Accident Results In Downed Live Wires, Delays

February 6, 2015

[Updated] As of 7.40am this morning [Feb 6], the police have advised that there are traffic delays in the Middle Road area in Warwick due to a car collision which resulted in live wires being in the road. Further details are limited at this time, however we will update as able.

Update 8.25am: Traffic appears to be flowing, albeit slowly, as commuters are slowing down as they drive past to look at the car hanging off the road.


Update 3.30pm: A police spokesperson said, “Around 7.30am on Friday, February 6, police officers were dispatched to a reported single vehicle damage only collision on Middle Road in Warwick near the junction with Khyber Pass.

“It appears that a car being driven along Middle Road collided with a roadside wooden fence and a utility pole, ending up off the road. There were no reported injuries; however the car, fence and pole were all damaged.

“Morning traffic flow in the area was temporarily delayed, but subsequently returned to normal.”

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Comments (18)

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  1. Truth is killin' me... says:

    Yah…you better call that tow truck!

  2. cuds says:

    That’s two Imprezas in one week?

  3. boom says:

    Man…those roads are slippery out there. gotta get rain tires!

  4. Raw Onion says:

    This does not bode well for old model Subaru owners. 2 crashed in less than a week. Drive very slow if you own one.

  5. gorgam says:

    The vintage Subaru’s will soon be extinct….

  6. nok says:

    second SUB this week wth!!!

  7. sage says:

    Those “guard rails” are so unsafe it is ridiculous and can send the end of a 4×4 straight through a windscreen. I would love to see them subjected to laboratory style crash testing. Is Armco the answer? Certainly safer (for cars) although not pretty.

    • Toodle-oo says:

      Quite a few years back a car traveling east on St Anne’s Rd just under the Lighthouse went through the railings along the length of the car.
      The top railing rode up over the bonnet and went through the windscreen and came out the rear window effectively skewering the car.
      That railing , after it went through the windscreen , passed right over the driver’s left shoulder on its way rearward .
      I’ve never seen a closer call in my life.

      • Kettle or pot says:

        I’m not being sarcastic or idiotic! But do you think this will happen if they weren’t jamming??

        • Toodle-oo says:

          I can completely understand your viewpoint especially when one sees the out of control mayhem on the streets but like an aircraft crash there’s many different aspects to the anatomy of a road accident/crash . That’s why I never normally comment on them or stoop to making inane remarks without knowing what actually transpired.

          I recall some years back how I was on my way to work when I went around a bend at the bottom of a hill . There was a small cylindrical tree branch smack in my lane where I couldn’t avoid it . My front tyre rode up on it , perfectly , and as I kept going forward on the bend the front tyre was riding the branch that was now rotating along its length towards the apex of the turn. It took the front end of the bike and moved it about 6 feet to the left right towards a length of this type of railing.
          Had I crashed without any witnesses it would have been easy for someone to think that I had been speeding in the bend and lost control .

          But still , I well understand the cynicysm .

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      You don’t need to be any axspurt to understand how dangerous those guard rails are. Better not to have anything at all than have a 4X4 coming straight through the car. Think what would happen if an occupant were hit in the head by one of those things.

      Yet another example of how nothing really has changed in road engineering in the 70 something years that cars have been on the roads. For a place that likes to think itself very advanced we are actually very backward.

      • Triangle Drifter says:

        WOW! 3 dislikes!! Do you all think that a 4X4 coming through a windshield is perfectly safe or do you all work for W&E & don’t like the criticism.

    • Watcher55 says:

      Agreed but that’s the best that the overpaid and underworked “engineers” in Government could come up with over the last 30 years

  8. D says:


  9. blessed says:

    Damn i am the previous owner of the green one before i sold it to the person that rode it off and i also own another….. it is not the car its the drivers because i have never struck any of my subaru imprezas. Its pretty much a classic drive it with class.

  10. Bermuda Son says:

    Greetings Bermuda,I agree it’s not the car but the inexperienced drivers.
    Most older model Subaru drivers are young, at least that’s what I have observed.
    It maybe time someone started a Driving Course which teaches Recovery Tactics under various road conditions, ie wet, oil spills, sand, gravel etc.