Bermuda Breakdancer Makes Waves in Philly

July 24, 2013

When it comes to Philadelphia’s underfunded and overcrowded schools, there are a variety of ideas from a long list of people regarding how to tip the balance of the school system in favour of its students. While a Bermuda-born breakdancer hasn’t likely made many of the standard lists, the efforts of breakdancer Mark Wong and his hip-hop dancing group are making a real difference in the city.

Wong was born and raised in Bermuda, attending Saltus Grammar School in Hamilton before making a move to Philadelphia in order to attend college. It was while in the City of Brotherly Love that Wong was able to truly utilize his lifelong breakdancing skills, joining up with several other local dancers in order to form a crew worthy of attracting crowds to their performances. Sweetening the pot for Philadelphia was the fact that the only crowds that Wong and his crew, called Hip Hop Fundamentals, wanted to play for were those consisting of young students.

In order to offer a dose of both entertainment and education, Hip Hop Fundamentals began choreographing shows that were based around topics of interest to young, eager minds, ranging from the history of the civil rights movement to the laws of physics, quickly earning them a place in school gymnasiums around Philadelphia.

As is often the case with well-intended time spent, however, money soon became an issue, but the group was able to raise $10,000 from local supporters this year, allowing them to take their shows to 10 Philly-area schools that had long been labeled low-performing and generally impoverished.

While the educational aspects of a dance show may not be enough in and of itself to boost average grades, the shows put on by Hip Hop Fundamentals go a long way towards helping otherwise neglected Philadelphia students to get excited about the prospects of an education.

All-in-all, the activities of Wong and his crew make for a unique Bermuda-Philadelphia connection that is sure to bring a smile to your face.

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