Column: ‘Little Guy Takes The Largest Hits’

November 20, 2020

Dwayne Robinson Bermuda Feb 14 2019[Opinion column written by former OBA Senator Dwayne Robinson]

The worldwide pandemic has put additional strain on our already struggling economy. We are witnessing the beginning of the tough times to come, and now we must question whether our hospital is being properly supported, as it is crucial during this global pandemic.

We have seen pay cuts across the board for Government workers, something many in the private sector have experienced as well. The most recent pay cut was 5% for our hospital workers, with their contributions to pensions and social insurance reduced.

In contrast, some hospital executives have experienced no reduction in pay and make massive salaries, so could these higher earners take a larger pay cut to take the burden off those who earn less? Surely a labour Government wants to protect the workers earning the least.

What message is this Government sending while it maintains its consultants, loans out millions of dollars with no guarantee of repayment, and a projected deficit of $295 million with no economic plan in sight?

It is noticeably clear that this Government is still dragging its feet on curbing its spending and will continue to try to squeeze more out of its workers and taxpayers. Control of Government expenditure needs to start at the top. There are many top earning civil servants yet it’s always the little guy that takes the largest hits.

Essential workers have taken a pay cut during a time when we need them most. At the very least they are owed proper negotiation, without the threat of downsizing or other coercion. The treatment they are receiving under the watch of this labour Government is appalling and it needs to be rectified. I understand pay cuts must be made but the workers cannot be making all the sacrifices while Government expenditure increases.

We are seeing Covid-19 numbers rising and we may need to rely heavily on our essential workers again. They should not risk their lives, while also bearing the brunt of years of Government financial mishandling. I urge the Minister of Finance and the Premier to recommend to the BPSU that they reconsider their suggested areas of reduced expenditure, to look for other ways of effecting savings.

- Dwayne Robinson


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  1. Unbelievable says:

    “this Government is still dragging its feet on curbing its spending”

    This is true. Furthermore, this Government is merely just managing this economy. They are simply managers of the bad economy that they broke. There have been zero ideas to boost the economy. If there had been, we would have seen them in the Throne Speech.

    There was a mention of tech and cable companies and vertical farming over the last few weeks – thoughts said out loud to get the base excited. These aren’t ideas that are written down on paper or confirmed. Just spoken out loud. The PLP is waiting for someone to come along and present us with an offer “we can’t refuse”.


  2. True-faith says:

    Mr. Senator,
    If you had found yourself in the position of our present premier, what would you have done or do differently ?