Photos: Driver Arrested After Late Night Crash
[Updated with video + police statement] Two men were injured in a single vehicle collision early Thursday morning [Oct 9] on North Shore Road near Burchall Cove Park in Hamilton parish.
Emergency services responded to the report of the collision at approximately 12.15am and found two men injured at the scene. Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service personnel tended to the injured pair until an attending ambulance transported the men to hospital for further treatment.
After Police officers processed the accident scene, a tow truck removed the vehicle and Fire Service personnel cleared the area of debris before the road, which had been closed off to traffic, was reopened at approximately 3.15am.
Update 11.48am: The Police confirmed that both men “sustained relatively minor injuries,” and said the driver — a 46 year old Pembroke man — was subsequently arrested on suspicion of impaired driving.
A police spokesperson said, “Around 12:20am on Thursday, October 9th first responders were dispatched to a reported single vehicle collision on North Shore Road in Hamilton parish near the junction with Old Road.
“It appears that a car was being driven along North Shore Road when it collided with a wall. The driver, a 46 year old Pembroke man and his passenger, a 43 year old Hamilton parish man, sustained relatively minor injuries.
“Both were taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital via ambulance for medical assessment and later discharged. The Pembroke man was subsequently arrested on suspicion of impaired driving.
“Apparently the car was extensively damaged. Inquiries regarding this collision are ongoing and any witnesses are encouraged to contact PC Kirsteen Brown on the main police telephone number 295-0011.”
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- Photos & Video: Protesters At SAGE Town Hall - : | October 9, 2014
People need to slow down. I hope they are OK.
Lean, Green, Wall Smashing Machine!
Poor guy…scraped his rims all up…
How much for the one intact door panel and headlight, and the three good rims?
it did not even put a good dent in that wall
Honestly, how can you tell this person was speeding? The police could have gotten it wrong, USA could have mistook Bermuda for Iraq and dropped a tank on the ground, hence the crush damage seen in the photo. Hehehehehehe. On a serious note, without knowing the circumstances I pray the people involved in this accident are okay. I also hope they learn a valuable lesson.
I hope the individuals pull through this with a speedy recovery.
Now thats a reinforced wall.
Are you dumb! Honest to God it’s people like you that make me sick. You don’t know if their family members are on here. So if you can’t be sensible than SHUT UP! Nobody knows if they was speeding or not so give it arrest.
On another note I hope and pray they are alright
look at the damage numbnuts – if that wasn’t speeding, find me a hat to eat!
So you think the fell asleep and left the peddle to the floor!
Thanks Franklin Jr. Saw this post earlier and I feel the individual is maybe too close to the topic. They are correct about family members on this site and folks need to consider that. I pray all parties involved are safe and make a speedy recovery.
But…. look at the pictures; unless this car was reconstructed from cardboard; speed was involved.
u should hate yourself if you can’t look at that car and figure out it was moving at speed, you need more than god
Whether speeding or not (and I don’t believe for a minute that he wasn’t), he is a supposedly grown-a** man of 46, arrested for suspected IMPAIRED driving! Would you be so sympathetic if he killed your child??
Idiot drivers like them need to be removed from the road permanently.
This accident clearly took place on that corner by Burchell Cove. We need Zane up there complaining about how there are too many corners in Bermuda and that OBA needs to fix this.
“If Government got rid of all these corners and simply made our roads straight, then accidents like this wouldn’t happen. I call upon Government to straighten our road immediately before another senseless accident like this happens. Our drivers need protecting and dangerous things such as corners need to be straightened out now!”
Admit it. You can just hear him saying this can’t you?
Very, very humorous, made me laugh out load.
Makes me not want to creep out of my house at night for a late night drive. Someone who appears to be speeding fast like that truly does not care about anyone around that corner. Thank the Lord there was not anyone walking…
Horrific crash. I don’t see any deflated airbags. Even looks like the frame is bent/broken. Bermuda doesn’t have salvage yards for used car parts, nothing looks salvageable here. Hope the victims survive.
That car is well pre-airbags
Car is pretty old to have airbags.
or brakes, by the look of it
omg that doesnt look good at all. i pray those invovled are going to be ok
Never seem that golf befor they must be from west.
what a wase of a nice looking car.
Hope they’re okay
But man… conservation of linear momentum is a bitch inna?
I guess we need to fix this corner too? Surely couldn’t have been the driver’s fault!
WALL 1 – Tricked out Golf 0
35K again, We have to lower the speed limit because it’s amazing how much damage can be done by doing 35K
It is our civic duty to assist the police where ever possible.
SO ! after viewing picture of the wreckage and the fact that people were injured, it is my opinion the the vehicle prior to impact was traveling at some where between, lets say, mind you the PW (Party Wagon” did not flip over this time ,about,may be,give or take some where between 60 and 80 KPH.
Glad another person did not get hit OMG! This looks very bad!
People should fly using planes not cars or bikes. Looks damm serious. Hope these guys are ok.
Its about time someone said somethin…..35KPH is WAY too fast for Bermuda roads! We need to reduce the speed limit to 15KPH. I mean, this guy has high performance tires and racing wheels on and ya boy still couldnt keep it on de road. This is definitely the OBA’s fault!
I want to hire the men who made that wall
He is a master at his skill. That was has been hit several times and hasn’t lost yet!
Couple of hours in the workshop, some WD40 and a lick of spray paint and she should be back on the road nice and sporty again.
Guess he won’t be revving it up on front street again.. He peeled out of town last night after giving quite the show hitting the rev limiter while parked..
That’s crazy! I saw this car and occupants on Front Street last night! Hope you guys are cool!
Saw them to, revving the engine and flying when they left..
Hope that they are ok and recover soon.
Must be hard to get a peaceful nights sleep in that house. Cha
Poor car!
Look at the point of impact and look where the car ended up. It is safe to say speed was involved. Probably came around the corner too fast, lost control, hit the wall on the front left of the car and then spun and kept sliding because of momentum. If they weren’t speeding they would have just ‘bounced’ off the wall and ended up sideways a few feet from it. Im guessing 80+km/h for impact, damage and distance like that.
Disagree if you want, but you’d be silly to say speed wasn’t involved. Regardless, I hope both men are alright and have speedy recoveries.
Please please please slow down bermuda……….we don’t need any more deaths and injuries. Most of us remember the radar traps n police hiding in de bushes days of old,why rnt de police doin that now. Scared the crap outta me being grilled on de side of de road in early days and parents finding out by police officer friends of my big family. Really people pay attention. Roads in bermy r de worse if it goes wrong,no run off. N could kill somebody or someone’s family members. Ps some people need more driver training/ re test or banned for life if convicted more than once… Pay attention n keep off your mobile phones n tablets. Why not wait till ur home,no call,txt or message that important………..I know some of my old school friend who suffered n are suffering life changing events cos people r miceing n even some rnt here anymore….
High insurance premiuim – Insurance Co’s should refuse to cover any driver or rider of vehicles and let’s not talk about 18yr olds getting drivers license being put on parent’s car insurance.. need more than seat belts and air bags in some families – being on our roads calls for great responsibility and as we have seen not many are that or can be that
Let me guess. He was driving along normally and mysteriously blacked out.
and we wonder why there have been pedestrians knocked down on the roads.
I love how Bernews always keeps the license plates out of the pics but in this case the car is more recognizable by it’s colour and style.
That’ll buff out, no problem!
(Seriously though, hope all are OK)
That’s the most serious accident I have ever seen!!! I hope that the driver and any others who were in the car will be ok pull through their injuries.
That wall in front of the pink house is certainly strategically placed.
Yeah. If that barrier wasn’t there, it’s likely that the house itself would have taken a serious hit.
There use to be a small wall that you could sit on, but after encountering numerous accidents where bike riders where speeding around the corner and ending up in the yard & also chipping up the plaster on the house, the property owners modified the wall. Can’t blame them though!
And the CARnage continues.
Bermudians simply don’t know how to drive. They have no idea of speed approriate for road. You cannot drive a mile without seeing somebody doing something idiotic & dangerous to themselves & others.
Where are the cops & courts to come down heavy on dangerous driving?
U all keep complaining about the wall! Its called stop speeding than they would have not hit the wall!
@D…no one is complaining about the wall!!!! I really wonder if I am reading a different article from you
Drunk drivers kill innocent people. He got lucky. Maybe mext time its your kids or someone walking down the street. He should do some serious jail time. Shameful!
drivers who are drunk and speed kill innocent people and most drivers who speed are not drunk, read the official police statistics and you will see who causes most accidents.
I know the wall and the contractor that built it.. he lives in the house. I will not let my 22yr old drive my car… ever, unless I am with him… opppps sorry dad .. the black dog from paget jumped out in front… now you have no car to get grocerys.. or my 8yrold to school.. in somerset… and my mom cant get to work, but iam cool ive got my bike…..
not a chance ever….
I’d be far more worried to let my son drive my bike than my car because he’s not an idiot. My worry isn’t that he’ll cause an accident, but that some other driver will do so, and he’d be injured on a bike with no protection. It’s insane to allow responsible kids to drive bikes, but we do it all the time. Tells us where the priorities are.
Ain’t Neva Living By De Road – Next De Car be in my bed!
That’ll buff right out
Minor injuries wooooow they r lucky
Quality Car. Quality Driving. Part of me wants to wish the people in the car all the best. Part of me hopes they’ll never be able to drive again. Just saying what most are thinking.
i heard airbags being mentioned…but no one mentioned whether seat belts was in the equation or not..
Thank God they both survived and no one was in their path of destruction.
Makes you wonder how much the pic-up services are making a weekend, a holiday, a party, special occasions. People slow down and love yourselves, the graveyard is full!!!!
If the police have this right and the driver was, in fact, drunk, I don’t care about the damage to the car, or the wall, or the driver. He should be off the road permanently, and if an injury rendered him unable to drive, so much the better. Driving drunk is like attempted murder; it’s pure luck that he didn’t injure or kill someone (aside from his passenger). People here chuckle at drunk driving, but when it costs innocent people their lives, it’s not a joke. This dunce should never be allowed behind the wheel again, and non of us should tolerate this stupidity again.
After all this years of spreading the message of impaired driving and the consequences, people still think they can still drive drunk. There are plenty of DUI’s every weekend. There are still people in the world who have the inability to learn from each other. Oh he got a DUI dun? Well I’m not him, I’m gud to go afta a few beers, ya herd?… Idiots like that are the reason why we have accidents every week. They need to make harsher penalties for impaired driving so people can think twice. The penalties that exist now are clearly not enough.
are people really saying 35 k/h is too fast? 21 m/h is too fast for you? the f is wrong with you obviously they were speeding, that car is all metal and banged up that badly, and the car is at least 40 feet away from the point of impact, come on people use your brains….
Anyone who’s suggesting that excessive speed might not have been a factor has obviously never been to many road accidents. Precise speed can only be obtained through on-site analysis performed by professional accident investigators. However, in this case, it’s without any doubt that the car was significantly exceeding the limit. This is based upon the extensive car damage, the far-flung car debris, and the distance between the initial wall damage and where the car ended up.