BIU President: ‘No Open Dialogue With Minister’

January 11, 2013

[Updated with video] The Bermuda Industrial Union “firmly believes” that the Minister in violation of the Labour Relations Act 1975, BIU President Chris Furbert said today.

Mr Furbert quoted Home Affairs Minister Michael Fahy as saying “I will be having an open dialogue with the unions” and said the open dialogue that the Minister promised “is not so open.”

Mr Furbert’s full statement follows below:

Allow me to begin this press conference by referring to Senator The Hon. Michael M. Fahy’s statement in the Bermuda Sun on January 4, 2013 in which he is quoted as saying that “he pledged to work with the unions to help ensure the economy moved in the right direction”. The Minister went on to say later in that article “I will be having an open dialogue with the unions”.

The open dialogue that the Minister promised in the article is not so open. Let me explain why.

The BIU, along with one our sister Unions were represented on the Immigration Board in 2012. However, the Minister has decided that the BIU will not be represented on the Immigration Board in 2013, although our sister union is still has representation on that board. So you need to ask the question is this personal against to BIU?

On January 9, 2013 The Permanent Arbitration Tribunal members were gazette in the Official Gazette. You may ask what is concerning about that. The BIU firmly believes that Minister Fahy in making that appointment is in violation of the Labour Relations Act 1975.

The Labour Relations Act 1975 clearly states under section 14 (4) that “The Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Permanent Arbitration Tribunal shall hold office for a period of three years, and be reappointed from time to time for a like period”: and section 14 (5) reads “The members on the panel shall hold office for a period of two years, and be reappointed from time to time for a like period”:

In is my understanding that there members of the Permanent Arbitration Tribunal who have not served out their term and the Minister has removed them with consultation with them.

But what is most concerning about the appointment of the Permanent Arbitration Tribunal is that under section 14 (2) which reads “Before exercising his powers under subsection (1) the Minister shall consult such trade unions or other organizations as appear to him to be representative of the views of the employers and workmen in Bermuda”.

I can tell you the Bermuda Industrial Union was not consulted and I have spoken to one of our sister unions and I have been assured that they were not consulted either. So where is the open dialogue with the unions that the Minister promised would take place?

Once again the BIU firmly believes that the Minister in violation of the Labour Relations Act 1975.

Update 5.07pm: Having been advised of comments made by BIU President, Chris Furbert earlier today, the Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy said: “I can confirm that I met with Mr. Furbert today at the Hospitality Job Fair regarding his concerns and I will be meeting him in the very near future to continue our discussions.”

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Comments (98)

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  1. bdian says:

    Did Chris Furbert take these concerns to the new Minister before calling a press conference?

    • bdian says:

      My mistake. In listening to the audio, the first question from the press identified that CF has not contacted the Minister about this matter before calling a press conference.

    • Out of flight says:

      Shame on the OBA for NOT following the law. Report card so far with the hiring of Corey (can’t complete an assignment) : F.

  2. smith says:

    hmmm…how about your union not is compliance with the law providing ontime audit reports.


      • Rick Rock says:

        But it is not a legislative requirement.

        Why the caps lock? Are you shouting?

  3. Oh Sh!t says:

    Imagine this, the OBA doesn’t consult the unions as per the law. Then appoints their Chairman as head of the Arbitration Panel.

    Watch Carefully Bermuda, this OBA govt is exactly what the PLP said they would be, the UBP!

    • Islander says:

      I hope the next container ship in has enuf tu du sheets if not, Chris is going to have to wipe himself on his ties becuse he is so full of it.

    • I couldnt agree with you more “OH !!!!” This UBP party with a Black SURRPGATE LEADER is still showing its racist colors – lets see the faces of all the ‘newly illegally appointed’ board members under this JUST DO W/OUT ANY CONSULTATION GOVT.

      • Balanced Facts says:

        LOL…If the ministers Actions are illegal then Chris should have his lawyers take the new Government to Court and duke it out with the new AG…that will be fun to watch! And if he doesn’t the only fair conclusion is Furbert is full of it…lets watch and see!

    • Cleancut says:

      Lets hope and prey that they are the old talented UBP, because we really need them right now.

    • Who done it says:

      I think you miss wrote, surely you mean OBA is acting just like the PLP… Which is a very sorry state… But I hope they are not. Looks like the old PLP ers have got some “new” names…

  4. Curious says:

    Now he wants to play by the law? How about audited financial statements on a yearly basis as is stated in the law?
    I’m pretty sure that according to the law the BIU should be dissolved….

    A joke

  5. hehe says:

    this guy needs a lick…..

  6. Roger says:

    Sheer genius to take a position of attack, attack, attack.

    Let’s guarantee open dialogue by starting a fight.

    For the good of Bermuda!!

  7. Serious Though says:

    Stop the Press conferences, Call the Minister! that how you settle these differences

    • yes you are right!! If you want to discuss your issue call the Minister. The time it has taken you to have this press call this could have been sorted.

      Maybe Mr. Furbert has never had to do this before??

      • Hmmmmm says:

        Why should he call the Minister before holding a press conference? Stuart Hayward doesn’t do that. He speaks via the media to everyone he seeks to criticize. Carry on Chris. Right out of the OBA’s opposition playbook.

        • Mad Dawg says:

          Ok then. Well if the union wants to keep calling wildcat strikes maybe it should pay the government the $7m it owes.


  8. Roger says:

    Actually, who am I kidding, I completely love this stuff.

    Let’s keep shooting from the hip…..

    If this is true, these are different laws from any that the BIU have allegedly ignored anyway right, submitting financials and all that.

  9. Chart says:


  10. Familiar says:

    If the Labour Relations Act 1975 is as stated in In Mr. Furbert’s statement, he might want to take a closer look at things, because he’s clearly failing to appreciate the nuances in the wording.

    ~~But what is most concerning about the appointment of the Permanent Arbitration Tribunal is that under section 14 (2) which reads “Before exercising his powers under subsection (1) the Minister shall consult such trade unions or other organizations as appear to him to be representative of the views of the employers and workmen in Bermuda”.~~

    Could be simply that Min. Fahy doesn’t think the unions appear to be representative of the views of the employers and workmen in Bermuda.

    There is also a vagueness in the language concerning the terms.

    Please understand, I’m not saying that Min. Fahy is in the right if he is disregarding the opinion of the unions, I’m just saying that it’s possible from the wording that Mr. Furbert has no legal standing in his belief.

  11. Curiousity Killed the Cat says:

    Having read the press statement above – is this something that was provided by Chris Furbert or was it re-typed by a member of Bernews staff and not proof read? The reason I am asking is that if Chris Furbert is making these statements he is basically talking out of his ying yang – you miss out one word and the whole meaning of your statement changes -”In is my understanding that there members of the Permanent Arbitration Tribunal who have not served out their term and the Minister has removed them with consultation with them”. So the people that were removed were asked first and they obviously agreed so what is the issue ?

  12. Cry me a river says:

    C’mon be adult about it Chris. We all know you are mad that YOUR PLP is no long in power but I have looked after children that cry less than you. Its like the same old story week after week. Call the Minister, talk man to man. Its that simple. I know your title is President of the BIU but you are going to be holding more conferences than the President of the United States if you keep up at this rate. Stop being anger driven. Sit back, analyze, and than if need be, act, but act sensibly.

  13. Know it all says:

    The media should always ask the following questions before attending a BIU press conference:
    1. Has the BIU President spoken with all parties directly before calling the press conference to discuss the issue at hand
    2. Has the said press conference been vetted by lawyers to ensure it is legally correct
    3. Has the speech been reviewed by a PR Firm
    4. If the press conference is to call for a wildcat strike or industrial action, do not attend

    Following the above, the media will save lots of time of the general Bermudian public.

    The BIU has yet to grasp that Unions do not and should not hold the same power they used to. Further, the purpose of the union is to ensure all workers it represents are adequatley looked after. This would mean to engage in active negotiations early and work on compromise deals if needed…not cry “strike” every time something doesn’t go their way.

    Hopefully Furbert improves the act this year.

  14. lightbulb! says:


  15. Minister says:

    Oh no, the OBA will now have to find probably 4,000 jobs if the Union keeps up this testicular fortitude posturing.

    Dear Minister Fahy, take the high road and walk round to Liberty Theatre to meet with them so they feel like they are in control, even though its the shareholders of the companies that generate revenue in our Island who are really in control.

  16. More Confused says:

    I’m not a lawyer, but aren’t all such Boards and Tribunals dissolved following a General Election especially if a new Party forms the Government? If so then most of what Chris Furbert said is irrelevant.
    Nothing new there, and it shows an intent to be hostile to call a Press Conference over such a matter.
    Maybe there should be a Press Conference to warn all entities such as the BIU that the law will immediately be enforced as to statutory financial reporting requirements.

  17. jt says:

    boo hoo – stuf it.

  18. Verbal Kint says:

    Note to CF. An action can’t be pesonal against the Union. The BIU is not a person. An action can be personal against you.

  19. bs says:

    Put your own house in order Furbert. Finacial accounts etc. Learn to speak English properly also, you sound retarded!

  20. Enforcer says:

    We all know even if the Minister did have open dialogue with the union, they will complain and try everything in their power, even if it is illegal to discredit the Government because of their allegiance to the PLP – its no secret. So Bermuda be prepared for more verbal diarrhea from this individual and illegal action from this union.

  21. sad says:

    cant believe i just wasted 12 minutes of my life listening to this guy. an absolute joke, complete moron. get out of the here

  22. Justin says:

    Ironic how Furbert says there a conflict of interest with Thad Hollis sitting on the board since he is the OBA’s party chairman, but he seems to believe it’s perfectly acceptable for him to be a member of the PLP while he is head of a union.

  23. C.B.A. says:

    In life, I’ve found that if you say something big every so often, people will listen. However, when you constantly make noise, people begin to tune out…and that’s exactly what’s beginning to happen with the BIU.

  24. haha says:

    Its clear that Mr Furbert and the BIU have annoyed many people over the years – in some cases legitimately and in other cases not so much. However, Minister Fahy and the OBA had clearly verbalized a willingness for open dialogue and consultation with the union and now we see that less than a month into governnment they are breaking this ‘agreement’. I don’t know why we are surprised though. In the lead up to the election, did the OBA even meet with anyone from the union? I think not. They don’t care – to the OBA the union is a thorn in their side. And the OBA’s goal is to marginalize the union(s) as best as possible. Watch de ride.

    • Argosy says:

      The BIU is a thorn in enerybody’s side and we all want them marginalized – which is one of the main reasons the majority of us voted the PLP/BIU out of office, Haha!

      Connect the dots, mate.

      The cozy lunches at the Leopards Club are history…….

    • Swing Voter says:

      the union was a thorn in EVERYBODY”S side…OBA UBP PLP and the entire population of Bermuda. This union has zero negotiation skills….Ottie, Molly, Colin, and even Lavern are more suitable leaders….Butch needs to go.

    • Who done it says:

      How are they breaking the agreement? Did CF call or attempt to contact the minister? No. Does the BIU need to sit on the board to be consulted? No.

  25. wartime says:

    the worst thing that could happen for Bermuda is the oba/ubp in charge.

    There will be a general strike soon. The oba/ubp doesnt care and has never cared about the average worker.

    It is time to prepare.

    • Bermy Gooner says:

      There will only be a general strike because certain individuals cannot take the fact that their beloved Party was voted out and are ready to stomp their feet and throw their toys. Such mentalities are retaiend by zealots, sycophants and immature children. And you my friend with the stupid moniker “wartime” fit the bill perfectly.

      So explain to me how the average worker is being marginalized after 3 weeks of a new Government?

    • Vulpes says:

      Mollycoddling anachronisms like the BIU is one of the main reasons we are in the mess we are in – keep up the good work Mr. Fahy and lets get Bermuda back in business.

      • Islander says:

        Agreed -

        • Argosy says:

          Absolutely! It’s time to stop Furbert’s nonsense. The man’s out-of-control and he needs to be controlled!

          The Government no longer needs the BIU’s support – hey, they couldn’t deliver it for the PLP on December 17th, could they??


      • Oh Shit says:

        What mess exactly. One of the highest GDP in the world?

        • Bermy Gooner says:

          I guess that mean the 8+% unemployment, record number of foreclosures and the overall demise of the private sector…

          That high “GDP” to which you refer has contracted for the last 3 years and more than likely will contract even further for 2013 …

        • C.B.A. says:

          Oh please! The only reason we HAD one of the highest GDP in the world was because we HAD CEOs of big companies in such a small population. It skewed the figures. The average Bermudian has no more than the average person from the UK, etc and, thanks to the PLP’s leadership, we will likely start to have a lot less. Don’t flatter yourself.

        • Mad Dawg says:

          Obviously you’re one of the champagne PLP elite, totally out of touch with real working people.

          Tell the 5,000 unemployed thy have the highest income in the world.


    • Brad says:

      Jeez, 14 years of PLP and all of a sudden it’s the OBA who don’t care. Are you blind to all that has gone on around you or did the PLP manage to brainwash you? Billions of debt both public and private, thousands jobless, house repossessions, gang violence etc and you’re complaining about a party that’s been in power for three weeks…well Duh!

      UBP is defunct, has been for years, move on like the rest of us!

  26. BDAGIRL says:


    How can you say the OBA/UBP don’t care about the average worker. They have not been in power for more then a month. If the Union strikes its not because of the OBA!!!!
    A general strike is not what the Island needs right now.

    When th UBP was in power the Government had money!!!!

    There are a lot of new faces in the OBA!!!!

    • Oh Shit says:

      If they did care, they wouldn’t be doing this crap.

      1) Appointing their chairman to arbitrate disputes
      2) Not consulting the unions on appointments as per law
      3) Removing BIU from the immigration board.


      • bs says:

        All good so far as I’m concerned. Better than being 30 years behind the times as the BIU is. Time for change!

      • Who done it says:

        1 who should hey appoint, CF?
        2 not consulting or not picking, they have a member from another union?
        3 why should the BIU sit on any board, they are clearly not qualified, they can’t even get their own Financials out on time and never follow the laws or rules.

        It is you whom needs to pay attention

  27. Islander says:

    Question – why is this man speaking on behalf of the union without any other union officials beside him???

    • Mad Dawg says:

      Because it’s an autocracy over at BziU, not a democracy.

  28. Winnie Dread says:

    Without going into the tit for tat fullishness,lol. I do think Bro Chris have a point here especially as it relates to the Immigration Board not having a BIU member. In the intrest of fairness someone should have been appointed, remember the OBA trumped the whole fairness/transparency platform so now is the time to do the right thing. Hope it does not turn into another “we don’t care what you say issue”.

    • bs says:

      Give things time, give OBA a chance. Too early to criticise, they have a lot of mess to tidy up.

    • Mad Dawg says:

      Having a BIU rep on the immigration board is hardly necessary, and should not be a priority.

      We’re trying to do things better now, not the half-a__ed way the last government did it.

    • Islander says:

      would a BIU member on the immigration board make a difference in the board allowing more overseas workers coming into the island, I look at the number of foreign workers doing menial jobs (cleaners) where we have seniors and well abled Bermudians doing the jobs. Just asking?

  29. Babs says:

    I renamed the MUTE button on my TV remote control to the CHRIS FURBERT button – seemed like the right thing to do seeing as I use it every time I hear him start spouting off on the TV. Cant stand to hear the stupidity that issues from this man’s mouth.

  30. Bermyman says:

    It seems that the purpose of the BIU nowadays is less about workers rights and more about economic terrorism .

  31. Opressed says:

    Please flush him.

  32. Swing Voter says:

    Hey Butch, yur azz is roasted bie…tha Ministar is also a lawya an guess wat Butch, he’s a good lawya at dat bie. Yah Butch yur finished bie…jus retiya and sit off on yur porch sippin koolaid bie cuz dat young bie got yur simple azz in a sling LOL

  33. Serious Though says:

    Chris need to find a “real” JOB! he seriously sucks at this …..

    • bs says:

      Maybe he could step down and run the spelling bee competition :)

  34. Bobmarlin says:

    Furby “your not in charge” to take words out of Colonel Burchys mouth.
    Standby, you will be notified of changes,on a need to know basis.Show a little patience and maybe you will be apprised of the way forward.Voters put the OBA in the govt. The PLP is not the govt now!
    Take care of the workers that you have been neglecting for the last 14 years.

  35. John E. Thorne says:

    The union president needs to practise what he preaches. I assume there will never be another illegal wildcat strike in Bermuda. I will not hold my breath.

    • LaVerne Furbert says:

      “Wild cat strike “a strike begun by workers spontaneously or without union approval”.

      Wildcat “The wildcat is a small cat found throughout most of Africa, Europe, and southwest and central Asia into India, China, and Mongolia”.

      Hold you breath Mr. Thorne.

      • LaVerne Furbert says:

        Mr. Thorne, I don’t think there are any wildcats in Bermuda.

        • John E. Thorne says:

          Illegal strikes then. Thank you Laverne for your clarification and your sarcasm.

          • C.B.A. says:

            The scary thing is she was a senator with the last government. Glad the voters made the right decision!

          • Argosy says:

            What else can we expect from this person, John?

            She works for an organization that breaks the law every day!

        • Clive Spate says:

          There are lots of feral cats here though.
          Maybe you could distinguish between wild and feral for us all rather than actually addressing the issue.

      • Islander says:

        Laverne get another cup of coffee and please comb dat head

      • Rick Rock says:

        LaVerne, by wildcat he and others OBVIOUSLY mean the illegal strikes the BIU keeps initiating.

        You know it, but as you’re a highly paid employee of the BIU it’s in your interest to try to divert attention.

        Chris Furbert has suddenly discovered the phrase ‘conflict of interest’. I’m sure he would understand that’s what applies in your case.

  36. Clive Spate says:

    Furbert’s definition of open dialogue is “give me what I want or we’re going on strike immediately.”

    He needs to be careful as the OBA know they don’t have the BIU vote so any future illegal wild cat strikes could result in legal action and lay offs without any redundancy. Mind you CF won’t care. He’s got a nice big house.

  37. Navin Johnson says:

    Mr Furbert loves to hear himself rant and needs to continue to try to justify his role and exorbitant paycheck

  38. The truth will set you free says:

    Maybe some people need to look at Thad Hollis’s qualifications and his long history of union negotiation:)

  39. It only hurts when I breathe..... says:

    really? really? C.F. say it isn’t so?

    Get ready for the ride cuz u can be sure Min. Fahy has done his homework.

    I love it……can’t wait to see when u finally realise that the end is near!

    BIU needs to go the same way as the PLP – dissolve and rebuild and get with the new world we are now in.

  40. Con Flek. says:

    Conflict of interest? This Chris Furbert is insane. He is union leader and a known PLP stalwart. I’ll say no more.

  41. Really says:

    Um um um um um um ahhhhhhhhhhhhhgg just pissed that he will never become gomint with Derick um um never be elected nah! Lol

  42. 32n64w says:

    His remarks and those of other PLP talking heads are just part of a larger plan to somehow force a no confidence vote in the hope the PLP can return to power. He would never have called this press conference had the PLP won the election. His bias is obvious and distasteful.

    Having had a 14 year run of the good life, at the taxpayer’s expense, the BIU/PLP care more about continuing their personal enrichment and political control than the interests of the voters.

    They are totally ungracious losers whose childish actions now, serve only to confirm why they were ejected in the first place – party before country is sooooo last century.

    Get with the program PLP/BIUand start working together for a better Bermudian, rebuilding our economy and the various social networks Dr. Brown helped to plunder.

  43. Media says:

    the good thing is that Michael Fahy is a lawyer and an disputes abitrator. that should serve him very well in any discussions with Chris Furbert. Chris Furbert has to accept that it is not going to be the same kind of relationship as with the PLP Government.

    • Islander says:

      Minister Fahy already has Chris confused that is why he is so angry, he can’t understand “frank speaking” only “threats threats and more threat talk”. The man is confused – has anybody seen a platform, I haven’t seen a platform. Oh I forgot, the PLP doesn’t read the PLP and maybe the Bda Sun. Oh, is that why he didn’t see the Platform, but he checks himself out on Bernews and loves what he sees and then Laverne shows up. Both of you pack your bags and leave

  44. Facts & Figures says:

    Dont forget OBA won by default because people thought PLP would just win. Bermudians would not have voted for the OBA. I bet you it wont happen with the next election, so you better hope they go the course. They only won by 2 seats so they have to be real careful how they play the game and hope none of their MP’s get upset with the party and cross the floor. SMH.

    • Balanced Facts says:

      @ FACTS…Default? Really? How about another theory: people where sick and tired of the incompetence at best of the PLP Government and voted them OUT along with an inept Premier and Finance Minister! Just a theory…as opposed to the laughable “because people just thought the PLP would win…” The PLP needs to go and wander in the wilderness for at least 20 years whilst the mess gets fixed by a competent group qualified for the job! The only person likely to try and cross the floor will be Wayne Furbert…he is who he is and will likely not want to sit very long with the new Opposition constantly fighting and bickering!

  45. Nuffin but de Truth! says:

    nobody is interested in what the biu or chicken furbert has to say anymore.
    It’s time to go to go furbert,I hear brazil knows how to deal with fools like you.

  46. Bermuda boy says:

    Furbert, you will not be happy until the Plundering Little Pirates are back in a position to plunder again. That’s why you will not agree to anything the OBA champions say or do.

  47. Media says:

    Fact & Figures – What if the OBA actually improve the awful economy and jobs are created? Those same supposed PLP voters that apparently abstained in the previous election might not be so likely to vote PLP again. So don’t be too confident any former PLP voters will simply turn out the next time. In these difficut economic times, what happens in the next few years will make a big impression on those folks. 19 – 16 is a workable majority.

  48. facts & figures says:

    media that may be so, but people will think history and that will hold them back. it might be a sad fact but true.

  49. Bermydude says:

    Chris Furbert can’t get your way anymore!! Things have to be discussed, your a.. should get fired!!

    Chris Furbert, you could do what you want with the PLP, but not now!! Yoou and all the PLP members should get out of Bermuda, look at the state you all left this COuntry in!!

    Now the Hospital is going over budget, not finishing on time, trained drywaller that don’t want to work and didn;t learn anything, housing is a mess, etc.

  50. Bermydude says:

    Chris Furbert get lost you idiot!!

  51. String 2 words together says:

    Why do the reporters bother to cleanup this man’s terrible speech? he can barely string two words together. Show the public what you are really dealing with.