Hashtag: #ThroneSpeech2013

Video: Convening of Parliament 360° Virtual Tour
The Convening of Parliament Ceremony took place on Friday [Nov 8] on the Cabinet Office grounds on Front Street when Premier Craig Canonnier and Members of Parliament gathered to hear the Governor George Fergusson deliver the Throne Speech which outlines the Government’s Legislative Agenda for the year ahead. This Virtual Tour of the event was produced... Read more of this article

Opposition Leader Delivers Reply To The Throne
The “attempt to grant status is modern day wickedness against one’s own people” and “has nothing to do with economics, and everything to do with the political sorcery of solidifying one’s power by altering Bermuda’s voting base,” Opposition Leader Marc Bean said today [Nov 15] in the formal Reply to the Throne Speech. Mr... Read more of this article

Health Minister On Throne Speech Initiatives
Minister of Health and Seniors Patricia Gordon-Pamplin held a press briefing to expand on her Ministry’s Throne Speech initiatives. She said the Ministry of Health and Seniors will put forward a Vulnerable Persons Act to protect the most vulnerable from predators and those who may do them harm, and will strengthen the provisions of the Senior Abuse... Read more of this article

CADA: Mandatory ID Checks A “Good First Step”
CADA applauded some of the Government’s proposed changes to the Liquor License Act 1974 that were included in the recent Throne Speech. CADA’s Anthony Santucci [pictured] stated, “Making ID carding mandatory in Bars and Night clubs is a good first step. “CADA still calls for Mandatory ID carding related to the sale of all alcoholic... Read more of this article

Minister Scott: $36 Million Spent On Assistance
The Government has seen an “unprecedented increase in financial assistance and child day care relief” and between January and October 2013 have “spent well over $36 million on assistance,” Minister Wayne Scott said. The Minister Scott was speaking yesterday [Nov 13] during an overview of some of the initiatives in the recent... Read more of this article

Marijuana Decriminalization Consultation Paper
During last week’s Throne Speech, the Government announced they would “produce a public consultation paper on the decriminalization of marijuana and an examination of its wider uses.” The relevant portion of the Throne Speech [PDF] said, “The time has come for leadership in the public debate on marijuana. “Therefore, in... Read more of this article

Videos: Convening of Parliament, Throne Speech
Scores of people packed the Cabinet Grounds on Friday [Nov 8] for the Convening of Parliament, which saw the Governor deliver the Throne Speech which outlines the Legislative Agenda for the year ahead. Apart from a slight hitch which saw a man escorted off by police after crying out “Hallelujah” and clapping profusely, the proceedings went... Read more of this article

Starling: A Critique Of The OBA’s Throne Speech
[Opinion column written by Jonathan Starling] There are actually quite a few policies within this Throne Speech that, on the face of it, I support and I’m excited to see going forward. Indeed, there are some policies in there which I explicitly advocated in my 2012 election platform or in my SAGE submission, so I’m glad to see them going forward.... Read more of this article

10% Shopping On Wed, Liquor Sales On Sunday
The Government announced in this morning’s [Nov 8] Throne Speech that MarketPlace, Supermart and Lindo’s will increase their Wednesday discount to 10%, and also said that Government will amend the Liquor Licence Act to allow liquor to be sold on Sundays. Speaking on the grocery discount, the Throne Speech said: “The challenge for Government... Read more of this article

Photo Slideshow: 2013 Convening Of Parliament
[Updated with additional photos] Scores of locals and visitors thronged Front Street this morning [Nov 8] to catch a glimpse of the annual Convening of Parliament ceremony. Held on the Cabinet Office grounds, Governor George Fergusson delivered the Throne Speech outlining Government’s legislative agenda to an audience comprised of Parliamentarians... Read more of this article

PLP: “Throne Speech Lacking In Substance”
The Progressive Labour Party today [Nov 8] dismissed the Throne Speech as “lacking in substance.” Shadow Finance Minister David Burt said, “Bermudians looking for hope on jobs from the OBA have been sorely disappointed. Bermudians need jobs and there was nothing new in this speech to address the ongoing jobs crisis that is affecting... Read more of this article

Police Escort Exuberant Attendee Off Grounds
An enthusiastic Bermudian was escorted off the Cabinet Grounds by police today [Nov 8], after letting out cries of “hallelujah” coupled with fanatic clapping while the Governor was reading the Throne Speech. The police approached the man, and he left peacefully as the police walked beside him. As the man was leaving the grounds, he could... Read more of this article