Mary Prince Award Launched In The UK

June 15, 2023

The United Kingdom’s Black Writers’ Guild has launched Mary Prince Memorial Award, which is being offered to “a writer of African or African Caribbean heritage living in Britain and in need of financial support to finish a literary work of any genre.”

The award registration form says, “This is a grant for a writer of African or African Caribbean heritage living in Britain and in need of financial support to finish a literary work of any genre.

“The manuscript can be fiction or non-fiction. The Mary Prince Memorial Award is a grant for a writer of African or African Caribbean heritage living in Britain and in need of financial support to finish a literary work of any genre. The manuscript can be fiction or non-fiction.

“The award is for writers who are over 35 years old and have already completed a substantial part of a manuscript to be submitted to the awarding panel. The work must make a contribution to the public understanding of Black life or the human condition through a Black lens.

“The award is open to writers who are agented and unagented. Writers with book deals are also eligible to apply if their book deal is worth less than £10,000.

“The award encourages writers who cannot afford to undertake a writers retreat, writers who are primary caregivers and those who have to undertake unpaid leave from work for a short period of time [up to 4 weeks] but cannot afford the cost.

“The submissions period is now open but will be open in Autumn. Members of the guild are first priority for this award. Please apply below.”

To apply for the Mary Prince Memorial Award, click here.

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