Hashtag: #SocialMedia

Social Media Postings Were “Simply Unkind”

Social Media Postings Were “Simply Unkind”

[Opinion column written by Shari-Lynn Pringle] If there’s anything that the recent Bermuda social media debacle highlighted is that some people have too much time on their hands and not enough love in their hearts. During a month that I’ve tried to lay low on social media, it is extremely difficult to watch what is in play and not say something. Don... Read more of this article

Hill: OBA Tweet Is “Spurious, Highly Defamatory”

Hill: OBA Tweet Is “Spurious, Highly Defamatory”

Following recent social media exchanges, the One Bermuda Alliance has received a letter indicating there could be legal action taken over the OBA Twitter account posting a photo with a caption saying “Opposition PLP makes mockery of women & transgendered.” The photo depicts Eron Hill, Chris Famous and Makai Dickerson in attendance at... Read more of this article

Bermuda’s Top 50 Twitter List For May 2015

Bermuda’s Top 50 Twitter List For May 2015

[Written by Don Burgess] We had two names drop completely off the Bermuda Twitter Top 50 this month — but that is only because they were changed. With the merger of XL and Catlin, the old XL Insurance Twitter handle was changed to reflect this with its new moniker of @XLCatlin. Also getting an upgrade was the Pink Lady as The Hamilton Princess dropped... Read more of this article

Bermuda’s May Klout Social Media Rankings

Bermuda’s May Klout Social Media Rankings

[Written by Don Burgess] Klout has added ‘Expert’ tags to people’s profiles. Users will be able to easily see who the experts are for all topics found on Klout and identify individual Klout expertise. To be considered a Klout Expert on a topic, users must be in the top few percentages of all global users. In a press release, a Klout spokesperson... Read more of this article

Passenger Live Tweets From Norwegian Dawn

Passenger Live Tweets From Norwegian Dawn

Even as the cruise ship Norwegian Dawn ran aground in the North Channel yesterday afternoon [May 19], at least one of the vessel’s reported 2,675 passengers took the time to document the events via Twitter, sharing a number of photographs and insights originating directly from the scene. The grounding was also captured on camera, with a time-lapse... Read more of this article

New Facebook Page ‘Vitals’ Aimed At Nurses

New Facebook Page ‘Vitals’ Aimed At Nurses

A nurse currently working at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital [KEMH] has launched a social media platform intended to aid nurses in sharing information and stories regarding their work, in Bermuda and around the world. Janice George, a registered nurse with a Masters Degree in Public Health who currently works in KEMH’s recovery room, officially... Read more of this article

Bermuda’s Top 50 Twitter List For April 2015

Bermuda’s Top 50 Twitter List For April 2015

[Written by Don Burgess] Baltimore has become a hotspot of social media activity. The death of Freddie Gray has sparked an intense scrutiny over that city’s policing methods. Many in the community took to the streets to peacefully demonstrate, while some elements saw it as an opportunity to create mayhem. On Twitter, the hashtags #Baltimoreriots and... Read more of this article

Crowd Funding For Cruise For Cancer Sufferer

Crowd Funding For Cruise For Cancer Sufferer

Aiming to fulfill the dream of Jackie [Nichols] St. Peter, who doctors have said has a life expectancy of about 2.5 years due to cancer, an online campaign is hoping to raise $5,000 in order to give her a “birthday she can’t forget” aboard a cruise to Bermuda. The campaign has raised $3,330 of its $5,000 goal, with the GoFundMe page saying,... Read more of this article

Instagram Page Highlights Travel From Bermuda

Instagram Page Highlights Travel From Bermuda

A new local Instagram account is taking an approach to island travel opposite that of Bermuda’s tourism industry, aiming to showcase those avid travelers who enjoy their time abroad as much as they enjoy time here at home. In the few weeks that the account has been online, more than 100 people traveling to over 50 countries have been featured... Read more of this article

BEDC To Host Vendor Seminar On Social Media

BEDC To Host Vendor Seminar On Social Media

Vendors and retailers will get a chance to learn how social media can help raise awareness of their brand and increase sales during the second in a series of workshops designed to help grow business. On Thursday, April 16, the Bermuda Economic Development Corporation will host a Vendor Seminar called ‘Merchandising for Success – How to Make it... Read more of this article

Bermuda Dreaming Instagram Project Launches

Bermuda Dreaming Instagram Project Launches

Mark Twain once said “you can go to Heaven if you want, I’d rather stay in Bermuda.” This sentiment inspired local photographer Amanda Temple to start Bermuda Dreaming a collective, island-wide effort to share Bermuda’s beauty through Instagram. “With insurance company mergers and jobs disappearing by the dozens, it would seem that Tourism... Read more of this article

Bermuda’s April 2015 Social Media Rankings

Bermuda’s April 2015 Social Media Rankings

[Written by Don Burgess] Many users saw their Klout scores reach unheard of numbers last week. Some people in Bermuda saw their Klout score reach 364. But the joke was on us — Lithium, which bought Klout in 2014 — was pulling an April Fool’s prank to give us all a laugh. The perks for such a having such a high score were funny too. The mythical... Read more of this article

Bermuda’s Top 50 Twitter List For March

Bermuda’s Top 50 Twitter List For March

[Written by Don Burgess] The past month saw two live-stream video apps for Twitter released. The first out of the gate was Meerkat, but that was usurped by Periscope at the end of the month. Twitter paid a reported $100 million for Periscope and is throwing its weight behind it to make it successful. I tested both apps and had more success with Periscope.... Read more of this article

Man Denies Using Facebook To Lure Young Girl

Man Denies Using Facebook To Lure Young Girl

Appearing in Magistrates Court this morning [Mar 27], a 28-year-old man denied using Facebook to try and lure a young girl. The defendant pleaded not guilty to using Facebook to communicate with a young girl for the purpose of luring her in February 2015; and not guilty to intruding on the privacy of a female child and offending in March 2015. Magistrate... Read more of this article

“Use Their Own Video Recordings As Evidence”

“Use Their Own Video Recordings As Evidence”

[Updated] The police have commented on the Instagram account @bermudas_bikelife — which shows a variety of bike riders — saying they “will work to identify the individuals involved and will conveniently use their own video recordings as evidence to recommend to the DPP that they be prosecuted for the offenses committed.” Screenshot... Read more of this article

Bermuda’s March 2015 Social Media Rankings

Bermuda’s March 2015 Social Media Rankings

[Written by Don Burgess] Who will be the next James Bond? And will his Klout score matter? Lithium Technologies, which purchased Klout last year, released a list of the top 10 James Bond potential candidates who have the most social strength. P. Diddy topped the list with an 89.89 score followed by Robbie Williams [88.89] and Russell Crowe [87.46].... Read more of this article