to move this country forward!

  19. Cancer says:

    Well said Paster Sly!!! Hey weres Specialgirl4you or MIA – they’re both Missing In Action. Has she finally put her blog pen down in defense of the PLP ? Has she finally been blown away by the flipflop policies of the PLP ?

    • Pastor Syl says:

      @ Cancer: I appreciate that we are often on the same wavelength, but I would draw your attention to the spelling of my name – I am assuming “Sly” is a typo. I do hope you do not see me as a sly person.

    • LOL (original TM*) says:

      I called MAWI and let them know where their special girl Mia went they thanked me and went to recollect her………………………


  20. Cancer says:

    My bad !!! Typo… Lol !!

    • Pastor Syl says:

      Feel No way @ Cancer! Happens so often, even when written by hand, that my nickname in the family is Slyvia. However, on this forum where my character is sometimes called into question, I felt I had to ask.

  21. Cleancut says:

    I am sure we will be calling her Dame Cox pretty soon! Get those recommendations in Boys! I also think Dr. Brown and Col. Burch should both receive Knighthoods for their daring Guantanamo Bay Operation, without taking a penny? well done Sirs.

  22. citi zen says:

    At some point we will to learn to praise our fellow countrymen/women. Let us not follow the rest of the world in being soooooo negative. So congratulations Premier Cox. I pray that Bermuda would just support you as our leader.

    It is sad that other countries has noted of your excellence before we even stop to say thanks to you.

    Thank you Premier Cox.

    This is not the time to debate what race is superior. HUMAN race show love to another human. Please!!!!

    • Tommy Chong says:

      WHATEVER!!!! We wouldn’t be sooooooo negative if Paula Cox & Ewart Brown didn’t squander our governments money. If they weren’t so greedy & unscrupulous our fellow countrymen & women would not be felling the recession soooooo bad. Go tell a laid off mother who can only feed her children lunchables for three meals a day not to be negative while Paula & Ewart schmooze at expensive restaurants on our funds.

  23. Victor says:

    Given all the Bermudian women recipients, perhaps the event should move here. Every little boost to tourism helps. Of course, for a recipient, this is less exciting than a freebie in the Apple, but then country should come first…Who knows, it might even make Page 1 of the NYT and not only Bernews.

    • 32n64w says:

      But then the PLP Government delegation would miss out on their shopping trip to the Big Apple (at taxpayer expense).

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      It won’t even make news in a free Brooklyn newspaper where the handouts were held. If this organization was worth anything you would think that they would do due diligence before handing out anything.

      No doubt we taxpayers, through the Department of Tourism, paying for the party as sponsors, had something to do with recipient choices.

      Who paid for the air & hotel? Dumb question.