President Barack Obama Wins U.S. Election

November 7, 2012

[Updated with OBA comments] Bermudians were pinned to U.S. news coverage and social media this evening to watch the U.S. Presidential Election, which saw incumbent Barack Obama win another four year term.

Social media showed Bermudians were following the election closely this evening, with many appearing to be supporters of the sitting President.

President Obama and Mr Romney were running very close in the final polls, however President Obama pulled away and the major U.S. networks called the election just after midnight Bermuda time. The President picked up crucial wins in swing states including Ohio, Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

CNN reported that according to early exit polls, 60% of voters said the economy was the most important issue, 59% thought abortion should be legal and 50% wanted Obama’s health care reform law repealed while 43% wanted it to remain in place or be expanded.

Other elections were held as well, and the Republicans retained control of the House of Representatives, while the Democrats controlled the Senate.

The breakdown of voters, according to the early exit polls, was 73% white, 13% African American, 10% Latino and 3% Asian. News reports indicated that long lines and sporadic problems with voting machines caused issues in some states.

During the campaign, Mr Romney was repeatedly attacked by Democrats for keeping money offshore, with his Bermuda account being brought up on numerous occasions.

Bermudians are also also expected to head to the polls this year, with Premier Paula Cox not having called the election as of yet, but confirming that it will take place in 2012.

Update 1.10am: Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier released a statement that said: “On behalf of the One Bermuda Alliance, I would like to congratulate President Barack Obama on his election victory.

“We understand the importance of the longstanding, productive relationship Bermuda has historically enjoyed with the United States, our closest neighbour and trading partner, and we look forward to continuing our steadfast friendship under President Obama’s leadership.

“It is no secret that many Bermudians hold President Obama in high regard and are delighted with his reelection. The One Bermuda Alliance applauds his efforts over the past four years to stabilize the United States economy by carefully balancing plans for debt reduction with the need for a jobs stimulus, to provide universal healthcare, to expand human rights and to stand strong for women’s rights.

“The One Bermuda Alliance looks forward to working with the Obama Administration to maintain and enhance the mutually beneficial relationship between Bermuda and the United States.”

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  1. PLP, OBA Congratulate President Barack Obama | | November 7, 2012
  1. TEE says:

    Now its OBA’s turn……… And Im a BLACK man!!!!! to you racist few!!!!!!!

    • Just Us says:

      @ TEE: What being black has to do with the price of chicken. Tell me that you think the OBA/UBP if elected will not have to spend more time and money just to settle in and pick up where their forefathers left off? Sounds like your willing to run erands already for free for your comrades…

      • Spot says:

        Go OBAMA, next OBA to get in and it will be a perfect election season.

        • Wait 4 it says:

          Last night remind me of the night the ubp, got their walking papers. Who will be next PLP or OBA? One particular group is going to get a real shock next month. Oooh that’s going to hurt. Black Bermudians will decided the next election as we have always did in the past.

          • Come Correct says:

            So if the plp get re-elected you’re going to be proud of that?… Yaserzdoe?!

            • A Bermudian says:

              @Come Correct,

              I don’t care who gets in, I want the people’s vote to determine who should lead this island.I remember reading the paper after the PLP won the last election, ” Bermuda got it wrong” lol. No, Bermuda didn’t get it wrong, the people of Bermuda spoke. This is what we call democracy!

              • Come Correct says:

                Ok, and you’ll get what you want, just like every other time. Sorry that I feel if the election goes the way I think it will, I don’t believe it will be anything to cheer about. I could be wrong though, its just that when a person says they’re going to bring my home to its knees, voting for them to better my home doesn’t really seem like an intelligent decision…but it happened. Am I the idiot for not seeing the same logic as the majority of voters? I doubt it. Come the election I’m not sure how I’ll cast my vote, I just know the only way I’ll tick the plp box is if I tick all the others with it. I can’t in good concience vote for them based off their track record. It honestly blows my mind how anyone logically could vote for them, I’ve tried to come up with reasons.

                • A Bermudian says:

                  I have not decided either, but I see the way many people pull out the bells and whistles for the OBA like they coming to save us or something. I personally am not sure if either of these parties are good for the island, but sadly these are the choices we have. My family and I have been living from pay check to pay check when the PLP came in, and we are still doing the same. I am just not sold on the OBA change that some of the people believe on here.

                  • Come Correct says:

                    I completely agree with you but the reality of the situation is we have 2 options, the same, or give the opposition a chance. The thing is we don’t have to put up with BS for 4 years,we could vote them out after 2 if we wanted, the only thing is that takes unity,and we as a nationare divided so its not possible. I’m related to one of the oba members and personlly I think he’s a pompous pric, a successful pompous pric but a pompous pric non the less, but there’s other candidates on the oba that I would like to see what they can do. Even the plp have some great candidates, the only this is when it comes down to getting thingsdone they get pushedto the side to make room for the black beret cadresfinest, an agendathat peoplelike ‘wait 4 it’ wish to see through to the end by any means necessary. That can not help us as a nationto move forward.

                    • Wait 4 it says:

                      Stop the BS you don’t don’t respect the blacks on this island. You only want our votes.

                    • Come Correct says:

                      Oki can see you’rea but slow, I think ifyou did votefrmeyou would spoil you ballotsince I’m a voter not.Candidate.Mostofmyfriends growing upwereblack,myprentsassociate withblack peoplealthe time, the onlything isw don’t see ittat way,they’re justpople tous, you donot knowm and ifyuwnt met continuetomke you looklikeanass keeptping buddy.

        • Spilt milk says:

          If you understand policies you would know that Obama is bad for Bermuda and the republicans and Romney are good for Bermuda. They want to deregulate so Romney could have sent more of his money here and u s companies. Obama wants to bring that money back.. Even I can see that and im for Obama (if I could vote that is). Now.. Oba/ubp smh.. You guys must take us for fools.. Do you think that you’ll get the black vote or get blacks to hold there votes because you changed your name? Give your consultant fee back k. Lost your credibility with that move.

          • Billy Mays says:

            It’s a good thing that you can’t vote, as you are so badly uninformed. You say that President Obama is bad for Bermuda as if he’d not been in office the past four years! Leaving aside the fact that US fiscal and economic policy isn’t solely the authority of the President, there’s no reason to think that he will deal with Bermuda any differently the next four years than he has the past four.

      • Barracuda says:

        Does anyone notice how the hatred between black and white seems to pick up at election time? why is that?

  2. Aware says:

    Hope he does what he suppose too

  3. Autumn Fire says:

    OBAMA!!! OBAMA!!! OBAMA!!!

  4. timeshavechanged! says:

    yeah!!!i’M SO EXCITED!!go OBAMA And MICHELLE, you deserve another three terms! the republicans reminded me of when the ubp lost, wow! it was so depressed looking….well maybe if Mitt parts with a lot of his money and convinces his friends to do the same, they may feel better..

    • Sandgrownan says:

      Erm..not sure you understand how it works!

    • Logic76 says:

      That awkward moment when you have no idea about US politics…

      • Sorry Sir says:

        That awkward moment when he realizes the PLP are our republican party.

        • Logic76 says:

          I wouldn’t agree with that, their fiscal policies are quite different.

          • Sandgrownan says:

            I don’t know, spend spend and run up debt. The hallmark of all Republican administrations since Eisenhower. Admittedly, they spend it on the top 1% and aircraft carriers, but the Republicans and the PLP are similarly the parties of fiscal irresponsibility.

            • Billy Mays says:

              Exactly correct.

            • Billy Mays says:

              The parties of fiscal irresponsibility, racism and division.

              • A Bermudian says:

                @Billy Mays,

                Please stop talking all your B.S. about Racism and Division. Racism has been here for donkeys years, and we been divided, so please don’t act like we been this happy go lucky country. The only difference now is that black people are speaking up about what they feel is wrong. My granny has experieced racism, and I have as well, so please save ya B.S about this all came about by the PLP. You may think this took place hundreds of years ago (because your new line is that it’s an old argument), but many of us have family members alive today who lived through it. So believe what you want, but the truth will always be the truth!

                • LOL (original TM*) says:

                  And here in lies the problem. It’s terrible what happened to your family but guess what is there not an issue with people who have had this issue and hold on to it and blanket others with their feelings and hold a whole race accountable for the actions of a few. This is why I can’t vote PLP because it seems they do this often much like the tea party in the US. I wanted to call in today to Marc Bean and tell him that because he had a caller who called himself a young black male declared his party allegiance and then preceded to say that if a white boy was attacked or shot those “other people” would finally take up the issue of gang violence. Just because he has not heard of these types of attacks he thinks they don’t happen. Guess what they do. I was dating a black girl and was jumped by 6 guys was that a racist attack. I was assaulted on the road by a guy who targets white males with black females (as he has a record of similar attacks) plus I have some friends who where stabbed at cup match and robbed just to give some examples. Before you answer lets put it this way if it was a black guy with a white girl and the guy was jumped by a bunch of white guys or if the racial make ups where reversed in the above examples what would you think? Do I hold you and Black people of Bermuda accountable for that, no but what I do hold all people accountable for is people who state they don’t like racism and try to counter it with racism. This creates a circular pattern. Where are the people who want a peaceful and beautiful country? I believe Marc Bean is one of those people that does care about Bermuda and I have voted for him in the past but I can’t support his party until real change occurs in it. Problem is I don’t see it wanting to change and why should it, all it does is continue to drive a bigger and bigger wedge in between us to ensure you continue to think like your above remark and continue the majority vote this is a republican tac. My vote is not one for the OBA it against the PLP. Funny I agree with Mr. Rolfe C. race needs to by addressed and solved I just don’t see his method working. As far as Blacks being braver I doubt they are braver now they just seem to get more encouragement.

                  I don’t care if you read and understand this but atlest it was finally said.

    • American Zero says:

      Three more terms of doing nothing? Lord help us (America). Feel free to take him when his term is up.

      Obama’s political positioning would more strongly align with the OBA. Although I doubt you are familiar with any of his policies.

  5. TEE says:

    Its November 7 th 2012 and this PLP hasn’t even called an election date yet. It really show the very very very bad way they handle business. Why wait til the 12 th hour you damn hat wearing gombeys. I hate that government, No organisation,aways last minute, always a surprise. Very very bad stuff.

  6. Autumn Fire says:

    WOW! On the USA networks it’s really somber in the party HQ House of Romney! But to the rest of America celebrating, it’s party in California! Party at Time Square! Party @ Obama HQ & Chicago! Party in Boston! HEYY!!! It’s time to celebrate! You go! America! Celebrate!!! OBAMA!!!

  7. sgsgs says:

    Over publicized. And all for money.

    Obama deserves his second term. All the progress he has made, why turn back and head in another direction? But I have a feeling a lot of us just wanted him to win because he’s black.

    • Just Us says:

      @ sgsgs: “But I have a feeling a lot of us just wanted him to win because he’s black.” Stick yaself with a pin and see how that feels…
      Some black’s and most white’s have always been superfical when it comes to their own. Its a good thing we’re not all that stupid… CLIFF!

    • timeshavechanged! says:

      its gonna be hard for anyone to accept that it is easy to genuinely admire and appreciate Presdent Obama because he can relate to a larger percentage of people, whereas Mitt was only for the money,and making sure the one percent has no pressure put pn them, he said as much that he dodn’t care for most of us so why would we want him to be the next President! I’m surprised he got that much votes! he flip floped on a lot of issues and OBAMA was the obvious choice, being that he is black is just another plus to have a person with more soul!

    • Mind boggling stupidity... says:

      whites have always voted for whites just because they’re white. nothing wrong with that. people feel akin to people who look and act like them. so when a black person feels akin to another successful black personperson who looks and acts like him it’s racism. Get over it. what we need to be striving towards is a world where people and act like each other despite how they look, or what color skin they’re wearing.

      • It's about time! says:

        Seriously??? Your “call sign” says it all!! What a moronic opening statement….73% of the voting population in the US is white….as is Mitt Romney….Obama is, according to you, a black man…as the PLP/UBP has been sayin’…..”It just doesn’t add up!”

        Your closing remark doesn’t quite make sense either but I get the gist of what you are trying to say and I must agree with you in principle. There is always hope!

  8. Unbelievable & Sick N Tired!!!! says:

    @Tee . . .really . . .you refer to the Premier as a goon . . .and what is the implication your are trying to infer by “hat wearing gombey” . . . hmmmmm . . .

  9. longtail says:

    Mitt Romney paid virtually no income tax for years and years. The US voters have rejected this greed – now it is Bermuda’s turn!!! Bring on the election Bermuda!!!!

    • Spot says:

      Yes bring it on, accountibility , vote OBA.

    • American Zero says:

      He paid no tax because THAT WAS THE LAW. Do you voluntarily give away your money?

  10. Bazinga! says:

    Let us stop being resenting and hateful towards those who are successful in life, because I’m sure at the end of the day that’s want everyone wants…success in their life.

    But the Obama administration said it would like to stop people from investing their money in what they deem is the tax haven of Bermuda, which last I knew was a large part of the Bermudian economy.

    There are some pretty valid arguments that President Obama hadn’t really stepped up to the hype of his first term as president and it’s not certain whether or not his policies are good for the US. And really how would Bermuda benefit better – a world with a floundering America or a flourishing one?

    Time and history will tell what that outcome will be.

  11. Keepin' it Real...4Real! says:

    who ever gains office lets see them fix this…

  12. M.P.Mountbatten JP says:

    OBA…Take note of how graciously Mitt Romney exited the stage . Admit that you all just don’t have what it takes to gain political power in Bermuda . Now to the PLP I’ll be with you in a little while , and join you in your victory lap .

    • Sandgrownan says:

      Give me one good reason why the PLP are good for Bermuda.

    • Spot says:

      The PLP/UBP have already lost this election. Come on OBA, we are gonna OBAMA this one.

    • Mind boggling stupidity... says:

      You have got to be F***king kidding me! This LOSER was not in the least gracious. With his white privilege he refused to acknowledge that he had be soundly trounced at the polls both by the popular and electoral votes to the extent that he kept the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA waiting for him to deliver his concession statement which by the way, his ARROGANCE precluded him from even preparing one. A LOSER in all respects of the word.

      Gracious my a**!

  13. Change is good says:


    • Logic76 says:

      That awkward moment when you fuse two opposite political ideals into one word…

  14. TheViewFromHere says:

    Obama came to power on the wings of a need for change. America has decided that he needs more time to fulfill his mission.
    Whilst it may not be exactly accurate to equate Bermuda with America, I’ll still assert that Bermuda needs change……and that change is the OBA.
    Go Obama……go OBA!

  15. swing voter says:

    Obama won because he’s honest sincere and fair. these qualities appeal to all right minded people of any race. I think that the UBP were dissolved for this same reason. I think that the OBA know and appreciate these qualities….and I think the PLP need to be sidelined for a good while to recover these same qualities that have been lost since the passing of Lois, and Cox senior. this current lot are not the PLP I voted for in 1998

  16. What? says:

    Well done President Obama! Now let’s enact change we sorely need in Bermy!

  17. Tuckers Town says:

    oh no Obama won, we cant go to Aspen or shopping in america anymore as the moon will drop from the sky

    if PLP win we will have to sell our $4,000,000 home and leave our jobs that pay me $475,000 a year before profit sharing and my wifes $200,000

    why cant people who look like me be in charge anymore

    let me go play some golf

    i am fed up

    • Spot says:

      Oh stop being such a little minded fool, The OBA look like you, the PLP look like you and the UBP look like you. All are people. You are just trying to be divisive, pretending to be someone you are not…. This is the PLP all over, fakers pretending, scheming, taking, lieing for their own republican like greed. Disgusting PLP

    • TheViewFromHere says:

      You just don’t get it do you? The thinly veiled r-card doesn’t cut it.

    • Logic76 says:

      You’ll be lucky if your house is worth 1/16th of it’s current value with the way things are going!

  18. Kim Smith says:

    What a wonderful result and what a powerful victory speech. We can all learn from President Barack Obama… we MUST all learn from his vision and his standard of excellence in everything, from family to politics.

    • Logic76 says:

      He certainly has an excellent kill rate when it comes to drone strikes killing innocent people.

      • Tommy Chong says:

        I’m sure his kill rate is nowhere as much as Romney’s cousins Bush junior & senior. Heck the bush boys are not only the reason hundreds of innocents in the middle east are killed but also the kill rate of American soldiers & the American economy.

        At least Obama is trying to bring all the rest of the soldiers back & also the economy. All Romney plan to do with set us back to bush administration times where the rich kept getting richer & the poor increased in numbers passed the point of most third world nations.

        • Logic76 says:

          Obama terrorizes innocent Pakistanis on an almost daily basis. The drone war he is waging in North Waziristan isn’t “precise” or “surgical” as he would have Americans believe. It kills hundreds of innocents, including children. And for thousands of more innocents who live in the targeted communities, the drone war makes their lives into a nightmare worthy of dystopian novels. People are always afraid. Women cower in their homes. Children are kept out of school. The stress they endure gives them psychiatric disorders. Men are driven crazy by an inability to sleep as drones buzz overhead 24 hours a day, a deadly strike possible at any moment. At worst, this policy creates more terrorists than it kills; at best, America is ruining the lives of thousands of innocent people and killing hundreds of innocents for a small increase in safety from terrorists. It is a cowardly, immoral, and illegal policy, deliberately cloaked in opportunistic secrecy. And Democrats who believe that it is the most moral of all responsible policy alternatives are as misinformed and blinded by partisanship as any conservative ideologue.

          Obama established one of the most reckless precedents imaginable: that any president can secretly order and oversee the extrajudicial killing of American citizens. Obama’s kill list transgresses against the Constitution as egregiously as anything George W. Bush ever did. It is as radical an invocation of executive power as anything Dick Cheney championed. The fact that the Democrats rebelled against those men before enthusiastically supporting Obama is hackery every bit as blatant and shameful as anything any talk radio host has done.

          Contrary to his own previously stated understanding of what the Constitution and the War Powers Resolution demand, President Obama committed U.S. forces to war in Libya without Congressional approval, despite the lack of anything like an imminent threat to national security.

          • Sandgrownan says:

            I don’t think the constituion says what you think it says. You sound tired.

            • Mind boggling stupidity... says:

              yah…agreed. @logic –>go back to sleep. sounds like you had a disappointing night.

            • Logic76 says:

              Please look up Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the US Constitution as well as the War Powers Resolution of 1973. The way I have interpreted the constitution is the exact same way the US Congress has interpreted and amended said document. By the way, I’m quite well rested.

              • Sandgrownan says:

                The 1973 act is written for a broader set of hostilities, a ground war, protracted or nnot. The scope and duration of bombing of Libya falls outside of that provision. Kind of like why the “right to bear arms” was written for a different situation.

                Secondly, Pakistan is the home to many people who do act against America and Americans. Obama is doing the right thing by not engaging troops.

                You may not like it, but it’s not illegal.

          • ABM says:

            I think you are alone with that train of thought.

            • Logic76 says:

              Then I am alone in stating the facts. Whatever way you cut it the deployment of US troops to Libya was completely unconstitutional in that it violated the War Powers Clause.

              In April 2010 President Obama placed Anwar al-Aulaqi, US citizen born in New Mexico, on a list of people the CIA was authorised to kill. This was completely unprecedented and the drone strike marked the first targeted killing of an American citizen by the USA. This was conducted in a country where the US has not declared war and the US has never formally tried Anwar al-Aulaqi or allowed him his constitutional right to due process. Was it warranted? In my opinion Anwar al-Aulaqi needed to be killed, but the consequences from blatantly disregarding the constitution and constitutional rights of US citizens are huge. There’s a right way and a wrong way to do things. If the USA wants to be the global police force we had better make sure they don’t abuse their power.

          • dinosaurmedia says:

            Logic 76 you are ABSOLUTELY right. it is too bad these people cannot pull their head out of the sand long enough to research the COMPLETE betrayal of the CONSTITUTION both he (OBAMA)and BUSH presided over.

            And the bombings as you mentioned are indeed horrible..much worse than MSNBC ABC NBC or FOX let on…. (where the pigs feed at the trough so to speak – for their “information”)

            • Logic76 says:

              Yet I continue to be labelled a republican or Romney supporter. In my opinion people fail to understand that the outcome of the election was completely irrelevant. We were screwed either way.

    • cant fool me says:

      Wat we gonna learn huh to be a mind contolled puppet ppl make me laugh America aint sh%^ jus look at kow they treat there own ppl much less others around the world a place were most money is spent on war n weapons pll need to pay attention n stop gettn caught up in d hype or cause he black,…….Eyes Wide Shut

      • Come Correct says:

        True, the only thing being President of the USA means is that the fereal reserve has their hand up your a#s making you talk. The President does not call the shots, the “patriots” do. I have to disagree with Tommy above, Obama isn’t bringing the troops home, their economy doesn’t have the jobs for it and their economy is relying on that oil in the middle east to be sold in US dollars. Plus things over that side of the world could go tits up any minute.

  19. Kim Smith says:

    Have you heard about Restore Bermuda? This is a new group of people, right here in Bermuda, who are forming along similar ideals of President Obama. Look for them… go to one of their meetings… you will be inspired with the type of hope that the President talks about.

  20. cant fool me says:


  21. Tommy Chong says:

    Congratulations! To President Obama.

    The world & Bermuda would have been a lot worse off if Romney got in. I hope these results have brought the likes of Michelle Malkin to tears & I hope that Obama’s new latino laws go as far as having massive groups of hispanics move into her neighborhood playing Mariachi music all hours of the day on full blast. Hispanics should come first in America not her people since their culture was there since before day one of colonization.

    • Logic76 says:

      Bermuda is better off because Obama was elected? I beg to differ. Last time I checked he openly views the island as a tax haven.

      • Tommy Chong says:

        Of course Obama views the island as a tax haven because it is. It doesn’t mean he’ll start getting IB pulled out of Bermuda especially since IB is as it states when not in acronym form international. Besides Obama has bigger fish to fry with all the American businesses that have the majority of manufacturing done in other countries. He’s already started with the automobile industry & is close to success with this & hopefully will move on to other industries. If Obama gets American economy to thrive again so will ours. Of course we may lose some solely American based IBs if Obama challenges this in the future but there are not many of these here to begin with. I can’t hate on a president doing what’s best for his nation its no ones fault but ours for our loss if this happens. We put all our eggs in one basket & are ignorant enough to think none will break c’est la vie.

    • Mind boggling stupidity... says:

      Really you a**, is that all hispanics do? Play Mariachi music all hours? Shame on you with this rascist drivel.

      • Tommy Chong says:

        What I meant was not intended to be racist & I know hispanics don’t just listen to Mariachi music as there are many forms of hispanic music. My comment was directed to the huge republican media supporter & hispanic hater Michelle Malkin. The comment was in jest to her feelings against hispanics & hopes that any who moved into her neighborhood wether or not they listen to Mariachi music would get some & play it non stop at full blast in spite of Michelle Malkin & many other Romney supporters views of hispanics. I would love for this to happen not because I know it would drive these people to the deep end as they deserved to be. I have hispanic friends & relatives living in America who were on edge with these elections & I’m happy they are relieved now. What Romney & his supporters especially Michelle Malkin with her appearance The View & her book did emotionally to the hispanic community in America was horrible & I think they deserve some sort of penance for doing so. Especially Michelle Malkin who has some nerve being who she is but as I see with many of her culture her parents somehow stuck it in her head that she was better that other minorities & this is a big problem in America & will be in Bermuda’s future.

    • American Zero says:

      Hispanics should get legal status 1st, then we’ll discuss other things

  22. dinosaurmedia says:

    Fools the all of you if you think your hope and change president or the OBA are going to make a damned bit of differnce it is already too late for you. i do not pity your feeble clinging on to hope – the hope that anyone of these elected puppets will do anything differnt than what they are told to do by their shadow government superiors (eminating from the source and center apf all the economic hardships – the central baking institutions)

    Kim Smith? Following the ideals of Obama? what is that Spending more money than any president in history?

    Executing (signing) more signing statements or executive orders (without the consent of congress – thereby bypassing the will of the people) than any president during the same time span? Presiding over an economy that is good for no-one exept wall street insiders? Presiding over 30000 manufacyuring jobs lost per month? Presiding over the bigest student debt in the history of the world (coincidentaly his most ardent supporters – fools) Continuing wars in the middle east against boogyman brown people on behalf of his zionist handlers? Do you know who gave Obama his first job out of college? find that out and then you will just begin to understand the magnitude of deception he – Romney, Bush, Clinton, any one of them…represent.

    The divide and conquer works so easily on the sheep…

    • Sandgrownan says:

      Hmmm…facts don’t work for you eh?

    • timeshavechanged! says:

      @dinosaurmedia—–go back to your cave..bread is more expensive than its ever been, all costs are up and more than ever in history because of inflation,..we don’t delflate we inflate,,,Bush was the worse president that America had the misfortune of voting in twice. Barrack came in on that mess and has been doing his best to navigate through the sh#T George left so cut some slack will ya..conception or deception your not the only one that thinks they know a bit of history about the Presidency..but regardless OBAMA won because he was the best choice!

      • dinosaurmedia says:

        I DISLIKED BUSH AS MUCH AS DISLIKE OBAMA guy…GOVENMENT EXCESSES IS THE PROBLEM NOTTHE SOLUTION! And OBAMA HAS DONE NOTHING to curb the excesses of the previous administration….same wars more spending and spiralling deficits…but that is okay…we can pas on the falloutto our grandchildern I suppose.

        People like you are not patriots rather betrayers of mankind.

  23. The Skink says:

    I hope we realize that International Business will be impacted by this election result. Look forward to further austerity. Yes, you may be cheering now but just wait until 12 months from now. No matter where you run on this earth you will feel the pinch. Just remember your bread and water will be sure!

    • Portia says:

      Skink, you are SO right. I wish people would open their eyes. But of course, the fact that the Dow just DROPPED 300 points this morning, with Wall Street down 2% has NOTHING to do with Obama being re-elected. Just coincidence?

      Yeah right!

  24. Jim Bean says:


  25. Jim Bean says:

    Its time for the Bermudian people to ask why the current Government spent $800,000 of their money to hire Mitt Romney’s National Finance Co-Chair (Eric Tanenblatt)and key strategic advisor. Out of the tens of thousands of qualified international law and government relations attorneys in Washington DC and New York, why would Paula pay nearly a million Bermudian dollars to a team based in the deep red southern state of Georgia? Instead of a team led by an established and qualified Democratic legal consultant would they funnel Bermudian taxpayer monies to a team led by a well-known Republican political operative to do away with the corporation of hamilton? A top fundraiser for George W. Bush, a fundraiser and advisor for Romney in 2008 and a key strategic advisor and National Finance Co-Chair for Romney’s 2012 campaign? To learn more following the links below, because the more you learn about this, the more you wonder.
    Yes – I am shocked – this is the PLP – by wthat do you expect?!

    And look the PLP lawyer who has $800K of our money also raised bucket loads for Bush – and note SO DID SLAYTON!!
    Bush-Cheney ’04 Fundraising
    Rangers and Pioneers
    Rangers ($200,000 or more)
    The initial group of 18 Rangers:
    Katherine E. Boyd – owner, Katherine Boyd Interior Decoration; appointed by Pres. George H.W. Bush (41) to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Hillsborough, California
    Joseph C. Canizaro – founder, president and chief executive officer of Columbus Properties, L.P., a commercial real estate development company headquartered in New Orleans, Louisiana >
    William O. DeWitt Jr. – president Reynolds DeWitt & Co. a Cincinnati-based investment firm; DeWitt and his wife were two of the four co-chairs of the 2001 Presidential Inaugural Committee, Ohio
    Richard J. Egan – served as ambassador to Ireland, Aug. 2001-Jan. 2003; founder and chairman emeritus of EMC Corporation, Massachusetts >
    Christopher F. Egan – manages Carruth Capital, LLC, a real estate investment and development company in Westborough, Massachusetts >
    Frank E. Fowler – art dealer (represents the original works of Andrew Wyeth); serves on the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, Lookout Mountain, Tennessee >
    Sam Fox – chairman, chief executive officer and founder of Harbour Group, Ltd.a privately owned company specializing in the acquisition and development of manufacturing companies; also national chairman of the Republican Jewish Coalition. St. Louis, Missouri >
    Bradford M. Freeman – a founding partner of Freeman Spogli & Co., a privately owned investment firm, California >
    Al Hoffman – chief executive officer of WCI Communities, Inc., the largest master-planned community developer and builder in Florida, Fort Myers, Florida >
    Robert W. Johnson IV – a member of the founding family of Johnson & Johnson, Johnson is chairman and CEO of The Johnson Company, Inc., and the New York Jets, LLC, New York >
    Nancy G. Kinder – president of the Kinder Foundation; wife of Richard Kinder, chairman and chief executive officer of Kinder Morgan Inc., an energy company in Houston, Texas >
    Carl H. Lindner – chairman of the board, chief executive officer, founder and principal shareholder of American Financial Group, Inc. a financial holding company principally engaged in property/casualty and life insurance, Ohio >
    Stan O’Neal – chairman, chief executive and president of Merrill Lynch, New York >
    Jamie Reynolds – along with Mercer Reynolds he owns Reynolds Plantation, an exclusive residential lake and golf community in Greene County, Georgia >
    Ned L. Siegel – president and managing partner of The Siegel Group, a commercial development and real estate management company; also serves on the OPIC Board of Directors, Boca Raton, Florida >
    Gregory W. Slayton – Silicon Valley entrepreneur, Palo Alto, California
    Eric Tanenblatt – chief of staff to Gov. Sonny Perdue, Georgia >
    Zachariah P. Zachariah, MD – prominent cardiologist in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

    AND TRY THIS – PLP is linked to a who is who of the Republicans!!
    And one more!!

    • Wait 4 it says:

      @ dinosaurmedia shut up and get over it!

      • Come Correct says:

        Interesting point!… Oh no wait, that wasn’t one…

        • Wait 4 it says:

          I can’t wait to see your face turn pink next month.

          • dinosaurmedia says:

            oh because I haven’t bought the snake oil I must be white? I mean the reference to the pink face is clear. I am not white… and it does not matter otherwise. See how the divide and conquer works?…because I am not for your guy (Obama assuredly)so i must be against you? Weak, weak, weak.?

        • Wait 4 it says:

          On here acting like you don’t care who wins plp or oba! You care we both care. The difference is you and the people like you think it’s 1982 when Swan was elected Premier.

          • dinosaurmedia says:

            I don’t care dont you realize there are forces at play larger than you ar I? Carefully read my psost again and look at the stats provided. i have been as unbiased as can be. Rather than read up on the CURRENT state of affairs this man disaterously presides over you are quick to say shut up. Spoken like a true liberal. once confronted with facts and unbias that is the best you can do? Tell me to shut up? what is next I suck on the blood of babies. You feeble sheep. Follow your Judas Sheep to slaughter if you insist…

          • Come Correct says:

            Still rambling with no facts or points…I was born in 87… You don’t know me so its impossible to compare me to anyone “like me” so keep going, and for the record its “Black Bermudians will decided the next election as we have always did(DONE) in the past.” Did is still past tense but it implies you won’t be doing it again so it sorta defeats the point of your sentence…sorry I shouldn’t be one correcting grammar but it tickles me pink :) . (really need a middle finger emoticon)

            • Wait 4 it says:

              It tickles me black, because that’s the only smile you’re going to have after the election results. On here acting like you don’t care which party wins. Give me a break. In the end one of us will be eating the others words. You just don’t realize it yet so get your plate ready, black Bermudians don’t trust people like you. Keep smiling and save the middle finger emoticon for the rain day that’s coming for you.

              • Come Correct says:

                Keep thinking that buddy. Guess what, when the election is over, no matter who wins, life will go on. I’ve lived through 14 years of one party running my home into the ground, why do you think this time will be any different? I don’t care who wins and no matter how many times you tell me I’m thinking otherwise like you can somehow read my mind and know who I am its not going to change the fact that I just don’t care. If the oba win, what can I do about it? If the plp win, what can I do about it? The only thing I can do is vote, that’s it. Anyway I’m clearly arguing with a ham that has brought up 0 facts and all racial remarks to somehow try and prove some twisted point you can’t back up. Just so you know, if the plp win you will still eat your word because things just won’t get any better, unless your part of the friends and family. Its not that the plp can’t do it, they’re just filled with greed, its that simple, especially when they can stand up and tell you oh well the ubp did it too. Lol your party is a fraud!

                • Wait 4 it says:

                  Ok pinky from a party that changed it’s name just for the sake of trying to get black votes. Now who’s the real fraud. Y U Mad LOL?

                  • Wait 4 it says:

                    Talking about mommy and daddy like black people get the hell off that. Mommy told you be good to the black girl, for what reason may I ask? Forget it pinky we both know the real reason. Keep fronting the blacks in black areas, know ones buying the milk anymore.

                    • Come Correct says:

                      Still spoutingnonsensebased onnofacts whatsoeverand showing yourtruecolorsfor all tosee lol thanks, you reallyare slow.

                    • Come Correct says:

                      Your arguments (or lack thereof) and name calling really showcase your education (or lack thereof) instead of pointing out any facts…at all…here’s a fact for you, NO one is buying the milk anymore. How can you not KNOW the difference between NO and KNOW? At least me calling you a ham was based off the fact you don’t even know the meaning of words or how to construct a sentence in the language you apparently speak from birth…I suppose you’re going TOO the store to get some more kool-aid, or are you going two the store? What a master debater you are.

                    • Wait 4 it says:

                      My argument and vote will count. Your vote is just as it always will be…. nothing, so stop trying to convince the rest of the blacks on this island your some nice man. I didn’t have all the opportunities you had growing up. My father died 3 years ago as a result of using dirty needles, I don’t need to repeat what he caught. My mom works 2 jobs, and I just left mine. For weeks you and the rest of the OBA supporters have been saying vulgar words on here about the PLP. When someone comes along to challenge you. Well let’s just say you state how you really feel about us uneducated and educated blacks. Everyone can have what you have some of us have to perform labor jobs. You went to college both parents are alive and well, but it doesn’t change the simple fact that you are fake for the votes. Why else would you place majority blacks in a majority white party. Simple strategy. Mr. Cannonier had it correct when he said stop the insults because all it does is continue to divide us……and we all know how that will work out for you. So call me dumb call me uneducated call me the N word you really want to use.

                    • Come Correct says:

                      But I dont want to use that word because I’m not a racist like you, you are dumb because you failed to realize I led you by the hand into making those racist comments about me and to further prove how dumb you are, I dropped out of BERMUDA college 2 months after starting, and still left with the knowledge of knowing know from no. Cannonier condemned rude comments toward the Premier, not racist idiots like you.

              • Anbu says:

                Ya ya ya….blah blah blah same dumb s$&t over and over we get it u don’t like white people!! Get over it!!!!

    • timeshavechanged! says:

      @dinosaurmedia—-GO OBAMA GO OBAMA of course it is past administrations fault all the problems just surfaced when OBAMA got in but they were already brewing from 911 so stfu! facts or no facts the Presidency is a business and the Federal reserve is in charge, the face of America remains OBAMA, maybe Mitt and he can work some issues out, it is what it is.. we in Bermuda have little power over the selection of our leader? parties have theirown constitutions so what is your point? things have gotten worse because they were on that road since all the wars Bush innitiated!———————–lalalalalaOBAMAlalala

      • dinosaurmedia says:

        Again read my post you bovinic leech. REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRAT PLP or OBA GOVENMENT IS THE PROBLEM NOT THE SOLUTION..fools like you get so offended when your party/favorite politician is insulted rather than realizing they are insulting us all….your type will never learn. i hope you have learned to swim? it is going to be a really useful tool when this ship we call “capitalism” sinks.

        • A Bermudian says:


          I have not read your post to check to see if what you are saying is true, so I won’t comment on your facts. I agree that Gov is at fault for many countries woes, however I have to admit they do serve a purpose (Good & Bad). But What I wonder is that if all the Governments around the world all dissolved, would it make things better? I agree that they can be behind many things that the average person does not realize, however you must admit they do play vital role in the everyday running of countries all around the world. Can you imagine the world with no order? I mean we have laws and police who are suppose to uphold the laws of the land(Not saying they do their job all the time) , but imagine if they no longer existed.

  26. E. Brobama says:

    No matter mitt or oboma they still serve the same masters Corporations and their owners the American oligarchy.

    • Mind boggling stupidity... says:

      Precisely. It is the American oligarchy that runs, controls the economy, scarce and natural resources. So when they take exception to a political figure like the President of the United States of America trying to tell them what to do with their money, their businesses, their corporations, what do they do? They suspend trading, investments, manufacturing and create the downward economic spiral through monetary contraction and all that is associated with that. It is a question of which face do they like?

      • dinosaurmedia says:

        I agree Look at my above posts… said the same thing…linked to economic facts that people could read for themselves and get called a cave dweller…some of these people…no hope for them. so myopic…will never see the entire chess board.

  27. Bermudian says:

    Congratulations to the President and First Lady! I think he deserves another term to try and fix the mess he inherited from the previous administration. The American people sought the courage for change and won. I only hope that we Bermudians do the same and elect the OBA in power. Our Island is on the brink of catastrophe under the current leadership. I will vote for the OBA because I do not have faith that the PLP will get us out of the mess we are in. Please Bermuda, think of our children, grandchildren come election day. Vote the party with the best ideas and who will take this Island forward. We need to vote the best party in who will get people working again, raise the bar in education and welcome foreigners who pump money into our economy. We need a party that will bring us together and not divide. Don’t vote merely on who your family has always voted for, or which side of the pond you live on. It is YOUR vote. Vote for the future, vote OBA!

  28. 21 Questions says:

    I don’t think I see this as a second term more so as a second chance he was lucky the republicans didn’t have a stronger presidential candidate because I do think he would have lost had it been a better candidate than Romney. The voting is over-publicized and it is just one big money grab and TV ratings. But good luck to America and Obama.

  29. Highly Concerned2 says:

    Congrats President Obama…

  30. Jai says:

    GOD’S SPEED President B. Obama, First Lady M. Obama, and the USA.

  31. Free Thinker says:

    The outcome of this election was predicted by the results of the Olympic 100 meter sprints, it has been so since 1976. It turns out that every time a Born Caribbean won the 100m sprints, a Democrat gets elected. See below.

    -Associated Press Contributed to this story


    100-metre winner: Hasely Crawford, Trinidad and Tobago

    Presidential winner: Jimmy Carter, Democrat


    N/A: US boycotted the Olympics


    100-metre winner: Carl Lewis, United States

    Presidential winner: Ronald Reagan, Republican


    100-metre winner: Carl Lewis, United States

    Presidential winner: George Bush, Republican


    100-metre winner: Linford Christie, Great Britain (born in Jamaica)

    Presidential winner: Bill Clinton, Democrat


    100-metre winner: Donovan Bailey, Canada (born in Jamaica)

    Presidential winner: Bill Clinton, Democrat


    100-metre winner: Maurice Greene, United States

    Presidential winner: George W. Bush, Republican


    100-metre winner: Justin Gatlin, United States

    Presidential winner: George W. Bush, Republican


    100-metre winner: Usain Bolt, Jamaica

    Presidential winner: Barack Obama, Democrat


    100-metre winner: Usain Bolt, Jamaica

    Presidential winner: To be decided: Decided now, Barack Obama.

  32. bir says:

    REMEMBER IF the whites in the USA were voting on the reace card Obama would not stand a chance.

    The american people Black or white want him to continue to complete what is he is trying too accomplish.

    I am support Obaama… give him another 4 years he deserves it..

  33. dinosaurmedia says:


    The stats and commentary courtesy of – which of course may be debateable but do some groundwork and you’ll quickly see that “hope and change” has failed…

    So…blame it all on Bush people…when is OBAMAS disatrous presidency going to be held accountable?

    Here we go…

    Both parties fully support the Federal Reserve.

    -Both parties supported the nomination of Ben Bernanke to a second term as the head of the Federal Reserve.

    -Both parties endlessly push the job-killing “free trade” agenda of the global elite.

    -Both parties see nothing wrong with running absolutely enormous trade deficits with the rest of the world.

    -Both parties supported TARP.

    -Both parties supported the “economic stimulus” packages.

    -Both parties supported the auto industry bailouts.

    -Both parties have run up massive amounts of federal debt when in power.

    -Both parties have greatly expanded the size of the federal government when in power.

    -Both parties are full of control freaks and both parties have added more layers of ridiculous regulations to our already overburdened society when in power.

    -Neither party supports getting rid of the income tax or the IRS.

    -Neither party has any intention of doing anything to prevent the coming derivatives crisis that could bring down the entire global financial system.

    -Both parties are absolutely showered with cash from the big Wall Street banks.

    -Both parties think that the TSA is doing a great job.

    -Both parties supported the NDAA and the renewal of the Patriot Act.

    -Both parties have greatly expanded the unconstitutional surveillance of American citizens by government agencies.

    -Both parties are extremely soft on illegal immigration.

    -Both parties have treated military veterans horribly.

    -Both parties are absolutely packed with corrupt politicians that are living the high life at your expense.

    -Neither party plans to balance the federal budget in 2013 if their candidate wins the election.

    -Neither party has a plan that will fix our deeply broken health care system.

    -Neither party has any plans to shut down the Federal Reserve. In fact, both parties see absolutely nothing wrong with our current system.

    #1 During the time Barack Obama has been in the White House, median household income has fallen by 7.3 percent.

    #2 Back in 2007, 19.2 percent of all American families had a net worth of zero or less than zero. By 2010, that figure had soared to 32.5 percent.

    #3 According to the Federal Reserve, the median net worth of American families dropped “from $126,400 in 2007 to $77,300 in 2010″.

    #4 According to the Pew Research Center, 61 percent of all Americans were “middle income” back in 1971. Today, only 51 percent of all Americans are “middle income”.

    #5 Back in 1970, middle income Americans brought home 62 percent of all income in the United States. In 2010, middle income Americans only brought home 45 percent of all income.

    #6 The unemployment rate in the United States has been above 8 percent for 42 straight months.

    #7 The percentage of working age Americans with a job has been below 59 percent for 35 months in a row.

    #8 In June, the number of Americans added to the food stamp rolls was nearly three times larger than the number of jobs added to the U.S. economy.

    #9 Approximately 53 percent of all U.S. college graduates under the age of 25 were either unemployed or underemployed last year.

    #10 Since Barack Obama entered the White House, the number of long-term unemployed Americans has risen from 2.7 million to 5.2 million.

    #11 Today, the average duration of unemployment in the United States is about three times as long as it was back in the year 2000.

    #12 According to a report that has just been released by the National Employment Law Project, 58 percent of the jobs that have been created since the end of the recession have been low paying jobs.

    #13 According to the Center for Economic and Policy Research, only 24.6 percent of all of the jobs in the United States are “good jobs”.

    #14 In 2010, the number of jobs created at new businesses in the United States was less than half of what it was back in the year 2000.

    #15 The average pay for self-employed Americans fell by $3,721 between 2006 and 2010.

    #16 According to U.S. Representative Betty Sutton, America has lost an average of 15 manufacturing facilities a day over the last 10 years. During 2010 it got even worse. That year, an average of 23 manufacturing facilities a day shut down in the United States.

    #17 At this point, one out of every four American workers has a job that pays $10 an hour or less.

    #18 While Barack Obama has been president the velocity of money has plunged to a post-World War II low.

    #19 According to one recent survey, 85 percent of middle class Americans say that it is harder to maintain a middle class standard of living today compared with 10 years ago.

    #20 Electricity bills in the United States have risen faster than the overall rate of inflation for five years in a row.

    #21 There are now 20.2 million Americans that spend more than half of their incomes on housing. That represents a 46 percent increase from 2001.

    #22 Over the past decade, health insurance premiums have risen three times faster than wages have in the United States.

    #23 Health insurance costs have risen by 23 percent since Barack Obama became president.

    #24 As I wrote about yesterday, back in 1980 less than 10 percent of U.S. GDP was spent on health care but now about 18 percent of U.S. GDP goes toward health care.

    #25 In a previous article, I noted that 62 percent of all middle class Americans say that they have had to reduce household spending over the past year.

    #26 Family budgets in America are being stretched to the breaking point. Today, 77 percent of all Americans live paycheck to paycheck at least part of the time.

    #27 While Barack Obama has been president, U.S. home values have fallen by another 11 percent.

    #28 More than three times as many new homes were sold in the United States in 2005 as will be sold in 2012.

    #29 The United States was once ranked #1 in the world in GDP per capita. Today we have slipped to #11.

    #30 Since Barack Obama became president, the number of Americans living in poverty has risen by 6.4 million.

    #31 The number of Americans on food stamps has grown from about 17 million in the year 2000 to 31.9 million when Barack Obama entered the White House to 46.7 million today.

    #32 Approximately one-fourth of all U.S. children are enrolled in the food stamp program at this point.

    #33 It is being projected that half of all American children will be on food stamps at least once before they turn 18 years of age.

    #34 It is estimated that child homelessness in the United States has risen by 33 percent since 2007.

    #35 Back in 1965, only one out of every 50 Americans was on Medicaid. Today, approximately one out of every 6 Americans is on Medicaid.

    #36 As I wrote about the other day, it is being projected that Obamacare will add 16 million more Americans to the Medicaid rolls.

    #37 It is being projected that the number of Americans on Medicare will grow from 50.7 million in 2012 to 73.2 million in 2025.

    #38 The number of Americans receiving federal housing assistance increased by a whopping 42 percent between 2006 and 2010.

    #39 At this point, well over 100 million Americans are enrolled in at least one welfare program run by the federal government