Opposition Leader Calls On “Generation Next”

October 11, 2013

[Written by Opposition Leader Marc Bean]

Greetings Brothers and sisters.

Over the last few months I have witnessed a renewed vigor for us as a society at large to evolve.

At times we tend to operate in silos of influence and viewpoints. However there is a need for us all to take a more holistic perspective and action plan for the benefit of all.

To this end we again launch our call to the persons of our generation. Those 30-50 years of age. We must realize that our parents and grandparents did much to build the society in which we enjoy life. They did this in an effort to lay a foundation for us to carry forth the next phases of development.

We in turn have a moral duty to do the same for our children and grandchildren. So it is now unto our Generation who has the awesome responsibility of redefining our answers to the challenges facing us;

  • Spiritually
  • Financially
  • Socially
  • Academically

It is incumbent on our generation to now step up to the plate. Be it social, professional organizations or union related. Our society was founded and built on the vision and sweat of persons involved with workmens’ clubs, unions, community groups and yes political parties.

So today I call upon Generation Next to step out of our individual silos to chart a new path utilizing the many organizations that have defined Bermuda. Let us join in giving thanks to those in our generation who are presently doing their part coaching and mentoring the youths of Bermuda.

In closing I also wish to re iterate that I am only an email or inbox away marbean@northrock.bm

“No man is an island, No man stands alone”

Love you all

- Marc Bean

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Comments (81)

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  1. aceboy says:

    He comes out with these feel good comments one day and the next he is full of 1960s racial rhetoric. Will the real Marc Bean please stand up?

    • Mazumbo says:

      So what ya sayin is de 1960s cry for social justice and equality against racist bigots was rhetoric? LMFAO

      • Two more cents says:

        I don’t understand, isn’t starting with ‘Greetings brothers and sisters’ a racially diversive thing to say? This is a genuine question please, I’d always understood it to be a stirring comment to create segregation

        • Mike Hind says:

          Wow… really?
          I don’t see “Brothers and Sisters” as racially divisive at all.
          I have folks that call me – and I call folks – “brother” and “sister” all the time.

          To claim this is racially divisive because he’s speaking to a predominantly black crowd is as silly as some of the PLP demagogues asking why all the criticism of the PLP is against black folks.

          • My Kind says:

            Sorry Mike, but by starting his speech like that he made it clear that he is speaking to people of colour only. Maybe he doesn’t actually realize, but that’s the way it comes across – to almost everyone black or white.

            I referred to someone as ‘oriental’ recently and did not realize that it was an insult. I had to admit that I was wrong and that ignorance is no excuse. PLP needs to get someone who can lead them in this century, not the last century where everything they said was racially charged.

            • Mike Hind says:

              Of COURSE he was speaking to people of colour only.

              THAT’S WHO WAS THERE!

              This was an appropriate greeting to a group of people he was speaking to.

              What he WASN’T doing (not in this specific instant, anyway) was excluding anyone.

              There’s plenty for folks to get our knickers in a twist about. This isn’t one of them.

              Leave the mountain making to the propaganda merchants.

              • My Kind says:

                Ignore it if you like Mike but its still there. Dress something up but it will always sound like the same song over and over.

                • Mike Hind says:

                  I’m not ignoring it. I think I’ve explained this pretty well.

                  • My Kind says:

                    Oh well, if ‘you’ think you’ve explained it pretty well then that’s it (NOT).

                    • Mike Hind says:

                      Then what part of what I said are you not understanding? If I haven’t explained myself well enough to show that I’m not ignoring it, then how can I do it better?

        • Robert says:

          Dummy, we are all brothers and sister, of bermuda !!!

          • Woodrow Wilson says:

            Maybe, but brothers and sisters is a black greeting. no guessing his target audience. More divisiveness, less one bermuda Marc.

            • Mike Hind says:

              Imagine, using a “black greeting” to a group of folks that is predominantly black! How dare he!

              How is this divisive?

              Come on, guys. This is a non-issue.

              • My Kind says:

                Imagine using a ‘white greeting’ to a group of predominantly white folks. You can’t? You’re correct, because it would never happen. It could never happen. The person would be taken to the cleaners.

                • My Kind says:

                  By the same token, I don’t think anyone, anywhere should be hosting a black mayors convention in 2014. Imagine a white mayors convention.

                  • Mike Hind says:

                    Did you miss the part where… you know… history happened? Where “white mayor” and “White greeting” were redundancies?
                    Where black folks were FORCED into their own entities?
                    There’s a difference.

                    Do you think that there should be a “White Entertainment Network”, too?

                    Did you miss the part where we don’t have equality?

                    • My Kind says:

                      No I don’t think there should be white entertainment TV and that is the point. Pick another fight Mike. You are becoming an embarrassment.

                      Anyone who has any event limited to or intended to include one colour is living in the past. It simply should be frowned upon or not allowed at all.

                      I am free to disagree with you Mike. Get over yourself.

                    • Mike Hind says:

                      You’re starting to freak out and behave like the folks you usually speak out against.

                      I never said you weren’t allowed to disagree.

                      But what you’re not allowed to do is misrepresent what I said. You claimed I’m ignoring the problem. I’m not and I explained HOW I’m not.

                      Why are you resorting to the ad hominem of “you’re becoming an embarrassment” and the childish, ignorant lashing out down the thread.

                      Surely you’re better than that. Aren’t you?

              • Sandy Bottom says:

                So he was directing his comments to black people, and not to white people.

                • Mike Hind says:

                  No, he was directing his comments to his supporters. Just because the majority of them happen to be black doesn’t mean anything. If Premier Cannonier made the same greeting, would it be racially divided?

                  I’m pretty sure he wasn’t speaking to black OBA supporters (or independents), either.

      • aceboy says:

        It is rhetoric when it is simply being used to whip up the masses in 2013.

        • Robert says:

          Its only racial when a black person uses these words. I’ve heard Mike dunkley use brothers and sister on numerous occasions.

        • Mike Hind says:


          “Our society was founded and built on the vision and sweat of persons involved with workmens’ clubs, unions, community groups and yes political parties.” (and ignoring all the other factors that built this society) is the rhetoric.

          “Brothers and sisters” is simply a greeting.

          • Robert says:

            I hate to agree with you mike hind, but, spot on mate

          • My Kind says:

            Perhaps in that context Mike. But when the leader of the PLP, with the history they have, starts a speech in that fashion, it means just one thing.

            A bit like when you start playing a song, it will sound like a mando whatsit thingy. It will not sound like a piano no matter how you strum.

            What’s worse is his handlers must have known. Still trying to pull the ‘card’. Reminds me of a song:

            Bye bye PLP and their lies
            Drove my SUV to KFC for chicken and fries
            And Chris & LV and the rest of those byes singin
            PLP officially died
            PLP officially died…..

            • Mike Hind says:

              Sorry, but no.

              Like I said. Saying that this is racial because he said it to a group of predominantly black folk is as off-base as saying that someone criticising the same group is racist because he’s only picking on black folks.

              There are more important things to be outraged about.

              This isn’t one of them.

              • My Kind says:

                It matters not what the makeup of the audience was Mike. What he said does not change.

                In the same way, it matters not what the makeup of your audience is – the song is the same and you are responsible for it.

                But you are correct that there are bigger things to be outraged about.

                • Mike Hind says:

                  See, you’re wrong here. It absolutely DOES matter what the makeup of the audience is.
                  That’s one of the most important parts of being an entertainer! Being able to read a crowd and play to them.

                  I play differently for white groups, black groups, old groups, young groups, kids, adults, drinkers, non-drinkers, soccer moms and party girls.

                  And if you think “the song is the same” every time, you haven’t seen my act.

                  • My Kind says:

                    Very very poor comparison Mike. When you are leader of the opposition and giving a speech that will be broadcast to an entire country, you don’t just read the crowd that is in front of you. The entire country is your audience.

                    Come back to me when you’ve been an entertainer for a decade or three instead of just a few Fridays at the Dock.

                    I usually agree with the things you say but in this case, your lack of self awareness is astounding.

                    • Mike Hind says:

                      And now you’re just lashing out.

                      “Come back when you’ve been an entertainer for a decade or three”?


                      For someone as obsessed with me as you seem to be, you know absolutely nothing about me.

                      Do some research before you try the personal attacks.
                      Starting at a point of ignorance just makes you look stupid.

                    • Mike Hind says:

                      (And, for the record? YOU made the comparison. Not me. I just extended on it.)

                  • Sandy Bottom says:

                    What “audience” Mike? Wasn’t this a statement to Bermuda? Supposedly all of us?

                    Brothers and sisters had a definite, divisive meaning. Just like it does when he’s talking about “real Bermudians”.

                    • Mike Hind says:

                      Come on. He was speaking to his base.

                      This is NOT a big thing to get outraged about.

                      Leave the “Getting pissed at every little thing for political reasons” to the Mazumbos and Concerned Citizens of the world.

                      This just makes y’all look bad.

                    • Sandy Bottom says:

                      You seem to agree the phrase deliberately selects a certain part of the population. Whether it has significance is something we can agree to disagree on.

                      I’m not “getting pissed” at it. But I see it for what it is – code words which add to divisiveness.

                    • Mike Hind says:

                      And I disagree.

    • Concerned Citizen says:

      Marc bean does not use racial rhetoric.

      • Lebron says:

        I’m not sure. I am sure he talks utter s*** and is well out of his depth though.

      • Mike Hind says:

        No, just bigoted hate speech.

        • Robert says:

          See, there you go with your stupid a@# !!!!!

          • Mike Hind says:

            What’s stupid about it?

            Are you saying he DIDN’T use bigoted hate speech?

            ‘Cuz… um… he did.

            • Question says:

              That’s your opinion, Mike.

              Just your opinion.


              • Mike Hind says:

                How else would you describe it? Sorry, but by any definition, it was bigoted hate speech

                • Question says:

                  I want you to take a quote from his statement above and show me “Bigoted Hate Speech” – - (hint – there is none).

                  You are simply allowing your previous negative opinion of Mr. Bean and his previous comments to cloud your judgement (human, yes but wrong).

                  I will await your response.


  2. Verbal Kint says:

    Does this invitation extend to gay people, as well? If you are an e-mail away, does that mean I can e-mail you and you will answer questions about Spice Hill and Spring Benny? Ciao.

  3. BlueFamiliar says:

    This would come across a whole lot better if Mr. Bean would lead the way. Sadly, however, I don’t see that happening. I can only hope that the upcoming generation look past his hypocrisy and take the value in the message.

    • Verbal Kint says:

      That is a very valid and important analysis. I totally agree.

  4. Winnie Dread says:

    I concur Marc, the way our generation goes about things now will define the way forward for Bermuda. We have to make the emphasis be about our children and grands in order to succeed in all the areas you listed, if we don’t (sigh).

    • Hmmm says:

      Teach them to be responsible for their actions, teach them to be accountable for their actions, teach them to respect authority and to not expect to be given everything, but to have to work hard to earn it, from the grass roots level upwards, and teach them that THERE ARE NO BARRIERS, BUT THE BARRIERS THEY PLACE BEFORE THEMSELVES. Bermuda, be a people that number in greatness and not just a greater number of people.

      • Verbal Kint says:

        “Teach them to be responsible for their actions, teach them to be accountable for their actions, teach them to respect authority and to not expect to be given everything”
        Good idea, but are you sure Marc Bean is the guy with the necessary credibility to sell that message? I don’t think so.

  5. somuchless says:

    Bennie, what happened to ya leg bie? Cannioner trip you?

  6. bermudaboy says:

    Opposition Leader Marc Bean, I really like the sound of that!

  7. watching says:

    If we look at the new entrants to politics, the PLP newbies are far more knowledgeable and eloquent than the OBA newbies. I mean, compare Nandi Davis, Alexis Swan, Jeff Baron, Lynne Woolridge, Nalton Brangman, Sylvan Richards, to the PLP’s Marc Daniels, Renee Ming, Diallo Rabain, David Burt, Lawrence Scott. If we are being objective, there is no comparison. I would say that the future is much brighter on the Opposition side than the Government side.

    • Mike Hind says:

      This isn’t objective in the slightest. Not even a little bit.
      Come on. You can’t post something as biased as this and then claim objectivity.
      An ounce of honesty. Please.

      • watching says:

        Which part do you disagree with? Ms. Davis is virtually nonexistent. Ms. Swan a bit more visible, but still has some ways to go to show her political tenacity. Ms. Woolridge may speak in the senate but rarely speaks publicly on the news. Mr. Baron is probably the best of the OBA crew. Mr. Brangman has made verbal missteps week in and week out and has not been that effective. Sylvan Richards in the House has also had limited moments to shine, and has had some whoops moments which has turned off voters. On the PLP side, Mr. Daniels and Mr. Rabain have shown commitment and ability to speak and take stances on tough issues of the day. Ms. Ming would rank third however she is far more outspoken and visible than either of the OBA female senators, and also her opponent in the General Election. Mr. Burt is doing a stellar job in the House keeping the OBA on their toes. Mr. Lawrence Scott has a bit to go, which is interesting as he and Ms. Swan were opponents in 2012.

        • Mike Hind says:

          Thanks for proving the point. Your bias shows through (which is fine, I’m not saying it’s a bad thing) even in this post.
          I’m only saying, as I said, “You can’t post something as biased as this and then claim objectivity.”

    • DarkSideofTheMoon says:

      You have a point there…

  8. Ma'at says:

    Anyone who knows Mr. Bean wouldn’t make such comments as “hypocrit”, moreover, to one of those other comments that i read Mr. Bean has been a leader way before he became a senator & opposition leader…so he has been leading and has started the ball rolling. Instead of focusing on the person, focus on the message being put forward, which, evidently makes a whole lot of sense. Reading the message is different from studying it, instead we’re studying the ‘surface’ of the person and ‘nickpicking’ little sentences and words, making something out of nothing – and then we wonder y we cannot survive as a country. Everyone should take heed to this message, including the OBA if you’re seeking for the betterment of the country, especially the young politicians of the present government.

    What stood out to me even more is that we as ppl need to wake up and realize that WE are the government not THEM which is why these and many other stances have been called upon by US. We NEED to make things happen….our forefathers did it so why all this lipservice…it truly is time for us to step up to the plate in some way shape or form and enhance upon what was laid for us through blood, sweat and tears. We’re moving like we are ungrateful for what we have been given and blessed with and then we wonder y we are suffering as a community and our youngens are out here killing one another. We are punishing and condemning ourselves and not even realizing it – dilluding ourselves by pointing fingers so that it takes the heat off….smh

    It takes a village to raise a child?? no..how bout it takes a commUNITY to raise a better nation.

    • Hmmm says:

      He pointed out attainments, but not the moral compass to guide. Without the moral compass many ships will flounder on the reefs.

      This tells me he really doesn’t understand and isn’t actually helping.

    • Victor says:

      Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, that nice man, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, he goes to Church too you know, blah, blah, blah blah, blah, blah, etc

  9. Comment is Free says:

    Where in this statement is there any substance? What is he asking people to do?

  10. Paying attention says:

    The PLP ruined it for our children!

  11. Victor says:

    Typical PLP arrogance, carrying on like he has some God given moral high ground when in fact it is just the same petty arrogance and self-righteousness that allowed this party to destroy the fabric and economy of this community.

  12. Supergood says:

    Hey Marc, what about “Generation Last” ?

    The one that f***** up this country.

    • Hmmm says:

      And generation lost….the people who grew up and are struggling after 14 years of the PLP

      • Hmmm says:

        And generation vexed. All those that lost their jobs under the PLP and will from the fallout.

        • Sandy Bottom says:

          And generation unemployed, after thousands of jobs were lost and exported under the PLP.

  13. Jim Bean says:

    Bunch of trash!!!! No substance! Says nuffin! The PLP newbies simply rehash old rhetoric with a new flair. Same old crap. Business is evil. PLP cares – yet they KILLED Bermuda. They say come together and then say anyone that is not PLP are evil. They all wear PLP badges!!!!!!!!! That is not calling people together! Scum!!

  14. Time Shall Tell says:

    I honestly hope the posts posted on these boards don’t truly reflect the views of Bermuda. If it does then it is no wonder why we are so lost as a country….

  15. Sensitive_Guy says:

    My only wish is that people in this island would stop with all of the back and forth nonsence and everybody lets put this island where it should be, I always say this island can be a model for the world to envy but people are so divided and “selfish”. I wish there were more reasonable people on this island.

  16. Milton says:

    Wow if these are the voters for “change” then we’ve “changed” into some virulent and nasty evil b@$+@®d$. The man write a message of love and addressed us as brothers and sisters. The only way thatwould offend you is of being a brother or sister to a black or a white is offensive to you. Although it makes some of you devils cringe, brotherhood is interracial. It is a human brotherhood. People of Faith would understand and believe that. We are all children of Adam.

    • Mike Hind says:

      Not really… it was pretty virulent, nasty and evil before this, too, with people saying some really disgusting things.

      Nothing’s really changed on that front.

      (By the way? Calling people “devils”? That’s kind of nasty and evil.)

      • Question says:


        You like music, right?

        Youtube this one – “Brotherhood of Man” – How to Success in Business Without Really Trying (Broadway hit 2011).


        • Question says:

          *How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” – starring Daniel Radcliffe.



    • Sandy Bottom says:

      Ah. We’re “evil devils”. Got it.