Tractor Trailer Hits Utility Pole In Hamilton

June 20, 2013

photo 4 (1)At around 9am this morning [June 20] a tractor trailer struck a street utility pole on the corner of Court Street and Reid Street.

The pole was knocked from its foundation, and as a safety precaution, the area was cordoned off and traffic was diverted until police officers and BELCO workers handled the situation.

A police spokesperson said, “Around 9am on Thursday June 20th police responded to an incident on the corner of Court Street and Reid Street in Pembroke where a tractor trailer struck a street utility pole, knocking it from its foundation.

“As a safety precaution, the area was cordoned off and traffic was diverted until police officers and BELCO workers were able to neutralize the situation and repair the damage.

“No one was injured and normal traffic flow resumed as of 9:15am.

“Inquiries are ongoing and any witnesses or anyone with any additional information is encouraged to contact the Roads Policing Unit on 295-0011.”

Category: Accidents and fires, All

Comments (3)

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  1. Um Um Like says:

    -It was certainly before 9am.
    -If a tractor trailer hit it, why was a van smashed up against it?
    -It was outside Supermart on Reid street, not on the corner of Reid & Court.

  2. Truth is killin' me... says:

    Not surprised…seeing the way that those D&J trucks come out of the docks first thing in the morning with containers at those 2second traffic lights..definitely not surprised at all!

  3. Y-Gurl says:

    Why was a tractor trailer on the road at that time of day, seems to be that the restrictions are ignored or more likely is that the cops don’t even know about them