Video: Minister & HOME Press Conference

December 14, 2023

[Updated] Minister of Youth, Social Development and Seniors Tinee Furbert and members of the Homelessness Advisory Panel are holding a press conference to launch the Consultative Draft Strategic Plan to End Homelessness in Bermuda. We will have additional information later on and in the meantime the live video is below.

The 13-minute live video replay is below:

Update Dec 14, 12.12pm: A HOME spokesperson said, “Bermuda today moves a step closer to ensuring that no resident will be without a place to call home with the launch of the Plan to End Homelessness.

“The document, co-sponsored by HOME, the registered charity with the purpose of ending homelessness, and the Ministry of Youth, Social Development & Seniors, is the result of an unprecedented, cross-community collaborative effort.

“Input from more than 400 people experiencing or at risk of homelessness and collaboration between community experts from a range of fields informed the proposed actions in the plan.

“The detailed recommendations lay out a blueprint for a sustainable end to homelessness, supported by data and analysis of homelessness in Bermuda and its root causes, and drawing on evidence-based solutions from more than 40 countries.

“Over the next two months, the general public will be invited to provide feedback during a period of consultation and outreach, which will include townhall presentations, before a final version is published.”

Arthur Wightman, chairman of HOME, said, “Today marks a critical milestone for Bermuda. This plan is a declaration that Bermuda will no longer accept homelessness, nor the suffering of families and individuals, infringement of basic human rights and economic damage it causes.

“Work on this project started two-and-a-half years ago, driven by a vision that homelessness should be rare and when it does occur, brief. The snowballing support HOME has seen from donors, helping agencies, the community and our clients is a firm indication that many in Bermuda share this vision.

“HOME acknowledges the essential role played by Tinée Furbert, the Minister of Youth, Social Development & Seniors, whose whole-hearted engagement has helped to bring together so many people and organisations in a true public-private collaboration to develop a plan that is fit for purpose in the Bermuda context.”

The spokesperson said, “The finalised version of the plan will be housed on a microsite in April 2024 with implementation, accountability and progress made transparent to the public. Implementation of the plan is a strategic priority for HOME, whose board of directors will apply their leadership to ensure it is delivered.”

Denise Carey, CEO of HOME, said, “The remarkable spirit of compassion and collaboration that has been evident in the drafting and development of this plan makes me proud of my community.

“We encourage every resident of Bermuda to read it and offer their thoughts during the consultation. The clear message is: homelessness is not inevitable. The plan outlines how carefully thought-out policies, and a whole-system approach that puts the needs of each individual first, can not only sustainably end homelessness but also prevent new cases from occurring.

“Ending homelessness is a shared responsibility. It is a complex and multi-faceted issue and no government, social support agency or non-profit can solve it alone. Only with the full support of our community can we make it happen and we ask the public to put their shoulder behind the plan, by making a solution for homelessness an important national issue.”

The spokesperson said, “The plan was drafted by HOME and developed by a Steering Committee which included community partners Dr. Carolyn Armstrong, STAR/Lighthouse; Wendy Augustus, Teen Haven; Geraldgene Cann, Transformational Living Centre; Beverly Daniels and Shawn Thomas, Salvation Army; Nicholas and Kim Durceill, Dignity House; Kelly Madeiros, Solstice; Karla Parfitt, Department of Corrections; Karla Looby, Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute; and Desiree O’Connor, the Bermuda Housing Corporation.

“Since June 2023, a Homelessness Advisory Panel, co-chaired by Carey and Furbert, has met regularly to provide input and strengthen the plan where needed.

“Other members of the panel are: Justice Juan Wolffe, JP, Supreme Court of Bermuda; John Barritt, Bermuda Housing Trust; Dwayne Caines, CEO, Corporation of Hamilton; Sheelagh Cooper, Habitat for Humanity; Sara Clifford, Human Rights Commission; Aaron Crichlow, Bermuda is Love; Pandora Glasford, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Tourism and the Cabinet Office; Andrew Dias, West End Development Corporation [WEDCO]; Kirk Outerbridge, Acting Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Works; Paul Martin, Bermuda Housing Corporation; Laurie Shiell, Centre Against Abuse; Senator Lindsay Simmons, JP, Foster Care Association; Keechia Tuckett, Health Insurance Department; and Lester Ward, Salvation Army.

“Research conducted in 2022 by HOME found that 650 people, or one percent of the population, were experiencing homelessness.

“To learn more or to donate visit the HOME website. To offer feedback on the Plan to End Homelessness, visit”

Update Dec 14, 4.18pm: Minister of Youth, Social Development and Seniors Tinée Furbert said, “Over the past several months, the Ministry, in collaboration with the Advisory Panel on Homelessness and various community stakeholders, has been diligently working on launching a comprehensive strategic plan to end homelessness in Bermuda.

“In October 2023, the Ministry undertook a community perceptions survey in collaboration with the charitable organization HOME to obtain the community’s feedback, thoughts, and understanding of the public’s view and perception of homelessness in Bermuda.

“Again, we thank all of you who responded to that survey and provided invaluable feedback that will inform our strategies to end homelessness in Bermuda.

“Today marks the launch of a vital part of this journey – the public consultation phase. From December 14th, 2023 until February 29th, 2024, we invite each and every one of you to engage with us and lend us your thoughts, expertise, and perspective on the draft strategic plan that has been developed as a roadmap to end homelessness in Bermuda.


“Your feedback is invaluable in fortifying this plan to truly reflect the needs and aspirations of our community.

“To facilitate this dialogue, the consultative strategic plan will be accessible on the Government’s Bermuda Citizens Forum at

“I am pleased to share that the draft plan was established through unprecedented levels of stakeholder engagement. Proposed actions have been developed productively with over 400 people experiencing or at risk of homelessness and as a result of hundreds of hours of collaborative input from community experts and partners.

“Also, the draft plan is based on the output of evidence-based research into solutions from over forty countries around the world as well as those domestically, and two rounds of community consultation, the third of which will take place now with this consultative process.

“This plan comprises essential recommended actions that reflect the collaborative work of key organizations such as HOME, STARR/Lighthouse, Teen Haven, Transformational Living Centre, the Salvation Army, Dignity House, Solstice, and the Bermuda Housing Corporation.

“Actions designed not just to address the surface but to dive deeper, addressing the root causes and offering sustainable solutions. They encompass a wide spectrum, ranging from:

  • Ensuring a rapid end of rough sleeping and other forms of high-risk homelessness
  • A systematic approach to homelessness data and intervention monitoring
  • Sufficient accessible social and affordable housing and welfare entitlements
  • Citizen-centric coordinated service delivery
  • Public policy reform and statutory rights and protection changes
  • Public perception and awareness and;
  • Other holistic and system-wide reforms

“Working groups have already been established to ensure the efficient execution of this strategic plan. These groups will delve into critical areas such as legal frameworks, data collection, property establishment, case management, and community engagement and education. Each working group has a designated member from the Advisory Panel, ensuring consistent communication and progress updates.

“After taking into consideration all of your input, the comprehensive strategic plan will be finalized and published in April 2024 for subsequent execution.

“Let us move forward together, united as a community, not just in words but also in action, to ensure that every individual in Bermuda has a place to call home.”

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    Will the PLP Government please make the Consultative Draft Strategic Plan to End Homelessness in Bermuda available to the public? Available for download would be nice.