BIU On Proposed Fairmont Southampton SDO

April 20, 2023

“The redevelopment of the Fairmont Southampton property is of vital importance to Bermuda’s economic recovery,” the BIU said, adding that they “will continue to express in principle support for the development of the Fairmont Southampton property.”

A spokesperson said, “The recent commentary surrounding the proposed development of the Fairmont Southampton property has, unfortunately, failed to fairly consider what this project means to Bermuda’s workers, and our economy as a whole. To preserve the best interests of Bermuda’s working-class population, it is imperative that institutions like the Bermuda Industrial Union add context that informs the public narrative.

“There is a simple truth that resonates within those of us in the trenches fighting for workers’ rights – Bermuda’s economic recovery will be stalled should the naysayers succeed, and the Fairmont Southampton remains closed.

“Lest we forget, when the Fairmont Southampton Princess closed its doors in October 2020:

  • Over 700 jobs – the vast majority of which were held by Bermudians – were lost.
  • Nearly 30% of Bermuda’s hotel bed capacity was lost.
  • Nearly 30% of Bermuda’s airlift capacity was lost.
  • Bermuda’s economy suffered a loss of approximately $100 million per year.

“Even if you did not work for Fairmont Southampton directly, you have undoubtedly been impacted by its closure. The sudden reduction in available hotel beds on-island has resulted in a marked reduction in the direct flights to Bermuda.

“Anyone who has booked a direct flight to the east coast recently can appreciate how much more difficult and expensive travel has become. Whether you are driving a taxi or working in a local restaurant, you have felt the impact of the reduced number of tourists coming to our shores.

“The Bermuda Industrial Union’s stance is simple – the redevelopment of the Fairmont Southampton property is of vital importance to Bermuda’s economic recovery, and we cannot afford to allow the perspective of a privileged few to derail an opportunity of this magnitude.

“Additionally, the residential units will, over time, provide sustainable economic benefit to a broad spectrum of trades and services required to maintain the properties. We would be remis if we overlooked the jobs these projects would generate in the fields of maintenance, housekeeping and landscaping etc.

“Some people have objected to this project because they do not like how the artistic impressions included in the developers’ SDO submission look. Notwithstanding the fact the developers made it clear in their submission that these do not even remotely resemble what the new development will look like, those who hold this view have expressed no interest or compassion for those whose capacity to provide for their families is put on hold or stalled.

“There will be opportunities for the scope and scale of this project to be adjusted through the consultative process, but those desperately waiting for the jobs and opportunities the finished product will provide should not be held back because of naysayers.

“There are some who have complained about the impact this project would have on the green space – oblivious of the fact that the new development proposal preserves 62 acres for recreational use and green space. There is, again, insufficient weight to this concern to justify delaying a project that would impact the economic wellbeing of hundreds of Bermudian families.

“We should be wary of environmental groups that object to hypothetical problems that the consultative process can resolve. It is our view that Bermudians would be better served if these groups focused on real-world environmental impacts, i.e., the effects of Belco’s operations on the surrounding homeowner’s water quality and potential health effects.

“The most bewildering objections to this project have undoubtedly come from representatives of the Opposition Party. It reflects an unprecedented level of oblivious irony for the party responsible for the controversial Morgan’s Point, St. Regis, and Airport projects to speak to the efficacy of the current Government’s approach.

“While the Opposition may hope to paint a negative picture of the Government’s actions, their objections are counterproductive. The Opposition would be wise to listen closely to the words of Sir John Swan in his April 19, 2023, opinion piece – “A kneejerk objection to any form of change is not what we need right now. If we choose to stand still, progress will just pass us by and move on to the next destination.”

“In closing, the Bermuda Industrial Union, in the interest of the working people of Bermuda, will continue to express in principle support for the development of the Fairmont Southampton property.

“We encourage our members, and all Bermudians, to engage in the consultative process to ensure their voices are not drowned out by the ill-informed opinions of the projects’ detractors.”

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  1. PBanks says:

    It’s really something. The Combined Opposition now consists of every environmental or conservation group, the news media, the majority of folks on various social media platforms, the average person on the street, oh and “the 6″. All are lacking compassion and are ill informed.

    The hand in hand trio of the BIU, the ruling party and (in a case of strange bedfellows) a former Premier and big time real estate guy, remain the arbiters of truth and wisdom in this country.

    So let it be written, so let it be done.

  2. David says:

    It amazes me the weight that so many of us Bermudians put on ‘intentions’. If it sounds good, and especially it comes from the PLP/various PLP mouthpieces, we fall for it so easily… actual results be damned and ignored.

    I’ve never in my life witnessed a BIU that has been so quiet for so long. You would think the past few years have been all economic roses for the working Bermudian. You would think they would have supported Bermuda’s workers and railed against PLP COVID policies that destroyed our tourism industry. Now all of a sudden they chirp up on behalf of Gencom.

    It’s cool guys, Gencom already know they have you/PLP/the rest of Bermuda over a barrel. They don’t need your opinion piece to state the obvious.

    • Reflections of? says:

      The truth from anyone involved as a member of the union can tell you that it’s pay pay with promise promise promise after a fight fight fight but the reality was that when we strike or down tools, We didn’t get anything back from the BIU. 08. That isn’t true. I do remember getting something like a $25 voucher at their own co-op supermarket store back in the day.

      I don’t think anyone that has downedtools or been on strike for the Union since has received anything since Members, please update us if that is not true. I am no longer remember so I can’t say for sure, but I am friends with a few people that still are in the workforce and part of the union.

      The union is backing this should not be a surprise to anyone. First of all, they have always been openly linked with the PLP. Additionally they will likely back anything that’s going to give them hundreds of additional members paying into their pockets. Cha-ching

  3. Dejavu says:

    “700 job’s lost mostly bermudians” lol it was barely 150 staff members all together at one time and less than half were bermudians. None of the hotels on the island have majority locals working. None of the hotels have had more than 50% occupancy lol in decades. It’s empty apartments all across the island but you idiots want to make more. Build something that will give people a reason to come to bermuda because pink sand beaches has never been a good enough reason to visit. There’s multiple countries with same or better beaches and it’s way cheaper to visit. But nothing will happen because bermudians just talk, we’ve got that part down

  4. Ringmaster says:

    An archaic and irrelevant entity who only knows how to disrupt tourism.

    Fascinating how they now support the building of multi million dollar homes, unaffordable by their workers, bought by foreigners with no ties to Bermuda, who employ minimum wage mostly foreign workers. Not so long ago they were on the streets marching against this.

  5. This has to be stopped says:

    This is a classic case of giving an inch and being taken for a mile. No way Jose should we allow this. They are already getting favorable treatment over their competitors and now they want to take advantage of government’s position. They know and are leveraging the fact that PLP continues to support them in spite of any opposition. However the PLP are treading on thin ice because how can they not see that ignoring the people is exactly what the OBA did with the airport and look at what that cost us! So I am going firm with NO! The original plan was good enough when they got the government aid and we were hard pressed to provide them with that so we are not going to allow them to take advantage of us!

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      This seems to be the way of the 21st century in Bermuda. Give me, give me now and the future be damned!

  6. Joe Bloggs says:

    Lest we forget, when the Fairmont Southampton Princess closed its doors in October 2020:

    Over 700 jobs – the vast majority of which were held by Bermudians – were lost.
    Nearly 30% of Bermuda’s hotel bed capacity was lost.
    Nearly 30% of Bermuda’s airlift capacity was lost.
    Bermuda’s economy suffered a loss of approximately $100 million per year.

    Lest we forget, it was the outrageous pay demands of the BIU and endless strikes of the 1970s and 1980s that mortally wounded our tourism industry and put Bermuda in a price range of its own

  7. Maths says:

    over 700 jobs lost……absolute B/S.
    $100 Million per year…more B/S.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      The BIU is not known for its grasp of economic reality

  8. Don Wills says:

    Valueless commentary, the BIU and the PLP are one and the same.

    We all know this development stinks.

  9. puzzled says:

    I remember when Otti spat at me on Parliament Street during the 1970 riots.
    Nothing changes.

  10. Kim Smith says:

    This article is all spin… so much so I’m surprised you didn’t fall down when writing it!

  11. MGardner says:

    Animal Farm. How many times must fools experience an event before they learn from it? Daniel’s Head, Caroline’s Bay; Morgan’s Point; Fairmont Southampton…. Bermuda is a clown show. Taxpayers beware!

    Elect people with intelligence and experience who can demonstrate a history of personal success. Stop electing poseurs who’ve taken you for suckers.