Hashtag: #DecriminalizationOfMarijuana

PLP To Host An Open Mic On Cannabis Reform
The PLP will host “Free Up 1.0″ — an open mic on the decriminalization of cannabis — on Sunday, March 16th at the Devils Hole Club starting from 7:00pm. The panelists will be Senator Marc Daniels, Senator Diallo Rabain, Alan Gordon and Michael Brangman. In the Opposition’s Reply to the Budget last month, Shadow Finance Minister... Read more of this article

‘Regulate Cannabis So Economy Can Benefit’
The regulation and taxation of cannabis in Bermuda was one of the recommendations for increasing government revenue included in the Opposition’s Reply to the Budget delivered by Shadow Finance Minister David Burt in the House of Assembly today [Feb 28]. In the Opposition’s Reply, Mr. Burt said, “Any discussion of options for additional... Read more of this article

Activist Questions Speaker’s Cannabis “Bias”
Activist Alan Gordon has raised concerns about the “sharp bias” of a medical cannabis speaker, Dr. Andrea Barthwell, that the Department of National Drug Control has booked to address medical professionals at King Edward Memorial Hospital. Mr. Gordon says the speaker has a “long history of credible accusations” made against... Read more of this article

DNDC To Host Medical Marijuana Seminar
The Department for National Drug Control [DNDC] will host a special seminar for medical doctors and general practitioners on Thursday [Feb 27] from 3.30pm to 6.30pm in the First Floor Conference Room at the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital. The seminar will be conducted by Dr. Andrea Barthwell whose presentation title is Scientific Developments: The... Read more of this article

“Cannabis Conversation” To Be Held On Feb 25
The Cannabis Reform Committee [CRC] will host the “Cannabis Conversation” at 7:30pm on the 25th of February, at Manchester Unity Hall on corner of Victoria & Union Streets [across from Peopleʼs Pharmacy]. A panel of four special guests will be presenting on their experiences within drug prevention, law enforcement, addictions treatment and... Read more of this article

PLP Table Marijuana Decriminalization Bill
On Friday [Feb 14] the Opposition tabled a bill in the House of Assembly which calls for removing all criminal sanctions for the possession of 14 grams of cannabis or cannabis resin. In a post on social media, Opposition MP David Burt said, “I would like to congratulate the OBA for something that happened on Friday. In November when the PLP attempted... Read more of this article

Upcoming: Medical Cannabis Info Session
An event aimed at educating medical workers about the debate surrounding the use of medical cannabis and sponsored by the Cannabis Trade Oversight Collective [CTOC] will be held later this month. Entitled “Medical Cannabis for Medical Professionals,” the event will take place on Thursday, February 20, 2014 at 6.00pm at Tribe Road Kitchen... Read more of this article

Cannabis Reform: CRC Solicits Public Feedback
The Cannabis Reform Collaborative [CRC] is soliciting public input as well as inviting members of the public to participate in focus groups being planned. Last month Government announced that work had begun to produce a paper on cannabis policy reform and announced the members of the CRC as Stratton Hatfield, Dr. Ernest Peets, Kamal Worrell, Julia van... Read more of this article

Scott: ‘Responsibility To Push For Progress’
Following Minister Michael Dunkley’s response to the PLP’s announcement that they will table an amendment relating to cannabis laws, Shadow Public Safety Minister Michael Scott said the Minister “chose to focus on politics over progress.” Earlier this week the PLP announced that they drafted an Amendment which they intend to... Read more of this article

PLP Call On Dunkley To “Address Allegations’
The Opposition PLP have called on Minister of National Security Michael Dunkley to address the allegations from Eron Hill, saying that his resignation from the Cannabis Reform Collaborative [CRC] is a “concerning development.” Last month Government announced that work had begun to produce a paper on cannabis policy reform and announced... Read more of this article

Activist Asks Governor About Cannabis Assent
In an open letter sent to Governor George Fergusson and published on various social media web pages, cannabis activist Alan Gordon asked if Government House will grant or deny assent to any future legislation pertaining to the legalization of cannabis. For new legislation to become law in Bermuda, it must first pass in the House of Assembly, then the... Read more of this article

CRC Member Resigns, Cites “Ulterior Agenda”
[Updated with video] Eron Hill — who was a member of the Cannabis Reform Collaborative [CRC] — announced today [Jan 22] that he has resigned from the group, saying that the “committee has an ulterior agenda to ultimately take a certain position on cannabis.” Mr. Hill also noted that two other members of the committee have resigned... Read more of this article