Hashtag: #MaryPrince

Mary Prince, Earl Cameron On London Tube Map

Mary Prince, Earl Cameron On London Tube Map

[Updated] Bermudian national hero Mary Prince and legendary actor Earl Cameron have both been featured on London’s Black history tube map, celebrating their contribution to Black British history. The Transport For London website said, “We’ve teamed up with the Black Cultural Archives to launch the first ever Black history tube map, celebrating... Read more of this article

Wallpaper Wednesday: ‘To Be Free Is Very Sweet’

Wallpaper Wednesday: ‘To Be Free Is Very Sweet’

“To be free is very sweet,” Mary Prince wrote in her groundbreaking book, with the quote from the Bermudian National Hero featured on the latest design in Bernews weekly Wallpaper Wednesday series, with the text set against a view of the Mary Prince Emancipation Park in Devonshire. Ms Prince – who was born almost 233 years ago, on... Read more of this article

Audio: Song Commemorates Mary Prince

Audio: Song Commemorates Mary Prince

A song commemorating the life of Mary Prince has been released, with a number of local musicians combining their talents to pay tribute to the Bermuda National Hero. The words and music are by Greg Morrison and it was produced by John Woolridge and Just Platinum Recording Studios, and those involved in the song include: Chinyere Nwasike – Lead... Read more of this article

‘Emancipation In The Bermuda Context’ Webinar

‘Emancipation In The Bermuda Context’ Webinar

Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda [CURB] will be hosting a free webinar entitled “Emancipation In The Bermuda Context” on Tuesday, July 27th. CURB said, “How much were owners of the enslaved compensated in Bermuda? What is the legacy of Sir George Somers, and why has the last Friday of July been changed to recognise National Hero... Read more of this article

Bermuda National Parks Amendment Act Tabled

Bermuda National Parks Amendment Act Tabled

A Bill was recently tabled in the House of Assembly aiming to amend the Bermuda National Parks Act 1986 by officially renaming “Devonshire Bay Park” as the “Mary Prince Emancipation Park”. The Government had previously announced the plans to rename Devonshire Bay Park as Mary Prince Emancipation Park, and the signage has already been installed. Former... Read more of this article

UK MP Praises Mary Prince In British Parliament

UK MP Praises Mary Prince In British Parliament

Bermudian national hero Mary Prince was praised during a recent session of the British Parliament, with MP Theresa Villiers saying that Ms Prince “never stopped resisting the oppression to which she had been subjected” and her “struggle has helped to create the better world in which we live today.” Speaking in the UK Parliament during... Read more of this article

Titan Express Offering Mary Prince Legacy Tours

Titan Express Offering Mary Prince Legacy Tours

Titan Express will be offering a Mary Prince Legacy Bus Tour on August 20, August 22, and August 27 at 6.30pm and on August 29 at 10.00am. A spokesperson said, “With being unable to conduct the Mary Prince Legacy Bus tours in July, in follow up to the Emancipation Day and Mary Prince Day over the Cup Match holiday, we will instead offer the tours... Read more of this article

Bermuda Celebrates First Mary Prince Day

Bermuda Celebrates First Mary Prince Day

Today [July 31] marks the first year the island officially celebrates Mary Prince Day, with the second day of Cup Match named after the iconic Bermudian who authored a book detailing her first hand experience of being enslaved, helping to galvanize the anti-slavery movement. In February 2020, the island’s Parliament approved an amendment to the... Read more of this article

Photos & Video: Mary Prince Emancipation Park

Photos & Video: Mary Prince Emancipation Park

As the island celebrates the first ever Mary Prince Day today [July 31], you can take a virtual visit to the Mary Prince Emancipation Park in Devonshire – which was recently renamed in honour of the Bermudian heroine – with a bird’s eye view via the aerial footage below. The park was previously called Devonshire Bay Park, and in renaming... Read more of this article

Video: Discussion On National Hero Mary Prince

Video: Discussion On National Hero Mary Prince

In the latest episode in the Bernews News & Views series, Chris Famous, Ajala Omodele, Minister Lovitta Foggo, and Rashida Godwin held a discussion on Mary Prince, with the panelists proving insight into her life as well as discussing the importance of a truthful telling of our own history. As the island gets set to celebrate Cup Match, the panelists... Read more of this article

Mary Prince Emancipation Park Sign Unveiled

Mary Prince Emancipation Park Sign Unveiled

In the lead up to the first observance of the Mary Prince holiday on July 31st, the Minister of Community Affairs and Sports Lovitta Foggo recently unveiled the new signage for the Mary Prince Emancipation Park. “The public will be aware that on July 17, Minister Foggo formally announced the Government’s intention to rename Devonshire Bay Park... Read more of this article

Petition Calls For Statue Of Mary Prince In UK

Petition Calls For Statue Of Mary Prince In UK

An online petition started by a British woman is calling to replace the recently removed statue outside the Museum of London Docklands with a statue of Bermudian Mary Prince, with the petition attaining over 1,000 signatures as of this writing. The petition said, “Following the recent removal of statues which depict pro-slavery historical figures... Read more of this article

Mary Prince Legacy Virtual Tour On July 28th

Mary Prince Legacy Virtual Tour On July 28th

The Bermuda Chamber of Commerce is inviting people to join in a virtual Mary Prince Legacy Tour on Tuesday, July 28th. A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Chamber of Commerce invites members and non members to join the virtual Mary Prince Legacy Tour. The Tuesday, July 28th virtual event will be will be presented by Rashida Godwin of Titan Express... Read more of this article

Minister: “Mary Prince Emancipation Park”

Minister: “Mary Prince Emancipation Park”

Devonshire Bay Park will be renamed as “Mary Prince Emancipation Park,” Minister of Community Affairs and Sports Lovitta Foggo said in the House of Assembly today. Minister Foggo said, “Based on how this pandemic is ravaging communities across the globe, it should come as no surprise that our beloved Cup Match was by necessity cancelled... Read more of this article

CURB On Mary Prince Day & Planned Statue

CURB On Mary Prince Day & Planned Statue

CURB congratulated Minister of Community Affairs, Labour & Sport Lovitta Foggo for “introducing changes to the Public Holidays Amendment Act changing Somers Day to Mary Prince Day, whilst also thanking Thomas Christopher Famous for his advocacy in educating the public about this issue.” A spokesperson said, “As stated by Minister... Read more of this article

Mary Prince Featured In Children’s Card Game

Mary Prince Featured In Children’s Card Game

Bermudian hero Mary Prince is set to be featured in an educational, inclusive children’s card game called Super Sapiens, which is being created by Bermudian Alexa Virdi. A spokesperson said, “This family friendly card game pays tribute to 12 inspiring women from around the world – the world’s real superheroes, ‘the Super Sapiens’.... Read more of this article