‘Independents Can Be Your Balanced Change’

October 18, 2012

[Written by Erwin P. Adderley & David J. Tavares]

Under the party system, while there can be open and spirited debate in Caucus prior to a vote or party decision taken on an issue, positions are taken with strong influence by a small group of individuals (“the Kitchen Cabinet” and special interest) who are not elected by the electorate.

Under the guise of collective responsibility, during the parliamentary debate all members must support the position adopted by the parties. Therefore, before, during and after the debates you only hear the party lines on the issues. All other options that may have been considered are not presented or debated.

With independent representatives in parliament, other options will be presented, debated and at least considered. The public can then best determine if they have got the best solution.

Mr Tavares on the left, Mr Adderley on the right:


The true values of an independent representative are freedom and personal responsibility. His or her campaign is giving back power to the people. The people of Bermuda would have a vote that would transcend a political party’s ideology. Your vote would be more valuable to Bermuda because it would maximize the benefits on all key issues without extreme positions of partisan politics.

An independent candidate provides the option of another alternative. Your Independent candidate is committed to addressing the following key areas of interest and concerns by encouraging joint select committees on:

  • Constitutional Reforms designed to improve parliamentary representation. Give power back to the people.
  • Social and economic bills of rights, regarding access to (a) relevant education, (b) affordable health care and housing, and (c) establishing a minimum wage.
  • The economy designed to ensure competitiveness, developing tourism up to a minimum of 20% of GDP, and reducing the dependency on Government funded programs.
  • Public Safety designed to develop policies that are comprehensive, relevant to today’s environment and adequately funded.

- Mr Adderley and Mr Tavares both plan to run as Independent candidates in the upcoming election. Mr Tavares plans to run in C#8 Smith’s South against the OBA’s Cole Simons and the PLP’s Wayne Perinchief, while Mr Adderley plans to run in C#19 Pembroke West against the PLP’s Vince Ingham and the OBA’s Jeanne Atherden.

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Articles that link to this one:

  1. “We Do Not Support The PLP Or The OBA” | Bernews.com | November 21, 2012
  1. SoMuchMore says:

    With balance change comes ‘SoMuchMore’ promises, lies, etc. Auntie Paula before you leave the island again, call the election pleeeeeeeeeeease.

  2. Conrad says:

    Unfortunately for both Mr. A and Mr. T (especially as both are fine gentlemen and this voter believes in independent candidates), this election is too critical for a Stuart Hayward moment – a vote for either is effectively a vote for the PLP in what should be reliable OBA seats.

    • Unbelievable & Sick N Tired!!!! says:

      Unbelievable, you wouldn’t vote your belief in order to satisfy your despise for the PLP!!!! Wow!!!

      • Conrad says:

        I am aware that we have had fourteen years of …and perverse Government by a gang pretending to represent the less fortunate and taken for granted in this country – many hundreds of millions of our dollars have been squandered at best on poorly conceived projects and at worse directly into the pockets of these … and this continues to be the case of this clique high that has hijacked a hitherto legitimate party and betrayed the aspirations of many thousands of Bermudians. They can and will all go to Hell, but in the meantime as I said a vote for anybody or party other than the OBA is a vote for more PLP…

      • longtail says:

        For many of us it is not a case of voting FOR any particular party or individual, but rather a case of wanting to vote AGAINST the plp and all the damage they have done to our island.

    • OZ says:

      What exactly do you mean by ” in what should be reliable OBA seats.” So you are assuming that you know how people will vote or are you just taking these voters for granted. Neither one of these gentlemen have come out previously against the system when they were part of the ruling party so me thinks this statement is self serving.

  3. Conrad says:

    OZ, “safe and reliable” means just that though in hind sight it is a bit redundnant and either word could have sufficed. Therefore going with the word “safe” but remembering one could just as easily substitute the other word in this usage, one finds it commonly used in electoral politics. All political parties have their core base and their “safe” seats and I think on previous voting patterns that the PLP’s is in neither of these constituencies but that a PLP candidate could win on less than a majority of votes cast with a split vote between the independent candidate and opposition in either constituency, something which the majority of voters do not want. Therefore I reiterate, in this election, a vote for an independent candidate is a vote for the PLP.

  4. longtail says:

    “Mr Adderley plans to run in C#19 Pembroke West against the PLP’s Vince Ingham and the OBA’s Jeanne Atherden”….. isn’t Jeanne Atherden Mr Adderley’s daughter?