Video: Sunday August 6th ‘Good News’ Spotlight
News that people across the island celebrated the Cup Match holiday, City of Hamilton Town Crier Ed Christopher earned three awards in the UK, 35 Bermudians completed the PACE Programme, and the International Women’s Club donated $10,000 to Gina Spence Productions were all some of the positive news stories from the past week.
In additional good news, the Birdies for Charity initiative returns this year, Zeiko Lewis scored for his Sacramento Republic team as they played to a 2-1 win over Las Vegas Lights FC, and Robin Horsfield stood on top of the podium at Ontario Cup #3.
Other good news stories included Take Five Catering donating 500 meals over the Cup Match holiday, the PHC Foundation presenting scholarships to Majesty Wilson, Kairo Lewis, Kauai Evans, Eusebio King-Mills, Keishon Bean, Angelino Madeiros, and Shavon Nisbett, and Appleby’s Bermuda office awarding scholarships to Jasmin Brown, Keren Smith, Tiffany Cooper, Thomas Evans, and Jada Rogers-Ingemann.
We also posted various community photo galleries, including coverage of Cup Match celebrations, the HSBC Cup Match motorcades and celebration event, the Cup Match Tea Party for seniors, and the top 10 Bernews “Photos of the Day” for July 2023.
In an effort to highlight some of positive news happening in our community, we supplement our standard morning and evening email newsletters with a special Sunday “Good News” email newsletter edition, and also produce a highlight video and article which strictly focuses on the positive news about Bermuda and Bermudians from the past week. You can sign up to have the free newsletter delivered via email here, and/or access the links below.
For more positive coverage, you can also visit other websites in the Bernews Network; showcases uplifting Bermuda news and the tourism genre, offers free Bermuda themed Facebook covers and phone wallpapers; and you can view over 250 ‘Good News’ summary videos spanning back to 2017 here on Bernews.TV.