Partnership To Help Enhance Bluebird Population

July 3, 2023

“We are thrilled to partner with Mr. Jaavaid Warren-Smith to create a more sustainable future for our bluebird population,” said Minister of Public Works Lt/Col David Burch of an initiative to preserve endangered species and biodiversity in our parks.

A Government spokesperson said, “The Department of Parks announces its partnership with 25-year-old Bermudian environmentalist Jaavaid Warren-Smith, founder of the TrueBermudaBluebird, to build and install bluebird houses in select parks across the Island.

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“This collaboration aims to increase the bluebird population around the island and contribute to their preservation.

“Recognising the importance of conserving these beautiful creatures, Mr. Warren-Smith contacted the Department of Parks with his idea, and the Department decided to retain his services.

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“Mr. Warren-Smith is known for his expertise in building bluebird houses using environmentally-friendly materials and installation techniques involving rocks and sand instead of cement.

“These efforts align with the Department’s ongoing devotion to preserving and enhancing the natural environment of Bermuda. This marks the fourth consecutive year of Mr. Warren-Smith’s bluebird house installation programme, which has shown promising results.”

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Minister Burch expressed his full support for this environmental initiative on behalf of the Ministry. He added: “This initiative exemplifies our commitment to preserving our natural heritage and underscores the Department of Parks’ ongoing efforts to protect and enhance our environment.”

The spokesperson said, “The Department of Parks encourages the public to support this vital conservation endeavour by appreciating and respecting these bluebird boxes and the valuable role they play in preserving Bermuda’s unique flora and fauna.

“Mr. Warren-Smith can be contacted at”

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  1. David says:

    Very cool. Interesting about the sand and rocks as a substitute for cement. Definitely a more eco-friendly and portable solution if they’re able to hold up in a storm.