22 Mirrors Students Attend Overseas SuperCamp

August 9, 2019

The Attorney-General Kathy Lynn Simmons met with 22 students at the L.F. Wade International Airport in anticipation of their departure to Stanford University.

The selected students will take part in the first Mirrors’ overseas SuperCamp at Stanford University for a seven-day period as part of their participation in Mirrors’ Community Programme.

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A spokesperson said, “This is the 15th cohort of young people to participate in the Community Programme, which has traditionally included a local residential component. This exciting new development for Mirrors provides participants with the added-benefit of international travel, networking with students from other countries, and exposure to a university campus.

“Minister Simmons is hopeful that the students will embrace this opportunity at a top-ranked international university networking with other young people from around the world, and gaining leadership skills which will equip them to be peer leaders in their respective schools.

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“Mirrors’ Community Programme is a nine month programme that aims to boost the youths’ confidence, motivation, leadership skills and academics. Students are taught innovative neuroscience-based learning strategies and explore the 8 Keys of Excellence, a character development curriculum to develop values-based behavior.

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“When the students return, they will each be paired with a community volunteer life coach who will support them for the next 8 months as they work on their goals, post cap. Parents will also receive a 1-day parent workshop to cover topics students learned while overseas.

“Two Bermudian facilitators, Jeanene Todd [Mirrors] and Khalid Davis [CedarBridge Academy staff], will co-facilitate the Stanford SuperCamp with the international team from Quantum Learning Network.”

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Ms. Kimberley Jackson stated, “We are excited about this new focus as we plan on driving home the peer influence perspective through peer mentorship as these students get to work with the global community at a SuperCamp. It makes sense to build the culture of the 8 Keys of Excellence with leadership development for students to create the environment of excellence in their respective schools”.

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She also indicated that each public middle school recommended students to participate in this year’s camp, along with students from the Berkeley Institute and CedarBridge Academy.

Mirrors Programme is a personal development and coaching organization for youth in Bermuda. To find out more about Mirrors Programme and what it has to offer, please visit the programme’s website on www.mirrors.bm.

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