Cabinet Grounds Prepared For Throne Speech
A large tent and stacks of chairs are set up on the Cabinet Grounds on Front Street in preparation for the Convening of the Legislature which will take place on Friday [Nov 8].
Members of Parliament from both sides of the aisle will gather to hear Governor George Fergusson deliver the Throne Speech, which outlines the Government’s legislative agenda for the year ahead.
There will be road closures to accommodate the event, with sections of Front Street and Court Street scheduled to be closed from 10:15am until the event has concluded, which the police said should be at approximately 12:30pm.
Front Street will be closed between Parliament Street and King Street [access will be allowed to Number 8 car park and Hamilton docks only], while Court Street will be closed between Front Street and Reid Street.
There will also be parking restrictions from 6am until 12:30pm on sections of Front Street, Court Street and Parliament Street.
The restrictions will be: Front Street between Parliament Street and Number 8 car park exit gate [opposite the Supermart, Court Street between Front & Reid Street and Parliament Street between Front & Reid Street.
This will be the second Throne Speech from the One Bermuda Alliance, who took control of the Government in December 2012 following their victory at the polls.
The OBA’s first Throne Speech was in February of this year, and you can look back at some the highlights of that here.
The event is scheduled to get underway at approximately 11.00am, and live coverage will be available on the radio, CITV, and we will be bringing you live text updates.
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