Govt: Revisions To Proposed Cannabis Policy

June 29, 2020

The Government has posted revisions to the proposed cannabis scheme that include adding a new category of license for personal cultivation, removal of fixed penalty zones and clarification on the consumption of cannabis within a retail licensed establishment or in private properties.

A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Legal Affairs today announced that they have posted a revised policy position for elements of the proposed Regulated Cannabis Scheme. The updated policy can be viewed on

The Attorney-General and Minister for Legal Affairs, Senator Kathy Lynn Simmons remarked, “Based on public feedback via the government online forum, today we posted revisions to the proposed Regulated Cannabis Scheme that include adding a new category of license for ‘personal cultivation’; the removal of fixed penalty zones from the regulatory scheme; and clarification on the consumption of cannabis within a retail licensed establishment or in private properties.”

The Attorney General continued, “We truly value and appreciate the public feedback and it has been your ideas, your comments and even your critiques of the proposed policy that have driven these revisions. We urge the public to continue making submissions to as your input matters. We are listening and making changes based on your contributions. The consultation ends on Friday, 3 July 2020.”

The Government’s website states:

Proposed details of a ‘personal cultivation’ licence are as follows:

  • The Minister will not issue a personal cultivation licence for a premise where a minor is permanently or occasionally present;
  • Personal cultivation licences are for personal use of the licensee only;
  • Cannabis cultivated under this licence cannot be sold or supplied to other persons;
  • Limits on personal cultivation are proposed to include a plant limit of between 4-7 plants subject to approval by the Minister (based on the specifics of the premises where cultivation is carried out);
  • Inspectors’ powers to enter premises will be proportionate to the need for the inspection, and the powers of search for domestic properties subject to a personal cultivation licence to be balanced and proportionate, e.g., only by warrant issued by a Magistrate;
  • A personal cultivation Licence fee is proposed at $750 per year; and
  • Licensees must purchase Cannabis seedlings from an official approved source (to ensure that plants are propagated from lawful sources).

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Comments (6)

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  1. sage says:

    A little better, but still too much regulation, oversight and cost. Just say NO! The consultation is still ongoing until Friday,3rd of July, do your part and take this opportunity to participate in legislation.

  2. Wahoo says:

    So what is the fine if you don’t have a license? People sell fish with no license, have boats with no registration,build docks and houses without permit…it goes on and on.

  3. Joe Bloggs says:

    “The Government has posted revisions to the proposed cannabis scheme that include … removal of fixed penalty zones …”

    Great, set up a “Coffee Shop” next to Saltus or Warwick Academy!

    • Sandman says:

      Some Saltus boys already doing a lot worse than a bit of plant medicine.

      I’d be much more concerned about my son hanging out with Saltus boys than walking past a cannabis cafe on his way to school.

    • sage says:

      Yeah right between the sex toy shop across from St. Johns church and Arnolds grocery/liquor. When I was in Saltus we used to stop at the liquor store for free Harvey Wallbanger and other alcoholic beverage advertising stickers.

    • Spilt milk says:

      Doesn’t arnold’s and lindo’s sell alcohol next to these locations? If its in a secure location there shouldnt be a problem and most have homes with accessable liqour cabinets with no locks. I’m sure cannabis growing in the vicinity of children is ok. I see morning glory growing wild with nobody caring. Lets be sensible and look at the facts. Yes its a new venture and will not be perfect but its time for change.