June 1: PechaKucha Night Renaissance Edition

May 30, 2023

[Updated] PechaKucha Night Bermuda Volume 31, the “Renaissance Edition,” will be held on Thursday [June 1] at Blue Waters Anglers Club.

A spokesperson said, “Pecha Kucha returns to Bermuda on June 1.

“Mountain climbing in Africa, turtles, tourism, and pilates. These are some of the exciting topics being presented by the Pecha Kucha organisation on Thursday, June 1 at Blue Waters Anglers Club. Each visual presentation is accompanied by 20 colourful slides, highlighting the narratives of presenters who are passionate about their topics for the evening. Doors open at 7.00pm for a meet and greet. Slide shows start at 8.00pm.”

“Nekorrah Katako’s topic will be ‘Nature: The answer to Life’s Problems.’ The 23-year old film student, performing and traditional artist, and photographer will share the passionate love of nature in a new light.”

Nekorrah Katako said, “Life is full of mysteries and questions and sometimes it is hard to find answers to them. However, the world’s greatest cheat sheet lies outside our windows. Nature holds the answer to all of life’s questions, including mental and physical health, healthy communication, how to take control of your life, and even the answer to why your spouse may find you attractive when you’re angry.”

The spokesperson said, “Pecha Kucha Evenings started in Japan. Literally, it means ‘chit chnat’ and was started by two architects working in Japan who had a vision of people getting together to talk about their passions in life in an entertaining social environment. Pecha Kucha Bermuda has returned after three years’ hiatus. This will be the group’s 31st exciting evening of slide shows.

“As we rediscover the joy of social gatherings post-pandemic, Thursday offers Bermuda’s residents an opportunity to share the air and indulge their senses in this fast-paced visual extravaganza.

“The audience will, indeed, be ‘Making Memories”,’ the title of Gabe Peyton’s talk.”

Gabe Peyton said, “A brief description on why making memories is so important and how to create focus around this area of your life.”

The spokesperson said, “Gabe’s bio for the Pecha Kucha Evening states ‘[He] is a really cool cat that is trained in the art of improv and untrained in the art of fatherhood and husbandry.’

Matthew Arnold, an enthusiastic Pecha Kucha Bermuda organizer and three-time veteran presenter, said, “Ask not what Pecha Kucha is, but take the plunge into the delight of sight and sound that awaits you on Thursday evening. Venture out to discover for yourself. Come as you are; leave with images and ideas of African mountains, Bermuda turtles, and relaxation.”

The spokesperson said, “Although it may surprise many who meet him, Matthew is soon to leave his sixties behind him.”

Mr. Arnold said, “We are always looking for new presenters at Pecha Kucha Evenings. Public speaking is an intensely liberating experience and it is fun. The organisers are great at assisting presenters to leave behind any lingering fear of chit-chatting in public. We encourage people to share their passions in visual form – the words will follow.”

The spokesperson said, “Come out to hear enriching presentations by Nakorrah, Gaëlle, Clare, Gabe, Neil and Akilah.

“As part of a worldwide organization, Bermuda joins hundreds of cities, from Amsterdam and Johannesburg, to Bariloche and Istanbul, for the honour of being able to hold evenings that inform, challenge and entertain us. Pecha Kucha Bermuda #31 wishes to thank Blue Waters Anglers Club for hosting our return at the club on Thursday, June 1. Doors open for an 8.00pm start for this free event. There will be a fish fry and bar service available for patrons. There will be an option to contribute to the voluntary organisation’s expenses, so that future evenings can be held.”

Update June 1, 2.30pm: A spokesperson said, “Unfortunately we have had to postpone the PechaKucha Bermuda event planned for tonight due to circumstances outside of our control.

“The event is going forward on June 8, 2023 at Blue Waters Anglers Club – same place, same time. Everything is the same except June 8 instead of June 1.”


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